jack zhang
refactor!: plugins build and plugins load ( #2253 )
* refactor: plugin build and plugin template
* refactor: plugins' deps
* refactor: plugins bugs
* feat: add plugin static middleware
* fix: bugs
* refactor: frontend plugin add from remote
* refactor: delete useless app/client/plugins
* fix: requirejs move to local
* fix: tests case
* refactor: add src/client and src/server dir check
* fix: lodash tree shaking
* refactor: add BUILD_TIP
* refactor: add file size tip
* fix: bugs
* fix: bug
* fix: change china-division
* fix: change plugins response
* fix: recover dynamicImport
* fix: change server src entry
* fix: test error
* fix: plugins sourcemap => false
* fix: production file error
* refactor: change build tools to vite and tsup
* fix: yarn.lock
* fix: bugs
* fix: server build bugs
* fix: delete .fatherrc.ts
* fix: bug
* fix: bug
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* refactor: add plugin d.ts
* refactor: delete fatherrc
* refactor: delete father scripts
* refactor: build bug
* fix: bug
* fix: deps adjust
* fix: add build tips
* fix: bug
* refactor: ignore plugins when build client
* docs: update doc
* refactor: docs and build
* fix: bug
* refactor: build deps
* fix: add USER_REMOTE_PLUGIN env
* feat: add plugin static cache
* feat: add build deps cache
* fix: bugs
* test: add test
* fix: add plugin depden on plugin tip
* fix: adjust shouldDevDependencies
* fix: deps
* fix: ajust deps
* fix: mobile style error
* fix: map error
* fix: test
* fix: bug
* feat: lodash and dayjs import from themself
* feat: @emotion/css 、ahooks and lodash to global
* fix: theme-editor plugin error
* fix: review
* feat: move all plugins' dependencies to devDependencies
* feat: change build
* feat: add devPlugins
* fix: bug
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* feat: build bugs
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* fix: review
* fix: bug
* fix: change deps build
* fix: bugs
* fix: bug
* fix: bug
* fix: bugs
* fix: bug
* fix: bug
* fix: multi language
* fix: dist
* fix: cronstrue
* fix: getPackageClientStaticUrl
* fix: antd dayjs locale
* fix: plugin' d.ts import from dist
* fix: multi language
* fix: build types error
* fix: requireModule
* fix: plugin lifecycle
* fix: client resource
* fix: improve code
* fix: locale
* feat: custom build
* fix: require locale
* fix: improve code
* fix: improve code
* fix: skip preset
* fix: collection undefined
* feat: yarn build
* fix: remove enabled
* fix: update dockerfile
* fix: formily version
* docs: update v12 changelog
* fix: devDependencies
* feat: @nocobase/app
* feat: generateAppDir
* fix: improve code
* fix: 0.11.1-alpha.5
* fix: missing @nocobase/client
* fix: error
* fix: add .npmignore
* feat: upgrade antd version
* fix: dependencies
* fix: peerDependencies
* fix: remove china-division dep
* fix: toposort deps
* fix: update dockerfile
* fix: plugin template
* fix: app client outputPath
* feat: update docs
* fix: nginx server root
* fix: storage/.app-dev
* fix: getChinaDivisionData
* feat: plugin info
* feat: update docs
* fix: docs menu
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-08-02 00:07:52 +08:00
feat(theme-editor): support to config Header's color and Settings button's color ( #2263 )
* feat: add color options to theme editor
* feat: add default theme
* refactor: optimize
* feat: support to change color of UI settings
* fix: fix menu background color
* fix: fix color of UI settings
* feat: support to set alpha
* refactor: migrate style to a file
* feat: support colorBgSettingsHover and colorBorderSettingsHover
* feat: adapt settings color
* fix: should be reset together
* feat: compat old theme
2023-07-21 10:38:56 +08:00
feat: support custome themes ( #2228 )
* feat: create custom-theme plugin
* feat: add custom-theme
* chore: add plugin name and description
* chore: add deps
* chore: optimize deps
* refactor: rename
* chore: add antd-token-previewer
* chore: add deps in plugin
* feat: add theme-editor
* feat: add theme-editor
* feat: add settings
* feat: add theme collection
* refactor: migration to the components folder
* feat: add ThemeList
* refactor: be better
* feat: export createStyles
* feat: implement ThemeCard (T-723)
* style: optimize style
* feat: add ThemeEditorProvider
* feat: add ToEditTheme
* chore: add isBuiltIn field
* feat: implement WYSIWYG
* refactor: migrate i18n
* feat: support to save config
* feat: add validation rule
* refactor: remove useless code
* refactor: optimize GlobalThemeProvider
* feat: add CurrentUserSettingsMenuProvider
* feat: support switching themes
* refactor: migrate CurrentUserProvider to app root
* feat: add InitializeTheme
* fix: fix preview demo
* fix: filter themes
* fix: not valid when editing theme
* fix: should restore the previous theme when closing theme editor
* fix: fix algorithm
* fix: the theme that was just saved should be applied
* refactor: loacl antd-token-previewer
* fix: should be based on the current theme when editing themes
* feat: support to edit theme
* perf: reduce executions
* feat: add animation
* fix: fix the type error of useRequest
* feat: remove built-in themes
* chore: reinstall deps
* fix: fix version of deps
* fix: delete client.d.ts to fix build error
* chore: reinstall deps
* fix: fix build
* fix: fix build
* fix: avoid build errors
* fix: fix crashing
* fix: use value instead of defaultValue
* fix: avoid error
* fix: avoid closure
* fix: fix build
* fix: fix style of login page
* refactor(page): fix style
* fix: fix style of PageHeader
* refactor: fix style of Drawer
* refactor: add FormDialog to loacl
* refactor: fix style of SchemaSettings.ModalItem
* refactor: fix style of pm/Card
* fix: fix text color of pm/Marketplace
* fix: fix table error
* refactor: fix style of collection-manager/summary
* refactor: fix style of fields drawer
* chore: reinstall deps
* fix: fix build
* fix: fix build of custom-theme
