@import '../constants/dimensions'; @import '../constants/colors'; .modal { // Hidden state position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: @padding-lg; &:focus { outline: 0; } .modal__backdrop { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: -1; } .modal__content__wrapper { width: @modal-width; height: 100%; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; margin: auto; // We want pointer events to pass through to the backdrop so we can close it pointer-events: none; } &.modal--fixed-height .modal__content { height: 100%; } &.modal--wide .modal__content__wrapper { width: @modal-width-wide; } .modal__content { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100%; grid-template-rows: auto minmax(0, 1fr) auto; border-radius: @radius-md; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; box-shadow: 0 0 2rem 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: var(--color-bg); color: var(--color-font); border: 1px solid @hl-sm; // Since we disable pointer-events on the parent, re-enable them here pointer-events: auto; } .modal__header { overflow: hidden; border-bottom: 1px solid @hl-md; height: @line-height-md; font-size: @font-size-lg; line-height: @line-height-md; background-color: var(--color-bg); color: var(--color-font); display: flex; flex-direction: row; .modal__header__children { padding-left: @padding-md; width: 100%; & > * { display: inline-block; } } .modal__close-btn { height: 100%; } } &.modal--noescape .modal__close-btn { display: none; } .modal__body { overflow: auto; min-height: 2rem; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; background-color: var(--color-bg); color: var(--color-font); &.modal__body--no-scroll { overflow: visible; height: 100%; } } .modal__footer { border-top: 1px solid @hl-md; background-color: var(--color-bg); color: var(--color-font); display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding: 1px; } .modal__footer > *:last-child { // Push last item of footer to right. This is very important to pull right // if there is only a single item in the footer. margin-left: auto; } .modal__content > *:last-child { border-bottom-left-radius: @radius-md; border-bottom-right-radius: @radius-md; } .modal__content > *:first-child { border-top-left-radius: @radius-md; border-top-right-radius: @radius-md; } } .modals { width: 0; height: 0; }