import * as plugin from '../app'; import * as modals from '../../../ui/components/modals'; import {globalBeforeEach} from '../../../__jest__/before-each'; const PLUGIN = { name: 'my-plugin', version: '1.0.0', directory: '/plugins/my-plugin', module: {} }; describe('init()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('initializes correctly', () => { const result = plugin.init({name: PLUGIN}); expect(Object.keys(result)).toEqual(['app']); expect(Object.keys(['alert', 'getPath', 'showSaveDialog']); }); }); describe('app.alert()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('shows alert with message', async () => { modals.showAlert = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('dummy-return-value'); const result = plugin.init(PLUGIN); // Make sure it returns result of showAlert() expect('dummy-return-value'); expect('My message')).toBe('dummy-return-value'); // Make sure it passes correct arguments expect(modals.showAlert.mock.calls).toEqual([ [{message: '', title: 'Plugin my-plugin'}], [{message: 'My message', title: 'Plugin my-plugin'}] ]); }); });