* fix: should export Plugin
* refactor: fix style of GraphDrawPage
* chore: upgrade plugin version
* refactor: fix style of Modal by using antd App
* refactor: fix style of FormDialog by using local version
* refactor(workflow): refactor style using antd-style in workflow
* fix(workflow): fix style of workflow
* fix: fix size
* refactor: add --nb-header-height
* feat: remove theme configuration from system settings
* refactor: migrate useUpdateThemeSettings to a new file
* refactor: rename theme to themeId
* feat: add updateSystemThemeSettings
* refactor: migrate utils function
* feat: use localStorage to avoid theme invalid in login page
* fix: fix style of login page
* fix: fix style of Drawer
* feat: optimize style of theme card
* fix: should use a empty object to reset theme
* fix: fix test of Page
* fix: fix test of Application
* fix: change backgroundColor of login page
* fix: fix all style of modal
* fix: fix gap between blocks (T-896)
* fix: fix color of font (T-905)
* fix: fix build
* fix: fix can not scroll in Drawer (T-897)
* fix: fix width of built-in plugins page (T-900)
* fix: fix style of import Modal (T-907)
* fix: fix style of calendar (T-908)
* fix: fix style of kanban (T-909)
* fix: fix style of Gantt (T-910)
* fix: fix style of Collapse (T-915)
* fix: fix style of mobile (T-916)
* fix: fix style of PageHeader (T-958)
* fix: optimize background color of Drawer
* fix: fix style of notification
* fix: fix T-1000
* fix: fix style of LinkageHeader (T-1003)
* fix: fix T-1004
* fix: fix style of scroll bar of chart (T-911)
* fix: fix style of workflow drawer (T-997)
* fix: fix T-922
* fix: fix T-924
* refactor: rename custom-theme to theme-editor
* fix: fix T-999
* fix: fix T-1011
* fix: fix error
* fix: optimize dark mode (T-921)
* fix: fix style of markdown (T-1020)
* fix: fix style of data template (T-1025)
* fix: fix style of rich text (T-1026)
* fix: fix style of a
* fix: fix style of XButton (T-1028)
* fix: fix T-1027
* fix: fix color of variable tag (T-1030)
* chore: translation
* feat: add a modal before create new theme (T-1024)
* feat: highlight card when editing theme (T-1031)
* feat: support to change theme name (T-1023)
* fix: api.auth.getOption('theme')
* fix: fix T-1032
* fix: fix feedback in feishu group
* refactor: code review
* fix: fix test
* chore: rename
* fix: useNotificationMiddleware
* refactor: revert
* fix: fix build
* fix: notification
* refactor: migrate CurrentUserProvider from Application to NocoBaseBuildInPlugin
* fix: fix test
* refactor: fix code review
* chore: avoid test error
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-07-16 12:46:25 +08:00
refactor(client)!: upgrade antd to v5 ( #2078 )
* refactor: change moment to dayjs
* refactor: remove antd css
* refactor: change @formily/antd to @formily/antd-v5
* chore: add dep
* chore: upgrade babel/core and typescript
* refactor: rename moment to dayjs
* fix(dayjs): add plugins
* refactor: fix type errors
* refactor: change default export to named export
* chore: upgrade ts-loader
* refactor: rename moment to dayjs
* refactor: fix type errors
* chore: upgrade deps for build
* fix: fix build errors
* fix: add antd reset css
* fix: fix build error
* chore: add __builtins__
* chore: optimize genStyleHook
* refactor(Calendar): less to css-in-js
* refactor(acl): less to css-in-js
* refactor(board): less to css-in-js
* chore: add antd-style
* refactor(acl): use antd-style
* refactor(board): use antd-style
* refactor: schema-initializer
* refactor: refactor genStyleHook
* refactor: kanban
* refactor: filter
* refactor: upload
* refactor: markdown
* refactor: rename className to componentCls
* refactor: rich-text
* style: fix style
* fix: fix merge error
* chore: update yarn.lock
* chore: upgrade formily
* style: fix pageHeader
* style: fix add button style
* style: fix header menu color
* chore: update yarn.lock
* chore: upgrade deps
* test: fix tests
* test: fix tests
* fix: fix build error
* fix: fix style of plugin doc
* fix: fix tests
* fix: fix drag bug
* refactor: remove useless code
* fix: fix Modal style (T-621)
* fix: fix box-shadow of subMenu (T-622)
* fix: fix style of linkage rules (T-623)
* fix: fix style of DataTemplate
* fix: fix style of variable (T-620)
* chore: update yarn.lock
* fix: avoid test failed
* test: fix error
* chore: update yarn.lock
* test: fix error
* test(dayjs): fix error
* fix: should delay show menu to avoid the menu not hidden
* test: skip failure test
* fix(mouseEnterDelay): change default value from 100 to 150
* test: avoid failed
* refactor: rename component names
* chore: optimize types
* chore: lock antd version
* fix: fix build
* fix: fix build
* fix: layout bg color use variable
* fix: fix style of buttons
* feat: remove theme config
* fix(calendar): fix style
* fix(mobile-client): fix dialog style
* fix: fix test
* refactor: make code gooder
* chore: change code
* fix: fix T-847
* fix: fix T-845
* fix: display block
* fix: danger button
* refactor: make tester better
* fix: change moment to dayjs
* fix: build error
* fix: import dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore
* refactor: downgrade @testing-library/react to fix warning
* fix: fix CI
* fix: upgrade deps to fix build
* fix: fix test
* fix: skip some filed tests to avoid error
* fix: fix build errors that maked by merge code
* refactor: remove moment
* fix: error
* feat: update doc
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-07-08 08:26:27 +08:00
jack zhang
refactor(client)!: application, router and plugin ( #2068 )
* refactor: update umi version 3.x to version 4.x
* refactor: update react-router-dom version to 6.x
* refactor(react-router-dom): change Layout Component `props.children` to `<Outlet />`
* refactor(react-router-dom): change <Route /> props and <RouteSwitch /> correct
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `<Redirect />` to `<Navigate replace />`
