import path from 'path'; import zlib from 'zlib'; import fs from 'fs'; import * as models from '../../models'; import { globalBeforeEach } from '../../__jest__/before-each'; import { getDataDirectory } from '../../common/misc'; describe('migrate()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await globalBeforeEach(); = jest.fn(() => 1234567890); jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(async () => { // Reset to real timers so that other test suites don't fail. jest.useRealTimers(); }); it('migrates utf8 body correctly', async () => { const initialModel = { body: 'hello world!', encoding: 'utf8' }; const newModel = await models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); const expectedBodyPath = path.join( getDataDirectory(), `responses/`, ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer(newModel); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody.toString()).toBe('hello world!'); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); }); it('migrates base64 body correctly', async () => { const initialModel = { body: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh', encoding: 'base64' }; const newModel = await models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); jest.runAllTimers(); const expectedBodyPath = path.join( getDataDirectory(), `responses/`, ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer(newModel); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody.toString()).toBe('hello world!'); }); it('migrates empty body', async () => { const initialModel = { body: '' }; const newModel = await models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); jest.runAllTimers(); jest.runAllTimers(); const expectedBodyPath = path.join( getDataDirectory(), 'responses/', ); const storedBody = models.response.getBodyBuffer(newModel); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe(expectedBodyPath); expect(storedBody.toString()).toBe(''); }); it('does not migrate body again', async () => { const initialModel = { bodyPath: '/foo/bar' }; const newModel = await models.initModel(models.response.type, initialModel); // Should have stripped these expect(newModel.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(newModel.encoding).toBeUndefined(); // Should have set bodyPath and stored the body expect(newModel.bodyPath).toBe('/foo/bar'); }); it('does it', async () => { const bodyPath = path.join(getDataDirectory(), ''); fs.writeFileSync(bodyPath, zlib.gzipSync('Hello World!')); const response = await models.initModel(models.response.type, { bodyPath }); const body = await models.response.getBodyBuffer(response).toString(); expect(response.bodyCompression).toBe('zip'); expect(body).toBe('Hello World!'); }); it('migrates old bodies', async () => { const response = await models.initModel(models.response.type, { body: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh', encoding: 'base64', }); const body = await models.response.getBodyBuffer(response).toString(); expect(response.bodyCompression).toBe(null); expect(body).toBe('hello world!'); }); it('migrates leaves bodyCompression for null', async () => { expect( (await models.initModel(models.response.type, { bodyPath: '/foo/bar', bodyCompression: null, })).bodyCompression, ).toBe(null); }); it('migrates sets bodyCompression to zip if does not have one yet', async () => { expect( (await models.initModel(models.response.type, { bodyPath: '/foo/bar', })).bodyCompression, ).toBe('zip'); }); it('migrates leaves bodyCompression if string', async () => { expect( (await models.initModel(models.response.type, { bodyPath: '/foo/bar', bodyCompression: 'zip', })).bodyCompression, ).toBe('zip'); }); }); describe('cleanDeletedResponses()', function() { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); afterEach(function() { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('deletes nothing if there is no files in directory', async function() { const mockReaddirSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'readdirSync'); const mockUnlinkSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'unlinkSync'); mockReaddirSync.mockReturnValueOnce([]); mockUnlinkSync.mockImplementation(); await models.response.cleanDeletedResponses(); expect(fs.unlinkSync.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); it('only deletes response files that are not in db', async function() { const responsesDir = path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'responses'); let dbResponseIds = await createModels(responsesDir, 10); let notDbResponseIds = []; for (let index = 100; index < 110; index++) { notDbResponseIds.push('res_' + index); } const mockReaddirSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'readdirSync'); const mockUnlinkSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'unlinkSync'); mockReaddirSync.mockReturnValueOnce([...dbResponseIds, ...notDbResponseIds]); mockUnlinkSync.mockImplementation(); await models.response.cleanDeletedResponses(); expect(fs.unlinkSync.mock.calls.length).toBe(notDbResponseIds.length); Object.keys(notDbResponseIds).map(index => { const resId = notDbResponseIds[index]; const bodyPath = path.join(responsesDir, resId); expect(fs.unlinkSync.mock.calls[index][0]).toBe(bodyPath); }); }); }); /** * Create mock workspaces, requests, and responses as many as {@code count}. * @param responsesDir * @param count * @returns {Promise} the created response ids */ async function createModels(responsesDir, count) { if (count < 1) { return []; } let responseIds = []; for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) { const workspaceId = 'wrk_' + index; const requestId = 'req_' + index; const responseId = 'res_' + index; await models.workspace.create({ _id: workspaceId, created: 111, modified: 222, }); await models.request.create({ _id: requestId, parentId: workspaceId, created: 111, modified: 222, metaSortKey: 0, url: '', }); await models.response.create({ _id: responseId, parentId: requestId, statusCode: 200, body: 'foo', bodyPath: path.join(responsesDir, responseId), }); responseIds.push(responseId); } return responseIds; }