import * as utils from '../utils'; import { globalBeforeEach } from '../../__jest__/before-each'; describe('getKeys()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('flattens complex object', () => { const obj = { foo: 'bar', nested: { a: { b: {} } }, null: null, undefined: undefined, false: false, array: ['hello', { hi: 'there' }, true, ['x', 'y', 'z']], }; const keys = utils.getKeys(obj).sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1)); expect(keys).toEqual([ { name: 'array[0]', value: obj.array[0] }, { name: 'array[1].hi', value: obj.array[1].hi }, { name: 'array[2]', value: obj.array[2] }, { name: 'array[3][0]', value: obj.array[3][0] }, { name: 'array[3][1]', value: obj.array[3][1] }, { name: 'array[3][2]', value: obj.array[3][2] }, { name: 'false', value: obj.false }, { name: 'foo', value: }, { name: 'null', value: obj.null }, { name: 'undefined', value: obj.undefined }, ]); }); it('ignores functions', () => { const obj = { foo: 'bar', toString: function() { // Nothing }, }; const keys = utils.getKeys(obj); expect(keys).toEqual([{ name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }]); }); }); describe('tokenizeTag()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('tokenizes complex tag', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag('{% name bar, "baz \\"qux\\"" , 1 + 5 | default("foo") %}'); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'variable', value: 'bar' }, { type: 'string', value: 'baz "qux"', quotedBy: '"' }, { type: 'expression', value: '1 + 5 | default("foo")' }, ], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('handles whitespace', () => { const minimal = utils.tokenizeTag("{%name'foo',bar%}"); const generous = utils.tokenizeTag("{%name \t'foo' , bar\t\n%}"); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'string', value: 'foo', quotedBy: "'" }, { type: 'variable', value: 'bar' }, ], }; expect(minimal).toEqual(expected); expect(generous).toEqual(expected); }); it('handles type string', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag("{% name 'foo' %}"); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [{ type: 'string', value: 'foo', quotedBy: "'" }], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('handles type number', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag('{% name 9.324, 8, 7 %}'); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'number', value: '9.324' }, { type: 'number', value: '8' }, { type: 'number', value: '7' }, ], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('handles type boolean', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag('{% name true, false %}'); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'boolean', value: true }, { type: 'boolean', value: false }, ], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('handles type expression', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag("{% name 5 * 10 + 'hello' | default(2 - 3) %}"); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [{ type: 'expression', value: "5 * 10 + 'hello' | default(2 - 3)" }], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); /** * NOTE: This is actually invalid Nunjucks but we handle it anyway * because it's better (and easier to implement) than failing. */ it('handles no commas', () => { const actual = utils.tokenizeTag('{% name foo bar baz %}'); const expected = { name: 'name', args: [{ type: 'expression', value: 'foo bar baz' }], }; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('unTokenizeTag()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('handles the default case', () => { const tagStr = '{% name bar, "baz \\"qux\\"" , 1 + 5, \'hi\' %}'; const tagData = utils.tokenizeTag(tagStr); const result = utils.unTokenizeTag(tagData); expect(result).toEqual('{% name bar, "baz \\"qux\\"", 1 + 5, \'hi\' %}'); }); it('quotes for all necessary types', () => { const tagData = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'boolean', value: 'true' }, { type: 'enum', value: 'foo' }, { type: 'expression', value: 'foo.length' }, { type: 'file', value: 'foo/bar/baz' }, { type: 'model', value: 'id_123' }, { type: 'number', value: '10' }, { type: 'string', value: 'foo' }, { type: 'variable', value: 'var' }, ], }; const result = utils.unTokenizeTag(tagData); expect(result).toEqual( "{% name true, 'foo', foo.length, 'foo/bar/baz', 'id_123', 10, 'foo', var %}", ); }); it('fixes missing quotedBy attribute', () => { const tagData = { name: 'name', args: [ { type: 'file', value: 'foo/bar/baz' }, { type: 'model', value: 'foo' }, ], }; const result = utils.unTokenizeTag(tagData); expect(result).toEqual("{% name 'foo/bar/baz', 'foo' %}"); }); }); describe('encodeEncoding()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('encodes things', () => { expect(utils.encodeEncoding('hello', 'base64')).toBe('b64::aGVsbG8=::46b'); expect(utils.encodeEncoding(null, 'base64')).toBe(null); expect(utils.encodeEncoding('hello', 'unknown')).toBe('hello'); expect(utils.encodeEncoding('hello')).toBe('hello'); expect(utils.encodeEncoding('hello', 'utf8')).toBe('hello'); }); }); describe('decodeEncoding()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('encodes things', () => { expect(utils.decodeEncoding('b64::aGVsbG8=::46b')).toBe('hello'); expect(utils.decodeEncoding('aGVsbG8=')).toBe('aGVsbG8='); expect(utils.decodeEncoding('hello')).toBe('hello'); expect(utils.decodeEncoding(null)).toBe(null); }); });