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `useHistory` to `useNavigate`
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `useRouteMatch` to `useParams`
* refactor(react-router-dom & dumi): fix <RouteSwitch /> & umi document bug
* refactor(react-router-dom): `useRoutes` Optimize `<RouteSwitch />` code
* refactor(react-router-dom): update `Route` types and docs
* refactor(react-router-dom): optimize RouteSwitch code
* refactor(react-router-dom): `useLocation` no generics type
* refactor(react-router-dom): add `less v3.9.0` to `resolutions` to solve the error of `gulp-less`
* refactor(react-router-dom): fix `<RouteSwitch />` `props.routes` as an array is not handled
* chore: upgrade `dumi` and refactor docs
* fix: completed code review, add `targets` to solve browser compatibility & removed `chainWebpack`
* refactor(dumi): upgraded dumi under `packages/core/client`
* refactor(dumi): delete `packages/core/dumi-theme-nocobase`
* refactor(dumi): degrade `react` & replace `dumi-theme-antd` to `dumi-theme-nocobase`
* refactor(dumi): solve conflicts between multiple dumi applications
* fix: login page error in react 17
* refactor(dumi): remove less resolutions
* refactor(dumi): umi add `msfu: true` config
* fix: merge bug
* fix: self code review
* fix: code reivew and test bug
* refactor: upgrade react to 18
* refactor: degrade react types to 17
* chore: fix ci error
* fix: support routerBase & fix workflow page params
* fix(doc): menu externel link
* fix: build error
* fix: delete
* fix: vitest error
* fix: react-router new code replace
* fix: vitest markdown error
* fix: title is none when refresh
* fix: merge error
* fix: sidebar width is wrong
* fix: useProps error
* fix: side-menu-width
* fix: menu selectId is wrong & useProps is string
* fix: menu selected first default & side menu hide when change
* fix: test error & v0.10 change log
* fix: new compnent doc modify
* fix: set umi `fastRefresh=false`
* refactor: application v2
* fix: improve code
* fix: bug
* fix: page = 0 error
* fix: workflow navigate error
* feat: plugin manager
* fix: afterAdd
* feat: complete basic functional refactor
* fix: performance Application
* feat: support client and server build
* refactor: nocobase build-in plugin and providers
* fix: server can't start
* refactor: all plugins package `Prodiver` change to `Plugin`
* feat: nested router and change mobile client
* feat: delete application-v1 and router-switch
* feat: improve routes
* fix: change mobile not nested
* feat: delete RouteSwitchContext and change buildin Provider to Plugin
* feat: delete RouteSwitchContext plugins
* fix: refactor SchemaComponentOptions
* feat: improve SchemaComponentOptions
* fix: add useAdminSchemaUid
* fix: merge master error
* fix: vitest error
* fix: bug
* feat: bugs
* fix: improve code
* fix: restore code
* feat: vitest
* fix: bugs
* fix: bugs
* docs: update doc
* feat: improve code
* feat: add docs and imporve code
* fix: bugs
* feat: add tests
* fix: remove deps
* fix: muti app router error
* fix: router error
* fix: workflow error
* fix: cli error
* feat: change NoCobase -> Nocobase
* fix: code review
* fix: type error
* fix: cli error and plugin demo
* feat: update doc theme
* fix: build error
* fix: mobile router
* fix: code rewview
* fix: bug
* fix: test bug
* fix: bug
* refactor: add the "client" directory to all plugins
* refactor: modify samples client and plugin template
* fix: merge error
* fix: add files in package.json
* refactor: add README to files in package.json
* fix: adjust plugins depencies
* refactor: completing plugins' devDependencies and dependencies
* fix: bug
* refactor: remove @emotion/css
* refactor: jsonwebtoken deps
* refactor: remove sequelize
* refactor: dayjs and moment deps
* fix: bugs
* fix: bug
* fix: cycle detect
* fix: merge bug
* feat: new plugin bug
* fix: lang bug
* fix: dynamic import bug
* refactor: plugins and example add father config
* feat: improve code
* fix: add AppSpin and AppError components
* Revert "refactor: plugins and example add father config"
This reverts commit 483315bca5
# Conflicts:
# packages/plugins/auth/package.json
# packages/plugins/multi-app-manager/package.json
# packages/samples/command/package.json
# packages/samples/custom-collection-template/package.json
# packages/samples/ratelimit/package.json
# packages/samples/shop-actions/package.json
# packages/samples/shop-events/package.json
# packages/samples/shop-modeling/package.json
* feat: update doc
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-07-07 14:35:22 +08:00
fix(sub-apps): fix incorrect page display when navigating sub-apps ( #2126 )
* fix: avoid error log
* fix: fix incorrect page display when navigating sub-apps
* Revert "fix: fix incorrect page display when navigating sub-apps"
This reverts commit 1cfbfe2e22
* fix: fix incorrect page display when navigating sub-apps
2023-06-26 15:27:56 +08:00
jack zhang
fix: add useAdminSchemaUid ( #2092 )
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-06-21 16:40:21 +08:00
fix(acl): change route.uiSchemaUid to useAdminSchemaUid
2023-06-21 16:37:56 +08:00
refactor: migrate adminSchemaUid & mobileSchemaUid to system settings ( #2084 )
* refactor: migrate adminSchemaUid & mobileSchemaUid to system settings
* fix: error
2023-06-21 11:02:49 +08:00
jack zhang
refactor: upgrade umi
, react
and react-router-dom
( #1921 )
* refactor: update umi version 3.x to version 4.x
* refactor: update react-router-dom version to 6.x
* refactor(react-router-dom): change Layout Component `props.children` to `<Outlet />`
* refactor(react-router-dom): change <Route /> props and <RouteSwitch /> correct
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `<Redirect />` to `<Navigate replace />`
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `useHistory` to `useNavigate`
* refactor(react-router-dom): replace `useRouteMatch` to `useParams`
