import * as Hawk from '@hapi/hawk'; import jwtAuthentication from 'jwt-authentication'; import { AUTH_ASAP, AUTH_BASIC, AUTH_BEARER, AUTH_HAWK, AUTH_OAUTH_1, AUTH_OAUTH_2, } from '../common/constants'; import type { RenderedRequest } from '../common/render'; import { getBasicAuthHeader } from './basic-auth/get-header'; import { getBearerAuthHeader } from './bearer-auth/get-header'; import getOAuth1Token from './o-auth-1/get-token'; import getOAuth2Token from './o-auth-2/get-token'; interface Header { name: string; value: string; } export async function getAuthHeader(renderedRequest: RenderedRequest, url: string) { const { method, authentication, body } = renderedRequest; const requestId = renderedRequest._id; if (authentication.disabled) { return null; } if (authentication.type === AUTH_BASIC) { const { username, password, useISO88591 } = authentication; const encoding = useISO88591 ? 'latin1' : 'utf8'; return getBasicAuthHeader(username, password, encoding); } if (authentication.type === AUTH_BEARER) { const { token, prefix } = authentication; return getBearerAuthHeader(token, prefix); } if (authentication.type === AUTH_OAUTH_2) { // HACK: GraphQL requests use a child request to fetch the schema with an // ID of "{{request_id}}.graphql". Here we are removing the .graphql suffix and // pretending we are fetching a token for the original request. This makes sure // the same tokens are used for schema fetching. See issue #835 on GitHub. const tokenId = requestId.match(/\.graphql$/) ? requestId.replace(/\.graphql$/, '') : requestId; const oAuth2Token = await getOAuth2Token(tokenId, authentication); if (oAuth2Token) { const token = oAuth2Token.accessToken; return _buildBearerHeader(token, authentication.tokenPrefix); } else { return null; } } if (authentication.type === AUTH_OAUTH_1) { const oAuth1Token = await getOAuth1Token(url, method, authentication, body); if (oAuth1Token) { return { name: 'Authorization', value: oAuth1Token.Authorization, }; } else { return null; } } if (authentication.type === AUTH_HAWK) { const { id, key, algorithm, ext, validatePayload } = authentication; let headerOptions = { credentials: { id, key, algorithm, }, ext: ext, }; if (validatePayload) { const payloadValidationFields = { payload: renderedRequest.body.text, contentType: renderedRequest.body.mimeType, }; headerOptions = Object.assign({}, payloadValidationFields, headerOptions); } const { header } = Hawk.client.header(url, method, headerOptions); return { name: 'Authorization', value: header, }; } if (authentication.type === AUTH_ASAP) { const { issuer, subject, audience, keyId, additionalClaims, privateKey } = authentication; const generator = jwtAuthentication.client.create(); let claims = { iss: issuer, sub: subject, aud: audience, }; let parsedAdditionalClaims; try { parsedAdditionalClaims = JSON.parse(additionalClaims || '{}'); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Unable to parse additional-claims: ${err}`); } if (parsedAdditionalClaims) { if (typeof parsedAdditionalClaims !== 'object') { throw new Error( `additional-claims must be an object received: '${typeof parsedAdditionalClaims}' instead`, ); } claims = Object.assign(parsedAdditionalClaims, claims); } const options = { privateKey, kid: keyId, }; return new Promise
((resolve, reject) => { generator.generateAuthorizationHeader(claims, options, (error, headerValue) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve({ name: 'Authorization', value: headerValue, }); } }); }); } return null; } export const _buildBearerHeader = (accessToken: string, prefix: string) => { if (!accessToken) { return null; } const header = { name: 'Authorization', value: '', }; if (prefix === 'NO_PREFIX') { header.value = accessToken; } else { header.value = `${prefix || 'Bearer'} ${accessToken}`; } return header; };