import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'; import {trackEvent} from '../../../analytics/index'; @autobind class VariableEditor extends PureComponent { constructor (props) { super(props); const inner = props.defaultValue .replace(/\s*}}$/, '') .replace(/^{{\s*/, ''); this.state = { variables: [], value: `{{ ${inner} }}`, preview: '', error: '' }; } componentDidMount () { this._update(this.state.value, true); } _handleChange (e) { const name =; trackEvent('Variable Editor', 'Change Variable', name); this._update(name); } _setSelectRef (n) { this._select = n; // Let it render, then focus the input setTimeout(() => { this._select && this._select.focus(); }, 100); } async _update (value, noCallback = false) { const {handleRender} = this.props; let preview = ''; let error = ''; try { preview = await handleRender(value); } catch (err) { error = err.message; } const context = await this.props.handleGetRenderContext(); const variables = context.keys; // Hack to skip updating if we unmounted for some reason if (this._select) { this.setState({preview, error, variables, value}); } // Call the callback if we need to if (!noCallback) { this.props.onChange(value); } } render () { const {error, value, preview, variables} = this.state; const isOther = !variables.find(v => value === `{{ ${} }}`); return (