* refactor(react-router-dom & dumi): fix <RouteSwitch /> & umi document bug
* refactor(react-router-dom): `useRoutes` Optimize `<RouteSwitch />` code
* refactor(react-router-dom): update `Route` types and docs
* refactor(react-router-dom): optimize RouteSwitch code
* refactor(react-router-dom): `useLocation` no generics type
* refactor(react-router-dom): add `less v3.9.0` to `resolutions` to solve the error of `gulp-less`
* refactor(react-router-dom): fix `<RouteSwitch />` `props.routes` as an array is not handled
* chore: upgrade `dumi` and refactor docs
* fix: completed code review, add `targets` to solve browser compatibility & removed `chainWebpack`
* refactor(dumi): upgraded dumi under `packages/core/client`
* refactor(dumi): delete `packages/core/dumi-theme-nocobase`
* refactor(dumi): degrade `react` & replace `dumi-theme-antd` to `dumi-theme-nocobase`
* refactor(dumi): solve conflicts between multiple dumi applications
* fix: login page error in react 17
* refactor(dumi): remove less resolutions
* refactor(dumi): umi add `msfu: true` config
* fix: merge bug
* fix: self code review
* fix: code reivew and test bug
* refactor: upgrade react to 18
* refactor: degrade react types to 17
* chore: fix ci error
* fix: support routerBase & fix workflow page params
* fix(doc): menu externel link
* fix: build error
* fix: delete
* fix: vitest error
* fix: react-router new code replace
* fix: vitest markdown error
* fix: title is none when refresh
* fix: merge error
* fix: sidebar width is wrong
* fix: useProps error
* fix: side-menu-width
* fix: menu selectId is wrong & useProps is string
* fix: menu selected first default & side menu hide when change
* fix: test error & v0.10 change log
* fix: new compnent doc modify
* fix: set umi `fastRefresh=false`
* refactor: application v2
* fix: improve code
* fix: bug
* fix: page = 0 error
* fix: workflow navigate error
* feat: plugin manager
* fix: afterAdd
* feat: update docs
* feat: update docs
* fix: page tab change not work
* fix: login redirect query param doesn't work
* fix: bug and doc
* feat: update docs
* fix: ci error
* fix: merge main
* feat: update docs
* feat: update docs
* feat: update docs
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.10.0-alpha.1
* fix: translations
* chore: backend node test max old space size
* docs: add useSearchParams
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ChengLei Shao <chareice@live.com>
2023-06-20 11:48:02 +08:00
feat(plugin-mobile-client): support mobile-side client ( #1879 )
* feat: init mobile client
* feat: add plugin
* feat: ready to develop
* feat: update pm styels
* feat: add mobile center
* feat: router ready
* feat: support menu block, then menu ready
* fix: incorrect path
* feat: support TabBar
* feat: tabbar, menu support dragging
* feat: support page and header
* feat: mobile view
* fix: optional schema
* feat: improve styles
* fix: user-scalable
* feat: support pc component show in mobile
* feat: hidden divider
* fix: improve drawer props
* feat: support list block
* feat: rename to details list
* feat: page support tabs
* feat: improve designer css
* feat: complete enable/disabled header of page
* feat: some improve
* feat: improve empty data
* fix: header info cannot displayed
* chore: update deps
* fix: incorrect spacing
* fix: menu designer
* refactor: re implement
* feat: support page template
* feat: clean code
* feat: support i18n
* chore: update lock
* feat: support GirdCard in mobile
* fix: build failed
* feat: only render one column in mobile interface
* fix: back button should not display in container
* fix: switch to padding
* fix: fixedBlockDesignRItem shouldn't display in dosen't support block
* fix: update font family
* fix: remove gridcard title
* fix: dragging scope is too wide
* fix: add menu cannot direct display
* refactor: improve tabbar schema usage
* refactor: improve menu schema
* feat: should to use simple pagination
* feat: the tag should pre-wrap
* feat: improve the configuration button
* feat: improve name
* fix: clear data when modal is closed
* fix: the tag is too long
* fix: i18n
* fix: font incorrect
* feat: add map block
* fix: some maps error
* feat: support global action in page
* feat: improve border color
* feat: improve performance, the count stop early
* style: improve
* fix: incorrect font
* fix: style conflict
* chore: update version
* chore: missing dep
* feat: support setting block
* feat: improve settings block and improve
* feat: support onBackPressed
* fix: ts error
* feat: improve cannot find tab should navigate to mobile
* docs: update
* chore: update deps
* fix: showTitle state is incorrect
* feat: improve jsbridge apis
* fix: navigate to admin after signout
* chore: remove mgrid block
* fix: ts error
* fix: switch role will reload to root page
* fix: update deps
* fix: upgrade formily to 2.2.24
Co-authored-by: dream2023 <1098626505@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 19:54:00 +08:00
test: add tests for client ( #1960 )
* feat: add test utils
* test: fix compatibility problem
* refactor: use esm
* refactor: change require to import
* test: add a test
* chore: optimize launch.json
* chore(jest): optimize config
* test: fix failed
* test(Action): fix failed
* test: migration test from nocobase-next
* test: fix failed
* chore: set css to false
* fix: fix errors
* test(Filter): add test
* test(BlockItem): add test
* test(Calendar): add test
* refactor: migrate testUtils to client
* fix: avoid error
* refactor: fix lint error
* Revert "refactor: migrate testUtils to client"
This reverts commit ae569e2021a5c720111518cf3f2236e761a7186d.
* test: fix test failed
* refactor: migrate tesetUtils to @nocobase/test/client
* fix(Select): fix BUG
* refactor: remove useless code
* Revert "refactor: migrate tesetUtils to @nocobase/test/client"
This reverts commit 70d2211d5af546ae3fffaf5b53a326be8e194b34.
