mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 23:00:30 +00:00
239 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
239 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
"key": "shell",
"title": "Shell",
"extname": ".sh",
"default": "curl",
"clients": [
"key": "curl",
"title": "cURL",
"link": "http://curl.haxx.se/",
"description": "cURL is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax"
"key": "httpie",
"title": "HTTPie",
"link": "http://httpie.org/",
"description": "a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans"
"key": "wget",
"title": "Wget",
"link": "https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/",
"description": "a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS"
"key": "node",
"title": "Node.js",
"extname": ".js",
"default": "native",
"clients": [
"key": "native",
"title": "HTTP",
"link": "http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback",
"description": "Node.js native HTTP interface"
"key": "request",
"title": "Request",
"link": "https://github.com/request/request",
"description": "Simplified HTTP request client"
"key": "unirest",
"title": "Unirest",
"link": "http://unirest.io/nodejs.html",
"description": "Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library"
"key": "javascript",
"title": "JavaScript",
"extname": ".js",
"default": "xhr",
"clients": [
"key": "jquery",
"title": "jQuery",
"link": "http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/",
"description": "Perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) requests with jQuery"
"key": "xhr",
"title": "XMLHttpRequest",
"link": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest",
"description": "W3C Standard API that provides scripted client functionality"
"key": "ocaml",
"title": "OCaml",
"extname": ".ml",
"default": "cohttp",
"clients": [
"key": "cohttp",
"title": "CoHTTP",
"link": "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp",
"description": "Cohttp is a very lightweight HTTP server using Lwt or Async for OCaml"
"key": "php",
"title": "PHP",
"extname": ".php",
"default": "curl",
"clients": [
"key": "curl",
"title": "cURL",
"link": "http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php",
"description": "PHP with ext-curl"
"key": "http1",
"title": "HTTP v1",
"link": "http://php.net/manual/en/book.http.php",
"description": "PHP with pecl/http v1"
"key": "http2",
"title": "HTTP v2",
"link": "http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http",
"description": "PHP with pecl/http v2"
"key": "python",
"title": "Python",
"extname": ".py",
"default": "python3",
"clients": [
"key": "python3",
"title": "http.client",
"link": "https://docs.python.org/3/library/http.client.html",
"description": "Python3 HTTP Client"
"key": "requests",
"title": "Requests",
"link": "http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.request",
"description": "Requests HTTP library"
"key": "objc",
"title": "Objective-C",
"extname": ".m",
"default": "nsurlsession",
"clients": [
"key": "nsurlsession",
"title": "NSURLSession",
"link": "https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Foundation/Reference/NSURLSession_class/index.html",
"description": "Foundation's NSURLSession request"
"key": "swift",
"title": "Swift",
"extname": ".swift",
"default": "nsurlsession",
"clients": [
"key": "nsurlsession",
"title": "NSURLSession",
"link": "https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Foundation/Reference/NSURLSession_class/index.html",
"description": "Foundation's NSURLSession request"
"key": "go",
"title": "Go",
"extname": ".go",
"default": "native",
"clients": [
"key": "native",
"title": "NewRequest",
"link": "http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#NewRequest",
"description": "Golang HTTP client request"
"key": "java",
"title": "Java",
"extname": ".java",
"default": "unirest",
"clients": [
"key": "okhttp",
"title": "OkHttp",
"link": "http://square.github.io/okhttp/",
"description": "An HTTP Request Client Library"
"key": "unirest",
"title": "Unirest",
"link": "http://unirest.io/java.html",
"description": "Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library"
"key": "ruby",
"title": "Ruby",
"extname": ".rb",
"default": "native",
"clients": [
"key": "native",
"title": "net::http",
"link": "http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.2.1/libdoc/net/http/rdoc/Net/HTTP.html",
"description": "Ruby HTTP client"
"key": "csharp",
"title": "C#",
"extname": ".cs",
"default": "restsharp",
"clients": [
"key": "restsharp",
"title": "RestSharp",
"link": "http://restsharp.org/",
"description": "Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET"
"key": "c",
"title": "C",
"extname": ".c",
"default": "libcurl",
"clients": [
"key": "libcurl",
"title": "Libcurl",
"link": "http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/",
"description": "Simple REST and HTTP API Client for C"