import ncc from '@vercel/ncc'; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import fg from 'fast-glob'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import { build as tsupBuild } from 'tsup'; import { build as viteBuild } from 'vite'; import cssInjectedByJsPlugin from 'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js'; import { buildCheck, formatFileSize, getExcludePackages, getFileSize, getIncludePackages, getPackageJson, getSourcePackages, } from './utils/buildPluginUtils'; import { getDepsConfig } from './utils/getDepsConfig'; const serverGlobalFiles: string[] = ['src/**', '!src/**/__tests__', '!src/client/**']; const clientGlobalFiles: string[] = ['src/client/**', '!src/**/__tests__']; const external = [ // nocobase '@nocobase/acl', '@nocobase/actions', '@nocobase/auth', '@nocobase/cache', '@nocobase/client', '@nocobase/database', '@nocobase/evaluators', '@nocobase/logger', '@nocobase/resourcer', '@nocobase/sdk', '@nocobase/server', '@nocobase/test', '@nocobase/utils', // @nocobase/auth 'jsonwebtoken', // @nocobase/cache 'cache-manager', // @nocobase/database 'sequelize', 'umzug', 'async-mutex', // @nocobase/evaluators '@formulajs/formulajs', 'mathjs', // @nocobase/logger 'winston', 'winston-daily-rotate-file', // koa 'koa', '@koa/cors', '@koa/router', 'multer', '@koa/multer', 'koa-bodyparser', 'koa-static', 'koa-send', // react 'react', 'react-dom', 'react/jsx-runtime', // react-router 'react-router', 'react-router-dom', // antd 'antd', 'antd-style', '@ant-design/icons', '@ant-design/cssinjs', // i18next 'i18next', 'react-i18next', // dnd-kit 相关 '@dnd-kit/accessibility', '@dnd-kit/core', '@dnd-kit/modifiers', '@dnd-kit/sortable', '@dnd-kit/utilities', // formily 相关 '@formily/antd-v5', '@formily/core', '@formily/react', '@formily/json-schema', '@formily/path', '@formily/validator', '@formily/shared', '@formily/reactive', '@formily/reactive-react', // utils 'dayjs', 'mysql2', 'pg', 'pg-hstore', 'sqlite3', 'supertest', 'axios', '@emotion/css', 'ahooks', 'lodash', 'china-division', 'cronstrue', ]; const pluginPrefix = ( process.env.PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PREFIX || '@nocobase/plugin-,@nocobase/preset-,@nocobase/plugin-pro-' ).split(','); type Log = (msg: string, ...args: any) => void; const target_dir = 'dist'; export function deleteJsFiles(cwd: string, log: Log) { log('delete babel js files'); const jsFiles = fg.globSync(['**/*', '!**/*.d.ts', '!node_modules'], { cwd: path.join(cwd, target_dir), absolute: true, }); jsFiles.forEach((item) => { fs.unlinkSync(item); }); } export async function buildServerDeps(cwd: string, serverFiles: string[], log: Log) { log('build server dependencies'); const outDir = path.join(cwd, target_dir, 'node_modules'); const sourcePackages = getSourcePackages(serverFiles); const includePackages = getIncludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix); const excludePackages = getExcludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix); let tips = []; if (includePackages.length) { tips.push( `These packages ${chalk.yellow(includePackages.join(', '))} will be ${chalk.bold( 'bundled', )} to dist/node_modules.`, ); } if (excludePackages.length) { tips.push(`These packages ${chalk.yellow(excludePackages.join(', '))} will be ${chalk.bold('exclude')}.`); } tips.push(`For more information, please refer to: ${'')}.`); log(tips.join(' ')); if (!includePackages.length) return; const deps = getDepsConfig(cwd, outDir, includePackages, external); // bundle deps for (const dep of Object.keys(deps)) { const { outputDir, mainFile, pkg, nccConfig, depDir } = deps[dep]; const outputPackageJson = path.join(outputDir, 'package.json'); // cache check if (fs.existsSync(outputPackageJson)) { const outputPackage = require(outputPackageJson); if (outputPackage.version === pkg.version) { continue; } } // copy package await fs.copy(depDir, outputDir, { errorOnExist: false }); // delete files const deleteFiles = fg.sync( [ './**/*.map', './**/*', './**/*.md', './**/*.mjs', './**/*.png', './**/*.jpg', './**/*.jpeg', './**/*.gif', './**/*/.bin', './**/*/bin', './**/*/LICENSE', './**/*/tsconfig.json', ], { cwd: outputDir, absolute: true }, ); deleteFiles.forEach((file) => { fs.unlinkSync(file); }); await ncc(dep, nccConfig).then( ({ code, assets }: { code: string; assets: Record }) => { // emit dist file fs.writeFileSync(mainFile, code, 'utf-8'); // emit assets Object.entries(assets).forEach(([name, item]) => { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputDir, name), item.source, { encoding: 'utf-8', mode: item.permissions, }); }); // emit package.json fs.writeFileSync( outputPackageJson, JSON.stringify({ ...pkg, _lastModified: new Date().toISOString(), }), 'utf-8', ); }, ); } } export async function buildPluginServer(cwd: string, log: Log) { log('build server source'); const packageJson = getPackageJson(cwd); const serverFiles = fg.globSync(serverGlobalFiles, { cwd, absolute: true }); buildCheck({ cwd, packageJson, entry: 'server', files: serverFiles, log }); await tsupBuild({ entry: serverFiles, splitting: false, clean: false, bundle: false, silent: true, treeshake: true, target: 'node16', outDir: path.join(cwd, target_dir), format: 'cjs', skipNodeModulesBundle: true, }); await buildServerDeps(cwd, serverFiles, log); } export function buildPluginClient(cwd: string, log: Log) { log('build client'); const packageJson = getPackageJson(cwd); const clientFiles = fg.globSync(clientGlobalFiles, { cwd, absolute: true }); const sourcePackages = getSourcePackages(clientFiles); const excludePackages = getExcludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix); buildCheck({ cwd, packageJson, entry: 'client', files: clientFiles, log }); const outDir = path.join(cwd, target_dir, 'client'); const globals = excludePackages.reduce>((prev, curr) => { if (curr.startsWith('@nocobase')) { prev[`${curr}/client`] = curr; } prev[curr] = curr; return prev; }, {}); const entry = fg.globSync('src/client/index.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}', { cwd }); const outputFileName = 'index.js'; return viteBuild({ mode: 'production', define: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'), }, logLevel: 'warn', build: { minify: false, outDir, cssCodeSplit: false, emptyOutDir: false, lib: { entry, formats: ['umd'], name:, fileName: () => outputFileName, }, rollupOptions: { cache: true, external: Object.keys(globals), output: { exports: 'named', globals, }, }, }, plugins: [ react(), cssInjectedByJsPlugin({ styleId: }), { name: 'check-file-size', closeBundle() { const file = path.join(outDir, outputFileName); if (!fs.existsSync(file)) return; const fileSize = getFileSize(path.join(outDir, outputFileName)); if (fileSize > 1024 * 1024) { log('The bundle file size exceeds 1MB %s. ',; } }, }, ], }); }