* test(AssociationSelect): add test
* test(CardItem): add test
* test(CollectionSelect): add test
* test(Cron): add test
* test(Details): add test
* test(ErrorFallback): add test
* test(Form): add test
* fix: fix CI
* test(FormItem): add test
* test(FormV2): add test
* test(G2Plot): add test
* test(Gantt): add test
* test(Grid): add test
* test(GridCard): add test
* test(Kanban): add test
* test(List): add test
* test(Menu): add test
* test(Page): add test
* test(Pagination): add test
* test(Preview): add test
* test(RemoteSelect): add test
* test: fix: failed
* refactor: remove useless code
* test(Table): add test
* test(TableV2): add test
* test(Tabs): add test
* test(Variable): add test
* test(Upload): add test
* chore: comment
* Revert "refactor: change require to import"
This reverts commit 3a23607e6faeda6f8b5bee02b9d8fa33bf9d2684.
* refactor: remove useless code
* fix: fix translation bug
* fix: fix export position
* test: update snap
2023-06-07 10:37:10 +08:00
refactor: front-end testing with vitest ( #1900 )
* refactor: front-end testing with vitest
* fix: fix build failed
2023-05-25 10:40:08 +08:00
docs: routes demo
2023-05-17 18:06:19 +08:00
fix: eslint ( #1759 )
* fix: eslint
* fix: eslint --fix
* fix: changelog
2023-04-25 13:12:14 +08:00
feat: improve plugin manager ui ( #1650 )
* feat: improve plugin view
* feat: work compatibility
* feat: avoid cause error
* feat: complete
* docs: revert
* fix: header cannot displayed
* feat: improve
* feat: update page css
* feat: update fixedblock design
* chore: upgrade antd
* fix: improve code
* fix: build error
* fix: build error
* fix: pagination cannot be fully displayed
* feat: improve
* fix: ts error
* chore: sqlite view field test
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chareice <chareice@live.com>
2023-04-12 12:24:09 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
feat: multiple apps ( #1540 )
* chore: skip yarn install in pm command
* feat: dump sub app by sub app name
* feat: dump & restore by sub app
* chore: enable application name to edit
* chore: field belongsTo uiSchema
* test: drop schema
* feat: uiSchema migrator
* fix: test
* fix: remove uiSchema
* fix: rerun migration
* chore: migrate fieldsHistory uiSchema
* fix: set uiSchema options
* chore: transaction params
* fix: sql error in mysql
* fix: sql compatibility
* feat: collection group api
* chore: restore & dump action template
* chore: tmp commit
* chore: collectionGroupAction
* feat: dumpableCollection api
* refactor: dump command
* fix: remove uiSchemaUid
* chore: get uiSchemaUid from tmp field
* feat: return dumped file url in dumper.dump
* feat: dump api
* refactor: collection groyoup
* chore: comment
* feat: restore command force option
* feat: dump with collection groups
* refactor: restore command
* feat: restore http api
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: restore test
* chore: volta pin
* fix: sub app load collection options
* fix: stop sub app
* feat: add stopped status to application to prevent duplicate application stop
* chore: tmp commit
* test: upgrade
* feat: pass upgrade event to sub app
* fix: app manager client
* fix: remove stopped status
* fix: emit beforeStop event
* feat: support dump & restore subApp through api
* chore: dumpable collections api
* refactor: getTableNameWithSchema
* fix: schema name
* feat: cname
* refactor: collection 同步实现方式
* refactor: move collection group manager to database
* fix: test
* fix: remove uiSchema
* fix: uiSchema
* fix: remove settings
* chore: plugin enable & disable event
* feat: modal warning
* fix: users_jobs namespace
* fix: rolesUischemas namespace
* fix: am snippet
* feat: beforeSubAppInstall event
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2023-03-10 19:16:00 +08:00
fix: navbar_ui style ( #1398 )
2023-01-30 10:35:25 +08:00
feat: draggable page tabs
2023-01-15 09:43:03 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
feat: acl optimization ( #1136 )
* fix: sort field with table dose not have primary key
* feat: fixed params merger
* chore(plugins/acl): fixed params
* chore(plugins/acl): allowConfigure of collections
* chore(plugins/china-region): disable actions other than list
* chore(plugins/collection-manager): allowConfigure permission
* chore(plugins/file-manager): acl fixed params
* chore: acl fixed params
* chore: rolesResourcesScopes onDelete cascade
* fix: install error
* chore: test
* fix: root user fixed params
* fix: role resource scope onDelete
* chore: test
* chore: test
* fix: acl
* chore: disable index.html cache
* chore: disable index.html cache
* test: destory user role
* test: destory throught table
* fix: test
* fix: test
* chore: add rolesUsers to fixed params
* feat: permission logging
* feat: permission logging
* fix: test
* fix: test
* chore: disable grant target action
* fix: appends with fields
* fix: get action params
* fix: associationActions
* chore: change AssociationField using relation type
* chore: typo
* refactor: allow to skip
* fix: prettier
* chore: attachments association action
* fix: allowConfigure condition
* fix: deprecated allow
* fix: please use skip instead
* feat: table column aclcheck
* chore: test
* feat: throw error when detory no permission record
* chore: test
* chore: acl test
* feat: field acl
* chore: after action middleware
* fix: destory permission check
* chore: middleware use
* fix: test
* feat: filter match
* feat: subform/subtable field acl check
* feat: action permision by scope
* feat: action permision by scope
* feat: list action with allowedActions
* chore: all allowed action
* fix: pk error
* fix: merge error
* fix: create query sql
* fix: skip permission
* fix: scope with association field
* feat: action acl fix
* feat: action acl fix
* fix: update submodule
* Feat: setting center permission (#1214 )
* feat: add setting center permissions
* feat: setting center permissions backlist
* feat: setting center permissions BLACKLIST
* feat: setting center permissions blacklist
* feat: setting center permissions blacklist
* feat: setting center permission
* feat: configure plugin tab expand
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
* Feat :field acl (#1211 )
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
* fix: build error
