import path from 'node:path'; import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import { getFixturePath, loadFixture } from '../../playwright/paths'; import { test } from '../../playwright/test';; test.describe('pre-request features tests', async () => { test.slow(process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'win32', 'Slow app start on these platforms'); test.beforeEach(async ({ app, page }) => { const text = await loadFixture('pre-request-collection.yaml'); await app.evaluate(async ({ clipboard }, text) => clipboard.writeText(text), text); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create in project' }).click(); await page.getByRole('menuitemradio', { name: 'Import' }).click(); await page.locator('[data-test-id="import-from-clipboard"]').click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Scan' }).click(); await page.getByRole('dialog').getByRole('button', { name: 'Import' }).click(); await page.getByLabel('Pre-request Scripts').click(); }); const testCases = [ { name: 'environments setting and overriding', expectedBody: { fromBaseEnv: 'baseEnv', scriptValue: 'fromEnv', preDefinedValue: 'fromScript', customValue: 'fromFolder', }, }, { name: 'variables / manipulate variables and set them to environment', expectedBody: { varStr: 'varStr', varNum: 777, varBool: true, }, }, { name: 'require / require classes from insomnia-collection module and init them', expectedBody: { propJson: { disabled: false, id: 'pid', name: 'pname', }, headerJson: { key: 'headerKey', value: 'headerValue', id: '', name: '', type: '', }, }, }, { name: 'insomnia.request manipulation', customVerify: (bodyJson: any) => { expect(bodyJson.method).toEqual('GET'); expect(bodyJson.headers['x-hello']).toEqual('hello'); expect('rawContent'); }, }, { name: 'insomnia.request auth manipulation (bearer)', customVerify: (bodyJson: any) => { const authzHeader = bodyJson.headers['authorization']; expect(authzHeader != null).toBeTruthy(); expect(bodyJson.headers['authorization']).toEqual('CustomTokenPrefix tokenValue'); }, }, { name: 'insomnia.request auth manipulation (basic)', customVerify: (bodyJson: any) => { const authzHeader = bodyJson.headers['authorization']; expect(authzHeader != null).toBeTruthy(); const expectedEncCred = Buffer.from('myName:myPwd', 'utf-8').toString('base64'); expect(bodyJson.headers['authorization']).toEqual(`Basic ${expectedEncCred}`); }, }, { name: 'eval() works in script', expectedBody: { evalResult: 16, }, }, { name: 'require the url module', customVerify: (bodyJson: any) => { const reqBodyJsons = JSON.parse(; expect(reqBodyJsons).toEqual({ hash: '#hashcontent', host: '', hostname: '', href: '', origin: '', password: 'pwd', pathname: '/p1', port: '6666', protocol: 'https:', search: '?q1=a&q2=b', username: 'user', seachParam: 'q1=a&q2=b', }); }, }, { name: 'require node.js modules', expectedBody: { path: true, assert: true, buffer: true, util: true, url: true, punycode: true, querystring: true, stringDecoder: true, stream: true, timers: true, events: true, }, }, { name: 'get sendRequest response through await or callback', customVerify: (bodyJson: any) => { const requestBody = JSON.parse(; expect(requestBody.bodyFromAwait.method).toEqual('GET'); expect(requestBody.bodyFromCallback.method).toEqual('GET'); }, }, { name: 'require the uuid module', expectedBody: { uuid: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', }, }, { name: 'require external modules and built-in lodash', expectedBody: { atob: true, btoa: true, chai: true, cheerio: true, crypto: true, csv: true, lodash: true, moment: true, tv4: true, uuid: true, xml2js: true, builtInLodash: true, }, }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const tc = testCases[i]; test(, async ({ page }) => { const statusTag = page.locator('[data-testid="response-status-tag"]:visible'); const responseBody = page.getByTestId('response-pane').getByTestId('CodeEditor').locator('.CodeMirror-line'); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('Enter'); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="response-status-tag"]:visible'); await expect(statusTag).toContainText('200 OK'); const rows = await responseBody.allInnerTexts(); expect(rows.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); const bodyJson = JSON.parse(rows.join(' ')); if (tc.expectedBody) { expect(JSON.parse(; } if (tc.customVerify) { tc.customVerify(bodyJson); } }); } test('send request with content type', async ({ page }) => { const statusTag = page.locator('[data-testid="response-status-tag"]:visible'); const responseBody = page.getByTestId('response-pane').getByTestId('CodeEditor').locator('.CodeMirror-line'); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('echo pre-request script result').press('Enter'); // set request body await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Body' }).click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Body' }).click(); await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'JSON' }).click(); const bodyEditor = page.getByTestId('CodeEditor').getByRole('textbox'); await bodyEditor.fill('{ "rawBody": {{ _.rawBody }}, "urlencodedBody": {{ _.urlencodedBody }}, "gqlBody": {{ _.gqlBody }}, "fileBody": {{ _.fileBody }}, "formdataBody": {{ _.formdataBody }} }'); // enter script await page.getByTestId('pre-request-script-tab').click(); const preRequestScriptEditor = page.getByTestId('CodeEditor').getByRole('textbox'); await preRequestScriptEditor.fill(` const rawReq = { url: '', method: 'POST', header: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }, body: { mode: 'raw', raw: 'rawContent', }, }; const urlencodedReq = { url: '', method: 'POST', header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, body: { mode: 'urlencoded', urlencoded: [ { key: 'k1', value: 'v1' }, { key: 'k2', value: 'v2' }, ], }, }; const gqlReq = { url: '', method: 'POST', header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/graphql', }, body: { mode: 'graphql', graphql: { query: 'query', operationName: 'operation', variables: 'var', }, }, }; const fileReq = { url: '', method: 'POST', header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', }, body: { mode: 'file', file: "${getFixturePath('files/rawfile.txt')}", }, }; const formdataReq = { url: '', method: 'POST', header: { // TODO: try to understand why this breaks the test // 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', }, body: { mode: 'formdata', formdata: [ { key: 'k1', type: 'text', value: 'v1' }, { key: 'k2', type: 'file', value: "${getFixturePath('files/rawfile.txt')}" }, ], }, }; const promises = [rawReq, urlencodedReq, gqlReq, fileReq, formdataReq].map(req => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { insomnia.sendRequest( req, (err, resp) => { if (err != null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(resp); } } ); }); }); // send request const resps = await Promise.all(promises); // set envs insomnia.environment.set('rawBody', resps[0].body); insomnia.environment.set('urlencodedBody', resps[1].body); insomnia.environment.set('gqlBody', resps[2].body); insomnia.environment.set('fileBody', resps[3].body); insomnia.environment.set('formdataBody', resps[4].body); `); // TODO: wait for body and pre - request script are persisted to the disk // should improve this part, we should avoid sync this state through db as it introduces race condition await page.waitForTimeout(500); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="response-status-tag"]:visible'); await expect(statusTag).toContainText('200 OK'); const rows = await responseBody.allInnerTexts(); expect(rows.