# Importers [![Npm Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/insomnia-importers.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/insomnia-importers) This repository contains converters to translate popular HTTP data formats to the latest Insomnia format. Supported import types include: - Insomnia v1, v2, v3, v4 - Postman v2.0 - Postman Environment - HTTP Archive Format 1.2 (HAR) - cURL - Swagger 2.0 - OpenAPI 3.0 - WSDL ## Installation For usage on **command line**, install globally ```shell npm install -g insomnia-importers ``` For programmatic usage, install in project ```shell npm install insomnia-importers ``` ## Command Line Usage ```shell insomnia-import /path/to/har-export.json > insomnia-export.json ``` ## Programmatic Usage ```ts import { importers } from 'insomnia-importers'; (async function () { // Convert a Curl command const output = await importers.convert( 'curl -X POST https://insomnia.rest --data "Cool!"' ); // Pretty print the result console.log(JSON.stringify(output.data, null, 2)); })(); ``` ## Running Tests Run all tests ```shell npm run test ``` Run test watcher ```shell npm run test:watch ```