import Analytics from 'analytics-node'; import * as electron from 'electron'; import { buildQueryStringFromParams, joinUrlAndQueryString } from 'insomnia-url'; import * as uuid from 'uuid'; import { getAccountId } from '../account/session'; import { database as db } from '../common/database'; import * as models from '../models/index'; import type { RequestParameter } from '../models/request'; import { isSettings } from '../models/settings'; import { getAppId, getAppName, getAppPlatform, getAppVersion, getGoogleAnalyticsId, getGoogleAnalyticsLocation, getSegmentWriteKey, isDevelopment, } from './constants'; import { getScreenResolution, getUserLanguage, getViewportSize } from './electron-helpers'; const DIMENSION_PLATFORM = 1; const DIMENSION_VERSION = 2; const KEY_TRACKING_ID = 'tid'; const KEY_VERSION = 'v'; const KEY_CLIENT_ID = 'cid'; const KEY_HIT_TYPE = 't'; const KEY_LOCATION = 'dl'; const KEY_TITLE = 'dt'; const KEY_NON_INTERACTION = 'ni'; const KEY_VIEWPORT_SIZE = 'vp'; const KEY_SCREEN_RESOLUTION = 'sr'; const KEY_USER_LANGUAGE = 'ul'; const KEY_USER_AGENT = 'ua'; const KEY_DOCUMENT_ENCODING = 'de'; const KEY_EVENT_CATEGORY = 'ec'; const KEY_EVENT_ACTION = 'ea'; const KEY_EVENT_LABEL = 'el'; const KEY_EVENT_VALUE = 'ev'; const KEY_ANONYMIZE_IP = 'aip'; const KEY_APPLICATION_NAME = 'an'; const KEY_APPLICATION_ID = 'aid'; const KEY_APPLICATION_VERSION = 'av'; const KEY_CUSTOM_DIMENSION_PREFIX = 'cd'; let _currentLocationPath = '/'; export function trackEvent( category: string, action: string, label?: string | null, value?: string | null, ) { process.nextTick(async () => { await _trackEvent(true, category, action, label, value); }); } export function trackNonInteractiveEvent( category: string, action: string, label?: string | null, value?: string | null, ) { process.nextTick(async () => { await _trackEvent(false, category, action, label, value, false); }); } /** * Tracks an analytics event but queues it for later if analytics are * currently disabled. Once analytics setting is enabled, any queued * events will be sent automatically. * * This should be used sparingly! * * @param category * @param action * @param label * @param value */ export function trackNonInteractiveEventQueueable( category: string, action: string, label?: string | null, value?: string | null, ) { process.nextTick(async () => { await _trackEvent(false, category, action, label, value, true); }); } export function trackPageView(path: string) { process.nextTick(async () => { await _trackPageView(path); }); } export async function getDeviceId() { const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); let { deviceId } = settings; if (!deviceId) { // Migrate old GA ID into settings model if needed const oldId = (window && window.localStorage.getItem('gaClientId')) || null; deviceId = oldId || uuid.v4(); await models.settings.update(settings, { deviceId, }); } return deviceId; } let segmentClient: Analytics | null = null; export enum SegmentEvent { collectionCreate = 'Collection Created', documentCreate = 'Document Created', pluginExportLoadAllWokspace = 'Plugin export loading all workspace', pluginExportLoadWorkspacesInProject = 'Plugin export loading workspaces for active project', requestCreate = 'Request Created', requestExecute = 'Request Executed', projectLocalCreate = 'Local Project Created', projectLocalDelete = 'Local Project Deleted', testSuiteCreate = 'Test Suite Created', testSuiteDelete = 'Test Suite Deleted', unitTestCreate = 'Unit Test Created', unitTestDelete = 'Unit Test Deleted', unitTestRun = 'Ran Individual Unit Test', unitTestRunAll = 'Ran All Unit Tests', } export async function trackSegmentEvent(event: SegmentEvent, properties?: Record) { const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); if (!settings.enableAnalytics) { return; } try { if (!segmentClient) { segmentClient = new Analytics(getSegmentWriteKey(), { // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION axiosConfig: { // This is needed to ensure that we use the NodeJS adapter in the render process ...(global?.require && { adapter: global.require('axios/lib/adapters/http'), }), }, }); } const anonymousId = await getDeviceId(); // TODO: This currently always returns an empty string in the main process // This is due to the session data being stored in localStorage const userId = getAccountId(); segmentClient.track({ anonymousId, userId, event, properties, context: { app: { name: getAppName(), version: getAppVersion(), }, os: { name: _getOsName(), version: process.getSystemVersion(), }, }, }); } catch (err) { console.warn('[analytics] Error sending segment event', err); } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Private Functions // // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // function _getOsName() { const platform = getAppPlatform(); switch (platform) { case 'darwin': return 'mac'; case 'win32': return 'windows'; default: return platform; } } // Exported for testing export async function _trackEvent( interactive: