import { Card } from 'insomnia-components'; import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { FC } from 'react'; import { ACTIVITY_DEBUG, ACTIVITY_SPEC, GlobalActivity, } from '../../common/constants'; import { fuzzyMatchAll } from '../../common/misc'; import { strings } from '../../common/strings'; import { ApiSpec } from '../../models/api-spec'; import { Project } from '../../models/project'; import { isDesign, Workspace } from '../../models/workspace'; import { Highlight } from './base/highlight'; import { WorkspaceCardDropdown } from './dropdowns/workspace-card-dropdown'; import { TimeFromNow } from './time-from-now'; export interface WorkspaceCardProps { apiSpec: ApiSpec; workspace: Workspace; filter: string; activeProject: Project; lastActiveBranch?: string | null; lastModifiedTimestamp: number; lastCommitTime?: number | null; lastCommitAuthor?: string | null; modifiedLocally?: number; spec: Record | null; specFormat: 'openapi' | 'swagger' | null; specFormatVersion: string | null; hasUnsavedChanges: boolean; onSelect: (workspaceId: string, activity: GlobalActivity) => void; } /** note: numbers are not technically valid (and, indeed, we throw a lint error), but we need to handle this case otherwise a user will not be able to import a spec with a malformed version and even _see_ that it's got the error. */ export const getVersionDisplayment = (version?: string | number | null) => { if (version === null || version === undefined || version === '') { return version; } if (typeof version === 'number') { console.warn(`OpenAPI documents must not use number data types for $.info.version, found ${version}`); version = String(version); } else if (typeof version !== 'string') { console.error('unable to parse spec version'); return ''; } if (!version.startsWith('v')) { return `v${version}`; } return version; }; export const WorkspaceCard: FC = ({ apiSpec, filter, lastActiveBranch, lastModifiedTimestamp, workspace, activeProject, lastCommitTime, modifiedLocally, lastCommitAuthor, spec, specFormat, specFormatVersion, hasUnsavedChanges, onSelect, }) => { let branch = lastActiveBranch; let log = ; if (hasUnsavedChanges) { // Show locally unsaved changes for spec // NOTE: this doesn't work for non-spec workspaces branch = lastActiveBranch + '*'; if (modifiedLocally) { log = ( {' '} (unsaved) ); } } else if (lastCommitTime) { // Show last commit time and author log = ( {' '} {lastCommitAuthor && `by ${lastCommitAuthor}`} ); } const docMenu = ( ); const version = getVersionDisplayment(spec?.info?.version); let label: string = strings.collection.singular; let format = ''; let labelIcon = ; let defaultActivity = ACTIVITY_DEBUG; let title =; if (isDesign(workspace)) { label = strings.document.singular; labelIcon = ; if (specFormat === 'openapi') { format = `OpenAPI ${specFormatVersion}`; } else if (specFormat === 'swagger') { // NOTE: This is not a typo, we're labeling Swagger as OpenAPI also format = `OpenAPI ${specFormatVersion}`; } defaultActivity = ACTIVITY_SPEC; title = apiSpec.fileName || title; } // Filter the card by multiple different properties const matchResults = fuzzyMatchAll(filter, [title, label, branch || '', version || ''], { splitSpace: true, loose: true, }); // Return null if we don't match the filter if (filter && !matchResults) { return null; } return ( : undefined} docTitle={title ? : undefined} docVersion={version ? : undefined} tagLabel={label ? ( <> {labelIcon} ) : undefined} docLog={log} docMenu={docMenu} docFormat={format} onClick={() => onSelect(workspace._id, defaultActivity)} /> ); };