import path from 'path'; import * as electron from 'electron'; import * as models from '../../models'; import {globalBeforeEach} from '../../__jest__/before-each'; describe('migrate()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await globalBeforeEach(); = jest.genMockFunction().mockReturnValue(1234567890); jest.useFakeTimers(); }); it('migrates utf8 body correctly', async () => { const initialModel = {body: 'hello world!', encoding: 'utf8'}; const newModel = models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); const expectedBodyPath = path.join('userData'), `responses/` ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer({bodyPath: expectedBodyPath}); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody + '').toBe('hello world!'); }); it('migrates base64 body correctly', async () => { const initialModel = {body: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh', encoding: 'base64'}; const newModel = models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); jest.runAllTimers(); const expectedBodyPath = path.join('userData'), `responses/` ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer({bodyPath: expectedBodyPath}); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody + '').toBe('hello world!'); }); it('migrates empty body', async () => { const initialModel = {body: ''}; const newModel = models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); jest.runAllTimers(); jest.runAllTimers(); const expectedBodyPath = path.join('userData'), 'responses/' ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer({bodyPath: expectedBodyPath}); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody + '').toBe(''); }); it('does not migrate body again', async () => { const initialModel = {bodyPath: '/foo/bar'}; const newModel = models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe('/foo/bar'); }); });