import faker from 'faker'; import spectronKeys from 'spectron-keys'; export const workspaceDropdownExists = async (app, workspaceName = 'Insomnia') => { await app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.workspace-dropdown', workspaceName); }; export const pageDisplayed = async app => { await app.client.react$('WrapperDebug').then(e => e.waitForDisplayed()); }; export const clickWorkspaceDropdown = async app => { const dropdown = await app.client.react$('WorkspaceDropdown'); await; return dropdown; }; export const goToDashboard = async app => { await app.client.$('.header_left a').then(e =>; }; export const createNewRequest = async (app, name) => { await app.client.$('.sidebar .dropdown .fa-plus-circle').then(e =>; await app.client .$('[aria-hidden=false]') .then(e => e.$('button*=New Request')) .then(e =>; // Wait for modal to open await app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.modal__header', 'New Request'); // Set name and create request const input = await app.client.$('.modal input'); const requestName = `${name}-${faker.lorem.slug()}`; await input.waitUntil(() => input.isFocused()); await input.keys(requestName); await app.client .$('.modal .modal__footer') .then(e => e.$('button=Create')) .then(e =>; await waitUntilRequestIsActive(app, requestName); }; const waitUntilRequestIsActive = async (app, name) => { const request = await app.client.react$('SidebarRequestRow', { props: { isActive: true, request: { name } }, }); await request.waitForDisplayed(); }; export const clickFolderByName = async (app, name) => { const folder = await app.client.react$('SidebarRequestGroupRow', { props: { requestGroup: { name } }, }); await folder.waitForClickable(); await; }; export const clickRequestByName = async (app, name) => { const folder = await app.client.react$('SidebarRequestRow', { props: { request: { name } }, }); await folder.waitForClickable(); await; }; export const typeInUrlBar = async (app, url) => { const urlEditor = await app.client.react$('RequestUrlBar'); await urlEditor.waitForExist(); await; await urlEditor.keys(url); }; export const clickSendRequest = async app => { await app.client .react$('RequestUrlBar') .then(e => e.$('.urlbar__send-btn')) .then(e =>; // Wait for spinner to show const spinner = await app.client.react$('ResponseTimer'); await spinner.waitForDisplayed(); // Wait for spinner to hide await spinner.waitForDisplayed({ reverse: true }); }; export const expect200 = async app => { const tag = await app.client.$('.response-pane .pane__header'); await tag.waitForDisplayed(); await expectText(tag, '200 OK'); }; export const expect401 = async app => { const tag = await app.client.$('.response-pane .pane__header'); await tag.waitForDisplayed(); await expectText(tag, '401 Unauthorized'); }; export const getResponseViewer = async app => { // app.client.react$('ResponseViewer') doesn't seem to work because ResponseViewer is not a PureComponent const codeEditor = await app.client.$('.response-pane .editor'); await codeEditor.waitForDisplayed(); return codeEditor; }; export const getTimelineViewer = async app => { const codeEditor = await app.client.react$('ResponseTimelineViewer'); await codeEditor.waitForDisplayed(); return codeEditor; }; export const getCsvViewer = async app => { const csvViewer = await app.client.react$('ResponseCSVViewer'); await csvViewer.waitForDisplayed(); return csvViewer; }; export const getPdfCanvas = async app => { const pdfViewer = await app.client.react$('ResponsePDFViewer'); await pdfViewer.waitForDisplayed(); const canvas = await pdfViewer.$('.S-PDF-ID canvas'); await canvas.waitForDisplayed(); return canvas; }; export const clickRequestAuthDropdown = async app => { await app.client .react$('AuthDropdown') .then(e => e.react$('DropdownButton')) .then(e =>; }; export const clickRequestAuthTab = async app => { await app.client .react$('RequestPane') .then(e => e.$('#react-tabs-2')) .then(e =>; }; const basicAuthPause = 300; export const clickBasicAuth = async app => { await app.client .react$('AuthDropdown') .then(e => e.react$('DropdownItem', { props: { value: 'basic' } })) .then(e =>; // Wait for basic auth to be enabled on the request await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); }; export const expectNoAuthSelected = async app => { const wrapper = await app.client.react$('RequestPane').then(e => e.react$('AuthWrapper')); await wrapper.waitForDisplayed(); await expectText(wrapper, 'Select an auth type from above'); }; export const typeBasicAuthUsernameAndPassword = async (app, username, password, clear = false) => { const basicAuth = await app.client.react$('BasicAuth'); await basicAuth.waitForExist(); const usernameEditor = await app.client.react$('OneLineEditor', { props: { id: 'username' }, }); await; // Wait for the username editor field to update await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); if (clear) { await selectAll(app); } await usernameEditor.keys(username); const passwordEditor = await app.client.react$('OneLineEditor', { props: { id: 'password' }, }); await; // Allow username changes to persist and wait for // the password editor field to update await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); if (clear) { await selectAll(app); } await passwordEditor.keys(password); // Allow password changes to persist await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); }; export const toggleBasicAuthEnabled = async app => { await app.client .react$('BasicAuth') .then(e => e.$('button#enabled')) .then(e =>; // Allow toggle to persist await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); }; export const toggleBasicAuthEncoding = async app => { await app.client .react$('BasicAuth') .then(e => e.$('button#use-iso-8859-1')) .then(e =>; // Allow toggle to persist await app.client.pause(basicAuthPause); }; export const expectText = async (element, text) => { await expect(element.getText()).resolves.toBe(text); }; export const expectContainsText = async (element, text) => { await expect(element.getText()).resolves.toContain(text); }; export const expectNotContainsText = async (element, text) => { await expect(element.getText()).resolves.not.toContain(text); }; export const clickTimelineTab = async app => { await app.client .$('.response-pane') .then(e => e.$('#react-tabs-16')) .then(e =>; // Wait until some text shows const codeEditor = await getTimelineViewer(app); await app.client.waitUntil(() => codeEditor.getText()); }; export const selectAll = async app => { await app.client.keys(spectronKeys.mapAccelerator('CommandOrControl+A')); };