boolean, category: string, action: string, label?: string | null, value?: string | null, queueable?: boolean | null, ) { const prefix = interactive ? '[ga] Event' : '[ga] Non-interactive'; console.log(prefix, [category, action, label, value].filter(Boolean).join(', ')); const params = [ { name: KEY_HIT_TYPE, value: 'event', }, { name: KEY_EVENT_CATEGORY, value: category, }, { name: KEY_EVENT_ACTION, value: action, }, ]; !interactive && params.push({ name: KEY_NON_INTERACTION, value: '1', }); label && params.push({ name: KEY_EVENT_LABEL, value: label, }); value && params.push({ name: KEY_EVENT_VALUE, value: value, }); // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION appears to be a genuine error await _sendToGoogle(params, !!queueable); } export async function _trackPageView(location: string) { _currentLocationPath = location; console.log('[ga] Page', _currentLocationPath); const params = [ { name: KEY_HIT_TYPE, value: 'pageview', }, ]; // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION appears to be a genuine error await _sendToGoogle(params, false); } async function _getDefaultParams(): Promise { const deviceId = await getDeviceId(); // Prepping user agent string prior to sending to GA due to Electron base UA not being GA friendly. const ua = String(window?.navigator?.userAgent) .replace(new RegExp(`${getAppId()}\\/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ `), '') .replace(/Electron\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ /, ''); const params = [ { name: KEY_VERSION, value: '1', }, { name: KEY_TRACKING_ID, value: getGoogleAnalyticsId(), }, { name: KEY_CLIENT_ID, value: deviceId, }, { name: KEY_USER_AGENT, value: ua, }, { name: KEY_LOCATION, value: getGoogleAnalyticsLocation() + _currentLocationPath, }, { name: KEY_SCREEN_RESOLUTION, value: getScreenResolution(), }, { name: KEY_USER_LANGUAGE, value: getUserLanguage(), }, { name: KEY_TITLE, value: `${getAppId()}:${getAppVersion()}`, }, { name: KEY_CUSTOM_DIMENSION_PREFIX + DIMENSION_PLATFORM, value: getAppPlatform(), }, { name: KEY_CUSTOM_DIMENSION_PREFIX + DIMENSION_VERSION, value: getAppVersion(), }, { name: KEY_ANONYMIZE_IP, value: '1', }, { name: KEY_APPLICATION_NAME, value: getAppName(), }, { name: KEY_APPLICATION_ID, value: getAppId(), }, { name: KEY_APPLICATION_VERSION, value: getAppVersion(), }, ]; const viewport = getViewportSize(); viewport && params.push({ name: KEY_VIEWPORT_SIZE, value: viewport, }); global.document && params.push({ name: KEY_DOCUMENT_ENCODING, value: global.document.inputEncoding, }); return params; } // Monitor database changes to see if analytics gets enabled. If analytics // become enabled, flush any queued events. db.onChange(async changes => { for (const change of changes) { const [event, doc] = change; if (isSettings(doc) && event === 'update') { if (doc.enableAnalytics) { await _flushQueuedEvents(); } } } }); async function _sendToGoogle(params: RequestParameter, queueable: boolean) { const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); if (!settings.enableAnalytics) { if (queueable) { console.log('[ga] Queued event', params); _queuedEvents.push(params); } return; } const baseParams = await _getDefaultParams(); // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION appears to be a genuine error const allParams = [...baseParams, ...params]; const qs = buildQueryStringFromParams(allParams); const baseUrl = isDevelopment() ? '' : ''; const url = joinUrlAndQueryString(baseUrl, qs); const net = (electron.remote || electron).net; const request = net.request(url); request.once('error', err => { console.warn('[ga] Network error', err); }); request.once('response', response => { const { statusCode } = response; if (statusCode < 200 && statusCode >= 300) { console.warn('[ga] Bad status code ' + statusCode); } const chunks: Buffer[] = []; const [contentType] = response.headers['content-type'] || []; if (contentType !== 'application/json') { // Production GA API returns a Gif to use for tracking return; } response.on('end', () => { const jsonStr = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'); try { const data = JSON.parse(jsonStr); const { hitParsingResult } = data; if (hitParsingResult.valid) { return; } for (const result of hitParsingResult || []) { for (const msg of result.parserMessage || []) { console.warn(`[ga] Error ${msg.description}`); } } } catch (err) { console.warn('[ga] Failed to parse response', err); } }); response.on('data', chunk => { chunks.push(chunk); }); }); request.end(); } /** * Flush any analytics events that were built up when analytics * were disabled. * @returns {Promise} * @private */ let _queuedEvents: RequestParameter[] = []; async function _flushQueuedEvents() { console.log(`[ga] Flushing ${_queuedEvents.length} queued events`); const tmp = [..._queuedEvents]; // Clear queue before we even start sending to prevent races _queuedEvents = []; for (const params of tmp) { console.log('[ga] Flushing queued event', params); await _sendToGoogle(params, false); } }