# `inso` A CLI to accompany Insomnia Designer
npm i -g insomnia-inso
Table of Contents ================= * [Data source](#data-source) * [The `[identifier]` argument](#the-identifier-argument) * [Global options](#global-options) * [Commands](#commands) + [ `inso generate config` ](#-inso-generate-config-options-identifier) + [ `inso lint spec` ](#-inso-lint-spec-identifier) + [ `inso run test` ](#-inso-run-test-options-identifier) + [ `inso export spec` ](#-inso-export-spec-identifier) + [ `inso script` ](#-inso-script-name) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Git Bash](#git-bash) * [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) * [Development](#development) # Data source `inso` will first try to find a `.insomnia` directory in it's working directory. This directory is generated in a git repository when using git sync in Designer. When `inso` is used in a CI environment, it will always run against the `.insomnia` directory. If `inso` cannot find the `.insomnia` directory, it will try to run against the Designer app data directory (if found). You can override both the working directory, and the app data directory, using the `--working-dir` and `--app-data-dir` global options. # The `[identifier]` argument Typically, Insomnia database id's are quite long, for example: `wrk_012d4860c7da418a85ffea7406e1292a` . When specifying an identifier for `inso` , similar to Git hashes, you may choose to concatenate and use the first x characters (for example, `wrk_012d486` ), which is very likely to be unique. If in the rare chance the short id is _not_ unique against the data, `inso` will inform as such. Additionally, if the `[identifier]` argument is ommitted from the command, `inso` will search in the database for the information it needs, and prompt the user. Prompts can be disabled with the `--ci` global option. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kong/insomnia/develop/packages/insomnia-inso/assets/ci-demo.gif) # Global options `$ inso [global options] [command]` |Global option|Alias|Description| |- |- |- | | `--workingDir ` | `-w` |set working directory| | `--appDataDir ` | `-a` |set the app data directory| | `--config ` | |path to the configuration file| | `--ci` | | run in CI, disables all prompts | | `--version` | `-v` |output the version number| | `--help` | `-h` |display help for a command| # Commands ## `$ inso generate config [identifier]` Similar to the Kong [Kubernetes](https://insomnia.rest/plugins/insomnia-plugin-kong-kubernetes-config) and [Declarative](https://insomnia.rest/plugins/insomnia-plugin-kong-declarative-config) config plugins for Designer, this command can generate configuration from an API specification, using [openapi-2-kong](https://www.npmjs.com/package/openapi-2-kong). **`[identifier]`**: this can be a **document name, id, or a file path** relative to the working directory. |Option|Alias|Description| |- |- |- | | `--type ` | `-t` |type of configuration to generate, options are `kubernetes` and `declarative` (default: `declarative` ) | | `--output ` | `-o` |save the generated config to a file in the working directory| ### Examples When running in the git-repo directory Not specifying any arguments will prompt ``` sh inso generate config ``` Scope by the document name or id ``` sh inso generate config spc_46c5a4 --type declarative inso generate config "Sample Specification" --type kubernetes ``` Scope by a file on the filesystem ``` sh inso generate config spec.yaml inso generate config spec.yaml --workingDir another/dir ``` Output to file ``` sh inso generate config spc_46c5a4 --output output.yaml inso generate config spc_46c5a4 > output.yaml ``` ## `$ inso lint spec [identifier]` Designer has the ability to lint and validate your OpenAPI specification as you write it. This command adds the same functionality to `inso` , in order to run linting during CI workflows. Lint results will be printed to the console, and `inso` will exit with an appropriate exit code. **`[identifier]`**: this can be a **document name, or id**. ### Examples When running in the git-repo directory Not specifying any arguments will prompt ``` sh inso lint spec ``` Scope by the document name or id ``` sh inso lint spec spc_46c5a4 inso lint spec "Sample Specification" ``` ## `$ inso run test [identifier]` API Unit Testing was introduced with Designer 2020.3.0, and this command adds the functionality to execute those unit tests via the command line, very useful for a CI environment. `inso` will report on test results, and exit with an appropriate exit code. **`[identifier]`**: this can be the **name or id** of a **workspace, document, or unit test suite**. The test runner is built on top of Mocha, thus many of the options behave as they would in Mocha. The options currently supported are: |Option|Alias|Description| |- |- |- | | `--env ` | `-e` |the environment to use - an environment name or id | | `--reporter ` | `-r` |reporter to use, options are `dot, list, spec, min and progress` (default: `spec` )| | `--testNamePattern ` | `-t` | run tests that match the regex| | `--bail` | `-b` | abort ("bail") after the first test failure| | `--keepFile` | | do not delete the generated test file (useful for debugging)| ### Examples When running in the git-repo directory Not specifying any arguments will prompt ``` sh inso run test ``` Scope by the document name or id ``` sh inso run test "Sample Specification" --env "OpenAPI env" inso run test spc_46c5a4 --env env_env_ca046a ``` Scope by the a test suite name or id ``` sh inso run test "Math Suite" --env "OpenAPI env" inso run test