* test: acl snippet
* feat: set field
* fix: test
* fix: build error
* fix: utils Dependency cycles
* feat: general permissions
* feat: delete pluginTabBlacklist
* fix: test
* feat: snippetManager allow method
* feat: acl role snippetAllowed method
* feat: array field repository
* feat: ArrayFieldRepository
* fix: test
* fix: ci
* fix: ci error
* fix: add set parse
* test: array field repository
* chore: addSnippetPatten
* fix: start
* feat: sync role snippets
* feat: snippets check
* feat: snippets check
* chore: acl role snippet api
* fix: test
* fix: test
* refactor: acl role snippets
* chore: registerACLSettingSnippet
* chore: default snippets
* feat: snippets match
* feat: snippets check
* feat: snippets check
* feat: pm permision check
* feat: pm permision check
* feat: snippet pattern match
* feat: pluginManagerToolbar check
* feat: pluginManagerToolbar check
* chore: snippets default value
* feat: set role snippets migration
* chore: snippets
* feat: acl local
* feat: acl local
* feat: bookmask fix
* feat: plugin-manger & ui-editor snippet
* feat: set allowConfigure to false when upgrade to snippets
* feat: destory action acl fix
* feat: destory action acl fix
* fix: association resource params merge
* fix: ui editor snippet
* feat: action acl fix
* chore: move list meta middleware into plugins/acl
* fix: test
* feat: action acl fix
* feat: action acl check fix
* feat: plugins toolbar fix
* feat: gitmodules
* fix: subproject
* chore: add avaiableActions to snippet
* chore: change plugin-manager snippet
* feat: configure action acl fix
* feat: plugin tab acl check fix
* chore: roles snippets
* fix: add actions to snippet
* feat: allowconfigure fix
* fix: count with filterBy
* fix: build error
* feat: get action with allowedActions
* feat: acl route check fix
* feat: aclActionProvider fix
* feat: actionscpe fix
* feat: actionname alias
* feat: setting center fix
* feat: acl provider fix
* fix: role collection
* feat: associate resource acl
* feat: associate resource acl
* feat: redirect to 403
* feat: route redirct
* feat: acl scope check by record
* fix: fields appends fix
* fix: fields appends fix
* fix: fields appends fix
* fix: allowedActions fix
* fix: menu items
* fix: rename
* fix: improve code
* fix: improve code
* fix: improve code
* fix: ctx?.data?.data
* fix: styling
* fix: allowAll after ignore scope
* chore: allowConfigure condition
* fix: collections.fields:*
* fix: acl test
* fix: update submodule
* fix: acl test
* fix: acl snippet
* fix: updates
* fix: only load history for logged-in users
* fix: this.app.acl.registerSnippet
* fix: downloadXlsxTemplate
* fix: 404
* feat: allowedAction in association list response
* fix: listData get
* fix: test
* fix: x-collection-field
* fix: update record error
* fix: calendar template
* test: allow manager
* fix: fetch action step
* fix: update submodule
* fix: refresh
* fix: refresh
* fix: rolesResourcesScopes
* test: snippets
* fix: snippets
* fix: test
* fix: omit filter.createdById
* fix: improve code
* fix: collections path
* fix: test error
* fix: upgrade error
* fix: errors
* fix: read allowed actions error
* fix: kanban error
* fix: error
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: katherinehhh <katherine_15995@163.com>
2023-01-09 07:35:48 +08:00
feat : support fixed menu and header ( #1260 )
* feat: support fixed menu and header
* revert: power by
* fix: designer not work
* fix: cannot scroll
* feat: fixed menu in center
* fix: cannot scroll
* fix: unused
2022-12-18 16:49:50 +08:00
Feat/collection inherits ( #1097 )
* chore: test
* chore: inherited-collection class
* feat: collection inherit
* feat: collection inherit
* feat: inhertis sync runner
* test: get parents fields
* feat: collection inherit style promote
* feat: sync
* feat: sync alter table
* feat: pgOnly Test
* fix: child collection create api
* feat: replace parent field
* chore: reload parent fields
* test: reload collection test
* feat: details are displayed according to conditions
* fix: typo
* feat: inheritance map class
* chore: is parent node
* feat: display where child row created from
* fix: find with appends
* feat: add parent collection fields
* fix: create table
* feat: load fields for all children
* refactor: sync fields from parent
* test: has one field inhertis
* feat: replace child association target
* feat: should not replace child field when parent field update
* test: should update inherit field when parent field update
* feat: only the blocks directly inherited from the current data are displayed
* fix: inherit from multiple collections
* feat: only the blocks directly inherited from the current data are displayed
* fix: test
* feat: parent collection expend
* fix: test
* test: belongsToMany inherits
* test: belongsToMany inherits
* feat: block display
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: multiple inherits
* fix: sync runner
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: collecton inherits
* feat: cannot be modified after inheritance and saving
* feat: collection inherit for graph
* feat: collection inherits
* fix: drop inhertied field
* fix: should throw error when type conflit
* feat: output inherited fields
* feat: bulk update collection fields
* feat: collection fields
* feat: collection fields
* test: create relation with child table
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* feat: style impove
* test: should not replace field with difference type
* feat: add text
* fix: throw error when replace field with difference type
* feat: overriding
* feat: kan bankanban group fields
* feat: calendar block fields
* feat: kan bankanban group fields
* fix: test
* feat: relationship fields
* feat: should delete child's field when parent field deleted
* feat: foreign key filter
* fix: build error & multiple inherit destory field
* fix: test
* chore: disable error
* feat: no recursive update associations (#1091 )
* feat: update associations
* fix(collection-manager): should update uiSchema
* chore: flip if
* feat: mutile inherits
* feat: db dialect
* feat: inherits show by database
* chore: git hash into docker image
* fix: js gzip
* fix: dockerfile
* chore: error message
* feat: overriding
* feat: overriding
* feat: overriding
* feat: local