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); const bodyJson = JSON.parse(rows.join(' ')); const reqBodyJsons = JSON.parse(; expect('rawContent'); expect('k1=v1&k2=v2'); expect(JSON.parse({ query: 'query', operationName: 'operation', variables: 'var', }); expect('raw file content'); expect('--X-INSOMNIA-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"k1\"\r\n\r\nv1\r\n--X-INSOMNIA-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"k2\"; filename=\"rawfile.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nraw file content\r\n--X-INSOMNIA-BOUNDARY--\r\n'); }); test('insomnia.request / update proxy configuration', async ({ page }) => { const responsePane = page.getByTestId('response-pane'); // update proxy configuration await page.locator('[data-testid="settings-button"]').click(); await page.locator('text=Insomnia Preferences').first().click(); await page.locator('text=Enable proxy').click(); await page.locator('[name="httpProxy"]').fill('localhost:1111'); await page.locator('[name="httpsProxy"]').fill('localhost:2222'); await page.locator('[name="noProxy"]').fill(','); await page.locator('.app').press('Escape'); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('test proxies manipulation').press('Enter'); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Timeline' }).click(); await expect(responsePane).toContainText('localhost:2222'); // original proxy await expect(responsePane).toContainText('Trying'); // updated proxy }); test('insomnia.request / update clientCertificate', async ({ page }) => { const responsePane = page.getByTestId('response-pane'); const fixturePath = getFixturePath('certificates'); // update proxy configuration await page.locator('text=Add Certificates').click(); await page.locator('text=Add client certificate').click(); await page.locator('[name="host"]').fill(''); await page.locator('[data-key="pfx"]').click(); const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser'); await page.locator('text=Add PFX or PKCS12 file').click(); const fileChooser = await fileChooserPromise; await fileChooser.setFiles(path.join(fixturePath, 'fake.pfx')); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Add certificate' }).click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Done' }).click(); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('test certificate manipulation').press('Enter'); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Timeline' }).click(); await expect(responsePane).toContainText('fixtures/certificates/fake.pfx'); // original proxy }); test('insomnia.test and insomnia.expect can work together ', async ({ page }) => { const responsePane = page.getByTestId('response-pane'); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('insomnia.test').press('Enter'); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Timeline' }).click(); await expect(responsePane).toContainText('✓ happy tests'); // original proxy await expect(responsePane).toContainText('✕ unhappy tests: AssertionError: expected 199 to deeply equal 200'); // updated proxy }); }); test.describe('unhappy paths', async () => { test.slow(process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'win32', 'Slow app start on these platforms'); test.beforeEach(async ({ app, page }) => { const text = await loadFixture('pre-request-collection.yaml'); await app.evaluate(async ({ clipboard }, text) => clipboard.writeText(text), text); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create in project' }).click(); await page.getByRole('menuitemradio', { name: 'Import' }).click(); await page.locator('[data-test-id="import-from-clipboard"]').click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Scan' }).click(); await page.getByRole('dialog').getByRole('button', { name: 'Import' }).click(); await page.getByLabel('Pre-request Scripts').click(); }); const testCases = [ { name: 'invalid result is returned', preReqScript: ` return; `, context: { insomnia: {}, }, expectedResult: { message: 'insomnia object is invalid or script returns earlier than expected.', }, }, { name: 'custom error is returned', preReqScript: ` throw Error('my custom error'); `, context: { insomnia: {}, }, expectedResult: { message: 'my custom error', }, }, { name: 'syntax error', preReqScript: ` insomnia.INVALID_FIELD.set('', '') `, context: { insomnia: {}, }, expectedResult: { message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'set')", }, }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const tc = testCases[i]; test(, async ({ page }) => { const responsePane = page.getByTestId('response-pane'); await page.getByLabel('Request Collection').getByTestId('echo pre-request script result').press('Enter'); // set request body await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Body' }).click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Body' }).click(); await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'JSON' }).click(); // enter script await page.getByTestId('pre-request-script-tab').click(); const preRequestScriptEditor = page.getByTestId('CodeEditor').getByRole('textbox'); await preRequestScriptEditor.fill(tc.preReqScript); // TODO: wait for body and pre-request script are persisted to the disk // should improve this part, we should avoid sync this state through db as it introduces race condition await page.waitForTimeout(500); // send await page.getByTestId('request-pane').getByRole('button', { name: 'Send' }).click(); // verify await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="response-status-tag"]:visible'); await expect(responsePane).toContainText(tc.expectedResult.message); }); } });