uts-7f0f85 --env env_env_ca046a ``` Scope by test name regex, and control test running and reporting ``` sh inso run test "Sample Specification" --testNamePattern Math --env env_env_ca046a inso run test spc_46c5a4 --reporter progress --bail --keepFile ``` More examples: [#2338](https://github.com/Kong/insomnia/pull/2338). ## `$ inso export spec [identifier]` This command will extract and export the raw OpenAPI specification from the data store. If the `--output` option is not specified, the spec will print to console. **`[identifier]`**: this can be a **document name, or id**. |Option|Alias|Description| |- |- |- | | `--output ` | `-o` |save the generated config to a file in the working directory| ### Examples When running in the git-repo directory Not specifying any arguments will prompt ``` sh inso export spec ``` Scope by the document name or id ``` sh inso export spec spc_46c5a4 inso export spec "Sample Specification" ``` Output to file ``` sh inso export spec spc_46c5a4 --output output.yaml inso export spec spc_46c5a4 > output.yaml ``` ## `$ inso script ` The `inso` [config file](#configuration) supports scripts, akin to NPM scripts defined in a `package.json` file. These scripts can be executed by `inso` by running `inso script ` , or simply `inso ` as this is the default command. Any options passed to this command, will be forwarded to the script being executed. ### Examples When running in the git-repo directory, with the following inso config file. ``` yaml # .insorc.yaml scripts: lint: lint spec "Sample Specification" gen-conf: generate config "Sample Specification" gen-conf:k8s: gen-conf --type kubernetes ``` Run commands with or without the `script` prefix ``` bash inso script gen-conf inso gen-conf ``` If a conflict exists with another command (eg. `lint` ), you must prefix with `script` ``` bash inso script lint inso lint # will not work ``` Any options passed during script invocation will be forwarded to the script ``` bash inso gen-conf # generates declarative config (default) inso gen-conf:k8s # generates kubernetes config inso gen-conf:k8s -t declarative # generates declarative config inso gen-conf:k8s -o output.yaml # generates kubernetes config to output.yaml ``` # Configuration Inso can be configured with a configuration file, allowing you to specify options and scripts. For example, when running in a CI environment, you may choose to specify the steps as scripts in a config file, so that the same commands can be run both locally and in CI. Inso uses [cosmiconfig](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig) for config file management, meaning any of the following items found in the working tree are automatically used: + `inso` property in `package.json` + `.insorc` file in JSON or YAML format + `.insorc.json` file + `.insorc.yaml` , `.insorc.yml` , or `.insorc.js` file + `inso.config.js` file exporting a JS object Alternatively, you can use the `--config ` global option to specify an exact file to use, if it exists outside the directory tree. **Options** Options from the config file are combined with option defaults and any explicit overrides specified in script or command invocations. This combination is in priority order: command options > config file options > default options. Any options specified in this file will apply to all scripts and manual commands. You can override these options by specifying them explicitly, when invoking a script or command. Only [global options](#global-options) can be set in the config file. **Scripts** Scripts can have any name, and can be nested. Scripts must be prefixed with `inso` (see example below). Each command behaves the same way, as described in the sections above. ### Example ``` yaml # .insorc.yaml options: ci: false scripts: test-spec: inso run test Demo --env DemoEnv --reporter progress test-spec:200s: inso testSpec --testNamePattern 200 test-spec:404s: inso testSpec --testNamePattern 404 test-math-suites: inso run test uts_8783c30a24b24e9a851d96cce48bd1f2 --env DemoEnv test-request-suite: inso run test uts_bce4af --env DemoEnv --bail lint: inso lint spec Demo # must be invoked as `inso script lint` gen-conf: inso generate config "Designer Demo" --type declarative gen-conf:k8s: inso gen-conf --type kubernetes ``` # Git Bash Git Bash on Windows is not interactive and therefore prompts from `inso` will not work as expected. You may choose to specify the identifiers for each command explicitly, or run `inso` using `winpty` : ``` winpty inso.cmd generate config ``` # Continuous Integration `inso` has been designed to run in a CI environment, disabling prompts and providing exit codes to pass or fail the CI workflow accordingly. An example workflow run in Github Actions is as follows. This example will checkout > install NodeJS > install inso > run linting > run unit tests > generate configuration. If any of these steps fail, the GH workflow will as well. ``` yaml # .github/workflows/test.yml name: Test jobs: Linux: name: Validate API spec runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout branch uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install NodeJS uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - name: Install inso run: npm install -g insomnia-inso - name: Lint run: inso lint spec "Designer Demo" --ci - name: Run test suites run: inso run test "Designer Demo" --env UnitTest --ci - name: Generate declarative config run: inso generate config "Designer Demo" --type declarative --ci ``` # Development * Bootstrap: `npm run bootstrap` * Start the compiler in watch mode: `npm run watch` * Run: `./bin/inso -v`