* feat: filter fields by interface
* fix: database logging env
* test: replace hasOne target
* feat: add view
* feat: local
* feat: enableInherits
* chore: error message
* feat: enableInherits
* feat: code optimization
* feat: code optimization
* feat: code optimization
Co-authored-by: chareice <chareice@live.com>
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2022-11-17 12:49:13 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
feat: collection inheritance ( #1069 )
* chore: test
* chore: inherited-collection class
* feat: collection inherit
* feat: collection inherit
* feat: inhertis sync runner
* test: get parents fields
* feat: collection inherit style promote
* feat: sync
* feat: sync alter table
* feat: pgOnly Test
* fix: child collection create api
* feat: replace parent field
* chore: reload parent fields
* test: reload collection test
* feat: details are displayed according to conditions
* fix: typo
* feat: inheritance map class
* chore: is parent node
* feat: display where child row created from
* fix: find with appends
* feat: add parent collection fields
* fix: create table
* feat: load fields for all children
* refactor: sync fields from parent
* test: has one field inhertis
* feat: replace child association target
* feat: should not replace child field when parent field update
* test: should update inherit field when parent field update
* feat: only the blocks directly inherited from the current data are displayed
* fix: inherit from multiple collections
* feat: only the blocks directly inherited from the current data are displayed
* fix: test
* feat: parent collection expend
* fix: test
* test: belongsToMany inherits
* test: belongsToMany inherits
* feat: block display
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: multiple inherits
* fix: sync runner
* feat: collection inherite
* feat: collecton inherits
* feat: cannot be modified after inheritance and saving
* feat: collection inherit for graph
* feat: collection inherits
* fix: drop inhertied field
* fix: should throw error when type conflit
* feat: output inherited fields
* feat: bulk update collection fields
* feat: collection fields
* feat: collection fields
* test: create relation with child table
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* feat: style impove
* test: should not replace field with difference type
* feat: add text
* fix: throw error when replace field with difference type
* feat: overriding
* feat: kan bankanban group fields
* feat: calendar block fields
* feat: kan bankanban group fields
* fix: test
* feat: relationship fields
* feat: should delete child's field when parent field deleted
* feat: foreign key filter
* fix: build error & multiple inherit destory field
* fix: test
* chore: disable error
* feat: no recursive update associations (#1091 )
* feat: update associations
* fix(collection-manager): should update uiSchema
* chore: flip if
* feat: mutile inherits
* feat: db dialect
* feat: inherits show by database
* chore: git hash into docker image
* fix: js gzip
* fix: dockerfile
* chore: error message
* feat: overriding
* feat: overriding
* feat: overriding
* feat: local
* feat: filter fields by interface
* fix: database logging env
* test: replace hasOne target
* feat: add view
* feat: local
* chore: enable error
* fix: update docs
Co-authored-by: katherinehhh <katherine_15995@163.com>
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2022-11-16 12:53:58 +08:00
fix: menu z-index
2022-11-15 10:31:47 +08:00
feat: improve collection manager ( #1013 )
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat(collection-manager): add foreignKey Field and support relate field record foreignKey info
through collection record into collections and foreignKey field record info fields
* fix(collection-manager): if has through collection then don't create through collections record
* fix(client/route-switch): skip sub routes
* feat: 添加graphpostion
* feat: 图形化collection新增表时刷新数据
* fix(collection-manager): refactor afterCreateForRelateField
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: styling
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: 图形化数据表多语言完善
* feat: 图形化数据表多语言完善
* feat: improve code
* feat: 图形化数据表连线样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* fix(collection-manager): fix afterCreateForRelateField
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: afterCreateForForeignKeyField
* fix: timestamps: false
* feat: 连线锚点优化
* fix(collection-manager): when del foreign key field, relate fields will be del too
* fix: update package.json
* fix: update package.json
* feat: 文件名大小写
* feat: 连线锚点优化
* feat: 连线锚点通过计算得到样式优化
* feat: 连线锚点通过计算得到样式优化
* fix: fk
* fix: remove index
* feat: 连线hover时高亮
* fix: test error
* feat: 初始化计算位置
* feat: 初始化时计算坐标位置
* feat: 初始化时计算坐标位置
* feat: improve code (#933 )
* fix: built in
* feat: 没有关系字段时也要连线
* feat: 自关联也要连线
* fix: styling
* feat: 滚动条问题
* feat: 拖拽优化
* feat: 画布paddig优化
* feat: 编辑时支持反向关联字段配置
* feat: 画布拖拽滚动优化
* feat: 画布拖拽滚动优化
* fix: reload
* feat: 修复数据表新建重叠
* fix: refreshCM & refreshGM
* feat: 修复表达式输入框显示异常
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* fix: 消除代码警告
* fix: 消除代码警告
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化
* feat: 渲染性能优化
* feat: 外键生成在位置在前面
* feat: 限制表最多显示10个字段其余滚动
* feat: 移动表位置的连线重新计算最优位置
* fix: error
* feat: 布局自动换行
* fix: test error
* fix: xpipe.eq
* fix: upgrade error
* fix: upgrade error
* feat: 选中表时只显示和目标表关联的表和连线
* feat: 连线优化
* fix: maxListenersExceededWarning
* feat: 连线优化
* feat: powerby样式优化
* feat: 表筛选优化
* feat: 新建字段优化
* feat: 点击线高亮主外键和关联字段
* feat: 点击线高亮主外键和关联字段
* feat: 鼠标hover连线高亮主外键和关联字段
* fix(collection-manager): foreign key sorting should follow ID
* fix(client/config-relation-field): set Relation field's ReverseField default value is false
* feat: 卡片默认显示主外键和关联字段其余通过折叠展示且分组区分显示
* fix(client/collection-manager): don't display auto create through collections and foreign key
only display in graph menu
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: 添加字段时默认展开折叠
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: foreign field migration (#1001 )
* feat: 补充多语言
* feat: settings center tabs
* feat: 主键判断primaryKey
* fix(collection-manager): foreign key sorting should follow primaryKey
* fix(client/block-select-collection): filter auto create through collections
