ChengLei Shao
refactor: establish a sound testing system ( #3179 )
* chore: use vitest to replace jest
* chore: support vitest
* feat: vitest 1.0
* fix: test
* chore: yarn.lock
* chore: github actions
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: jest.fn
* fix: require
* fix: test
* fix: build
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: dynamic import
* fix: bug
* chore: yarn run test command
* chore: package.json
* chore: package.json
* chore: vite 5
* fix: fix variable test
* fix: import json
* feat: initEnv
* fix: env.APP_ENV_PATH
* chore: get package json
* fix: remove GlobalThmeProvider
* chore: update snap
* chore: test env
* chore: test env
* chore: import module
* chore: jest
* fix: load package json
* chore: test
* fix: bug
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* fix: import file in windows
* chore: import module with absolute file path
* fix: test error
* test: update snapshot
* chore: update yarn.lock
* fix: front-end tests do not include utils folder
* refactor: use vitest-dom
* fix: fix build
* fix: test error
* fix: change to vitest.config.mts
* fix: types error
* fix: types error
* fix: types error
* fix: error
* fix: test
* chore: test
* fix: test package
* feat: update dependencies
* refactor: test
* fix: error
* fix: error
* fix: __dirname is not defined in ES module scope
* fix: allow only
* fix: error
* fix: error
* fix: error
* fix: create-app
* fix: install-deps
* feat: update docs
Co-authored-by: chenos <>
Co-authored-by: dream2023 <>
Co-authored-by: Zeke Zhang <>
2023-12-21 20:39:11 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
feat: application supervisor ( #2353 )
* chore: skip sync localization-management plugin enable status
* chore: unSyncPlugins array
* chore: remove install at dev
* chore: gateway and supervisor
* chore: install command
* chore: remove app manager
* chore: share plugin
* chore: wsserver
* chore: websocket server
* chore: websocket connection with app status
* feat: socket server at gateway
* chore: loading message
* chore: ready status
* chore: handle app error
* feat: restart app at supervisor
* feat: health check endpoint
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: build
* chore: test
* chore: build
* chore: application ready status
* chore: error message
* chore: handle application error
* chore: handle error in load
* chore: report error in websocket
* chore: ws error
* chore: ws error
* chore: typo
* chore: switch app ready status at install
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* chore: test
* feat: add WebSocket client
* chore: start gateway
* chore: start command in application
* chore: code
* chore: pm command
* chore: run start after load sub app
* feat: application fsm
* refactor: server life cycle (#2402 )
* refactor: server life cycle
* fix: test error
* fix: test error
* fix: test error
* fix: app.start
* fix: cronjob stop
* fix: db.sync before upgrade
* fix: pm.get
* fix: test error
* fix: test error
* fix: test error
* test: add test cases
* fix: remove PluginType
* chore: start application after install
* chore: fsm
* chore: working status
* chore: working command
* chore: remove swith app ready status
* chore: switch status after working done
* chore: ws status
* chore: gateway error
* chore: test
* chore: stopping status
* chore: test
* chore: test
* feat: app proxy
* chore: application destory
* chore: application message changed with status
* chore: test
* chore: test timeout
* test: remove listener add by plugin
* test: remove listener add by plugin
* chore: test
* feat: app maintaining
* fix: add AppMaintainingDialog
* feat: off
* test: gateway http response
* test: gateway with errors
* chore: unkown error
* chore: websocket message
* chore: ws message
* chore: code
* chore: error format
* chore: delay app load
* feat: improve code
* chore: application initializing status
* chore: supervisor with app status
* chore: command status response
* chore: test
* chore: ws message
* chore: test
* fix: command running message
* feat: restart
* chore: code
* chore: status transition
* chore: test
* fix: improve code
* fix: error
* fix: restart
* fix: command
* chore: reset client app tag when app selector changed
* chore: error report
* fix: application status
* fix: build
* chore: disable help command dispatch
* chore: test
* test: multi apps test
* fix: improve code
* fix: test
* fix: test
* fix: multi apps single running
* fix: improve code
* fix: app status
* chore: move plugin static file to gateway
* feat: static file handler
* chore: test
* chore: enable plugins in share collection
* chore: gateway serve upload files
* fix: improve client
* chore: ws nginx config
* fix: gateway with naonoid
* fix: db sync
* fix: loading
* fix: ping
* fix: locale load
* fix: yarn start --quickstart
* fix: add debug log
* chore: application started event
* chore: running working message payload
* chore: nginx log
* chore: nginxconf
* chore: working message log
* feat: logs
* feat: compression
* fix: remove koa-send and koa-static
* fix: remove -e
* fix: remove nginx
* fix: remove -e
* fix: __appName
* chore: delay install sub application
* chore: sync plugin status
* fix: boot sub app
* fix: main app reload
* fix: test
* fix: app status
* test: field.bind block event loop
* feat: newrelic
* feat: debug log
* chore: upgrade
* fix(file-manager): test error
* fix: default app selector
* fix: reload after maintained
* chore: boot sub app
* chore: application destroy command
* chore: destroy command
* chore: clean code
* chore: package.json
* chore: maintaining message
* chore: test
* fix: collection.sync
* feat: add test cases
* chore: application
* fix: test error
* feat: improve codes and add test cases
* fix: test error
* fix: pm enable and disable
* fix: pm.disable
* feat: update docs
* chore: update dockerfile
Co-authored-by: chenos <>
2023-08-24 17:47:45 +08:00
fix: eslint ( #1759 )
* fix: eslint
* fix: eslint --fix
* fix: changelog
2023-04-25 13:12:14 +08:00
feat: improve migrations ( #510 )
* feat: improve upgrade
* feat: addMigrations
* fix: get version
* feat: retry
* feat: migration context
* feat: get the version number from the server
2022-06-17 10:25:59 +08:00
fix: lang option for install command
2022-04-24 23:17:42 +08:00
ChengLei Shao
Feat/create nocobase app ( #273 )
* create-nocobase-app template from [develop]
* change create-nocobase-app package.json config
* feat: load configuration from directory
* feat: configuration repository toObject
* feat: create application from configuration dir
* feat: application factory with plugins options
* export type
* feat: read application config & application with plugins options
* feat: release command
* fix: database release
* chore: workflow package.json
* feat: nocobase cli package
* feat: console command
* chore: load application in command
* fix: load packages from process.cwd
* feat: cli load env file
* feat: create-nocobase-app
* fix: gitignore create-nocobase-app lib
* fix: sqlite path
* feat: create plugin
* chore: plugin files template
* chore: move cli into application
* chore: create-nocobase-app
* fix: create plugin
* chore: app-client && app-server
* chore: package.json
* feat: create-nocobase-app download template from npm
* chore: create-nocobase-app template
* fix: config of plugin-users
* fix: yarn.lock
* fix: database build error
* fix: yarn.lock
* fix: resourcer config
* chore: cross-env
* chore: app-client dependents
* fix: env
* chore: v0.6.0-alpha.1
* chore: verdaccio
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.1-alpha.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.0
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.1
* chore: 0.6.2-alpha.2
* feat: workspaces
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.3
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.4
* chore: create-nocobase-app
* chore: create-nocobase-app lib
* fix: update tsconfig.jest.json
* chore: .env
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.5
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.6
* feat: improve code
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.7
* fix: cleanup
* chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.6.2-alpha.8
* chore: tsconfig for app server package
* fix: move files
* fix: move files
Co-authored-by: chenos <>
2022-04-17 10:00:42 +08:00