import * as electron from 'electron'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { globalBeforeEach } from '../../__jest__/before-each'; import * as models from '../../models/index'; import { _trackEvent, _trackPageView } from '../analytics'; import { getAppId, getAppName, getAppPlatform, getAppVersion, getBrowserUserAgent, getGoogleAnalyticsId, getGoogleAnalyticsLocation, } from '../constants'; describe('init()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await globalBeforeEach(); = jest.fn(() => { const req = new EventEmitter(); req.end = function() {}; return req; }); jest.useFakeTimers(); }); it('does not work with tracking disabled', async () => { const settings = await models.settings.patch({ enableAnalytics: false, deviceId: 'device', }); expect(settings.enableAnalytics).toBe(false); expect([]); await _trackEvent(true, 'Foo', 'Bar'); jest.runAllTimers(); expect([]); }); it('works with tracking enabled', async () => { const settings = await models.settings.patch({ enableAnalytics: true, deviceId: 'device', }); expect(settings.enableAnalytics).toBe(true); expect([]); await _trackEvent(true, 'Foo', 'Bar'); jest.runAllTimers(); expect([ [ '' + 'v=1&' + `tid=${getGoogleAnalyticsId()}&` + 'cid=device&' + `ua=${getBrowserUserAgent()}&` + `dl=${encodeURIComponent(getGoogleAnalyticsLocation())}%2F&` + 'sr=1920x1080&' + 'ul=en-US&' + `dt=${getAppId()}%3A${getAppVersion()}&` + `cd1=${getAppPlatform()}&` + `cd2=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'aip=1&' + `an=${encodeURI(getAppName())}&` + `aid=${getAppId()}&` + `av=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'vp=1900x1060&' + 'de=UTF-8&' + 't=event&' + 'ec=Foo&' + 'ea=Bar', ], ]); }); it('tracks non-interactive event', async () => { await models.settings.patch({ deviceId: 'device', enableAnalytics: true, }); await _trackEvent(false, 'Foo', 'Bar'); jest.runAllTimers(); expect([ [ '' + 'v=1&' + `tid=${getGoogleAnalyticsId()}&` + 'cid=device&' + `ua=${getBrowserUserAgent()}&` + `dl=${encodeURIComponent(getGoogleAnalyticsLocation())}%2F&` + 'sr=1920x1080&' + 'ul=en-US&' + `dt=${getAppId()}%3A${getAppVersion()}&` + `cd1=${getAppPlatform()}&` + `cd2=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'aip=1&' + `an=${encodeURI(getAppName())}&` + `aid=${getAppId()}&` + `av=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'vp=1900x1060&' + 'de=UTF-8&' + 't=event&' + 'ec=Foo&' + 'ea=Bar&' + 'ni=1', ], ]); }); it('tracks page view', async () => { await models.settings.patch({ deviceId: 'device', enableAnalytics: true, }); await _trackPageView('/my/path'); jest.runAllTimers(); expect([ [ '' + 'v=1&' + `tid=${getGoogleAnalyticsId()}&` + 'cid=device&' + `ua=${getBrowserUserAgent()}&` + `dl=${encodeURIComponent(getGoogleAnalyticsLocation())}%2Fmy%2Fpath&` + 'sr=1920x1080&' + 'ul=en-US&' + `dt=${getAppId()}%3A${getAppVersion()}&` + `cd1=${getAppPlatform()}&` + `cd2=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'aip=1&' + `an=${encodeURI(getAppName())}&` + `aid=${getAppId()}&` + `av=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'vp=1900x1060&' + 'de=UTF-8&' + 't=pageview', ], ]); }); it('tracking page view remembers path', async () => { await models.settings.patch({ deviceId: 'device', enableAnalytics: true, }); await _trackPageView('/my/path'); jest.runAllTimers(); await _trackEvent(true, 'cat', 'act', 'lab', 'val'); expect([ [ '' + 'v=1&' + `tid=${getGoogleAnalyticsId()}&` + 'cid=device&' + `ua=${getBrowserUserAgent()}&` + `dl=${encodeURIComponent(getGoogleAnalyticsLocation())}%2Fmy%2Fpath&` + 'sr=1920x1080&' + 'ul=en-US&' + `dt=${getAppId()}%3A${getAppVersion()}&` + `cd1=${getAppPlatform()}&` + `cd2=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'aip=1&' + `an=${encodeURI(getAppName())}&` + `aid=${getAppId()}&` + `av=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'vp=1900x1060&' + 'de=UTF-8&' + 't=pageview', ], [ '' + 'v=1&' + `tid=${getGoogleAnalyticsId()}&` + 'cid=device&' + `ua=${getBrowserUserAgent()}&` + `dl=${encodeURIComponent(getGoogleAnalyticsLocation())}%2Fmy%2Fpath&` + 'sr=1920x1080&' + 'ul=en-US&' + `dt=${getAppId()}%3A${getAppVersion()}&` + `cd1=${getAppPlatform()}&` + `cd2=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'aip=1&' + `an=${encodeURI(getAppName())}&` + `aid=${getAppId()}&` + `av=${getAppVersion()}&` + 'vp=1900x1060&' + 'de=UTF-8&' + 't=event&' + 'ec=cat&' + 'ea=act&' + 'el=lab&' + 'ev=val', ], ]); }); });