* fix(client/block-config-fields): filter isForeignKey fields
* fix(client/configuration-table): relation fileds select collection filter auto create through
* feat: 多对多连线高亮时全亮
* feat: 选中多对多中的一张表另一张表也显示
* feat: 连线mouseleave事件
* feat: 多语言更新
* feat: 计算新建表位置优化
* feat: 添加自动布局
* feat(client/configure-fields): categorize fields
* fix(client/configure-fields): display foreign key fields
* fix(client): package reference
* fix: remove graph
* fix: remove
Co-authored-by: 唐小爱 <tangxiaoai@>
Co-authored-by: lyf-coder <lyf-coder@foxmail.com>
Co-authored-by: katherinehhh <katherine_15995@163.com>
Co-authored-by: ChengLei Shao <chareice@live.com>
Co-authored-by: mytharcher <mytharcher@gmail.com>
2022-11-02 22:13:25 +08:00
feat: plugin workflow visualization ( #987 )
* feat(plugin-workfow): adjust some ui
* feat(plugin-workflow): add execution visualization
* fix(plugin-workflow): fix changed component
2022-10-30 11:54:14 +08:00
feat: improve code ( #978 )
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 完善图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat: 样式优化图形化管理数据表
* feat(collection-manager): add foreignKey Field and support relate field record foreignKey info
through collection record into collections and foreignKey field record info fields
* fix(collection-manager): if has through collection then don't create through collections record
* fix(client/route-switch): skip sub routes
* feat: 添加graphpostion
* feat: 图形化collection新增表时刷新数据
* fix(collection-manager): refactor afterCreateForRelateField
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化collection存储位置
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: styling
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: 图形化样式优化
* feat: 图形化数据表多语言完善
* feat: 图形化数据表多语言完善
* feat: improve code
* feat: 图形化数据表连线样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* feat: 图形化数据表样式修改
* fix(collection-manager): fix afterCreateForRelateField
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: 样式优化
* feat: afterCreateForForeignKeyField
* fix: timestamps: false
* feat: 连线锚点优化
* fix(collection-manager): when del foreign key field, relate fields will be del too
* fix: update package.json
* fix: update package.json
* feat: 文件名大小写
* feat: 连线锚点优化
* feat: 连线锚点通过计算得到样式优化
* feat: 连线锚点通过计算得到样式优化
* fix: fk
* fix: remove index
* feat: 连线hover时高亮
* fix: test error
* feat: 初始化计算位置
* feat: 初始化时计算坐标位置
* feat: 初始化时计算坐标位置
* feat: improve code (#933 )
* fix: built in
* feat: 没有关系字段时也要连线
* feat: 自关联也要连线
* fix: styling
* feat: 滚动条问题
* feat: 拖拽优化
* feat: 画布paddig优化
* feat: 编辑时支持反向关联字段配置
* feat: 画布拖拽滚动优化
* feat: 画布拖拽滚动优化
* fix: reload
* feat: 修复数据表新建重叠
* fix: refreshCM & refreshGM
* feat: 修复表达式输入框显示异常
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* fix: 消除代码警告
* fix: 消除代码警告
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化(增量渲染)
* feat: 渲染性能优化
* feat: 渲染性能优化
* feat: 外键生成在位置在前面
* feat: 限制表最多显示10个字段其余滚动
* feat: 移动表位置的连线重新计算最优位置
* fix: error
* feat: 布局自动换行
* fix: test error
* fix: xpipe.eq
* fix: upgrade error
* fix: upgrade error
* feat: 选中表时只显示和目标表关联的表和连线
* fix: maxListenersExceededWarning
* feat: remove graph-collection-manager
* fix: remove graph-collection-manager
* fix: update yarn.lock
Co-authored-by: 唐小爱 <tangxiaoai@>
Co-authored-by: lyf-coder <lyf-coder@foxmail.com>
Co-authored-by: katherinehhh <katherine_15995@163.com>
2022-10-28 15:09:14 +08:00
fix(client/route-switch): skip sub routes
2022-10-15 11:09:06 +08:00
fix: can't access pages without permission via url ( #826 )
(cherry picked from commit 92e71c3b01
2022-10-13 12:15:31 +08:00
fix(client): filter menu item schema by permissions
2022-05-25 12:09:41 +08:00
fix(client): pagination dropdown menu is blocked #398
2022-05-20 13:35:56 +08:00
feat: add plugins:getPinned action api
2022-05-14 08:56:30 +08:00
fix: the left menu does not collapse when switching routes
2022-04-24 16:05:08 +08:00
fix: content loading
2022-04-24 12:39:23 +08:00
feat: file storages ( #314 )
* feat: file storages
* feat: storageOptions
* feat: radio field
* fix: documentRoot
2022-04-24 10:12:12 +08:00
feat: translations
2022-04-23 11:55:33 +08:00
fix: change plugin routes
2022-04-21 12:42:00 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
Feat/create nocobase app ( #273 )
* create-nocobase-app template from [develop]
* change create-nocobase-app package.json config
* feat: load configuration from directory
* feat: configuration repository toObject
* feat: create application from configuration dir
* feat: application factory with plugins options
* export type
* feat: read application config & application with plugins options
* feat: release command
* fix: database release
* chore: workflow package.json
* feat: nocobase cli package
* feat: console command
* chore: load application in command
* fix: load packages from process.cwd
* feat: cli load env file
* feat: create-nocobase-app
* fix: gitignore create-nocobase-app lib
* fix: sqlite path
* feat: create plugin
* chore: plugin files template
* chore: move cli into application
* chore: create-nocobase-app
* fix: create plugin
* chore: app-client && app-server
* chore: package.json
* feat: create-nocobase-app download template from npm
* chore: create-nocobase-app template
* fix: config of plugin-users
* fix: yarn.lock
* fix: database build error
* fix: yarn.lock
* fix: resourcer config
* chore: cross-env
* chore: app-client dependents
* fix: env
* chore: v0.6.0-alpha.1
* chore: verdaccio
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.1-alpha.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.1
* chore: 0.6.2-alpha.2
* feat: workspaces
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.3
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.4
* chore: create-nocobase-app
* chore: create-nocobase-app lib
* fix: update tsconfig.jest.json
* chore: .env
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.5
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.6
* feat: improve code
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.7
* fix: cleanup
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.8
* chore: tsconfig for app server package
* fix: move files
* fix: move files
Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com>
2022-04-17 10:00:42 +08:00