import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import qs from 'qs'; import { FILE_FIELD_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL } from '../constants'; import { getApp, getAgent, getAPI } from '.'; const DEFAULT_LOCAL_BASE_URL = process.env.LOCAL_STORAGE_BASE_URL || `http://localhost:${process.env.HTTP_PORT}/uploads`; describe('action', () => { let app; let agent; let api; let db; beforeEach(async () => { app = await getApp(); agent = getAgent(app); api = getAPI(app); db = app.database; const Storage = app.database.getModel('storages'); await Storage.create({ name: `local_${}`, type: STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL, baseUrl: DEFAULT_LOCAL_BASE_URL, default: true }); }); afterEach(() => db.close()); describe('direct attachment', () => { it('upload file should be ok', async () => { const response = await agent .post('/api/attachments:upload') .attach(FILE_FIELD_NAME, path.resolve(__dirname, './files/text.txt')); const matcher = { title: 'text', extname: '.txt', path: '', size: 13, mimetype: 'text/plain', meta: {}, storage_id: 1, }; // 文件上传和解析是否正常 expect(response.body).toMatchObject(matcher); // 文件的 url 是否正常生成 expect(response.body.url).toBe(`${DEFAULT_LOCAL_BASE_URL}${response.body.path}/${response.body.filename}`); const Attachment = db.getModel('attachments'); const attachment = await Attachment.findOne({ where: { id: }, include: ['storage'] }); const storage = attachment.get('storage'); // 文件的数据是否正常保存 expect(attachment).toMatchObject(matcher); // 关联的存储引擎是否正确 expect(storage).toMatchObject({ type: 'local', options: {}, rules: {}, path: '', baseUrl: DEFAULT_LOCAL_BASE_URL, default: true, }); const { documentRoot = 'uploads' } = storage.options || {}; const destPath = path.resolve(path.isAbsolute(documentRoot) ? documentRoot : path.join(process.env.PWD, documentRoot), storage.path); const file = await fs.readFile(`${destPath}/${attachment.filename}`); // 文件是否保存到指定路径 expect(file.toString()).toBe('Hello world!\n'); const content = await agent.get(`/uploads${attachment.path}/${attachment.filename}`); // 通过 url 是否能正确访问 // TODO(bug) // expect(content.text).toBe('Hello world!\n'); }); }); describe('belongsTo attachment', () => { it('upload with associatedKey, fail as 400 because file mimetype does not match', async () => { const User = db.getModel('users'); const user = await User.create(); const response = await api.resource('users.avatar').upload({ associatedKey:, filePath: './files/text.txt' }); expect(response.status).toBe(400); }); it('upload with associatedKey', async () => { const User = db.getModel('users'); const user = await User.create(); const response = await api.resource('users.avatar').upload({ associatedKey:, filePath: './files/image.png', values: { width: 100, height: 100 } }); const matcher = { title: 'image', extname: '.png', path: '', size: 255, mimetype: 'image/png', // TODO(optimize): 可以考虑使用 qs 的 decoder 来进行类型解析 // see: // 或考虑使用 query-string 库的 parseNumbers 等配置项 meta: { width: '100', height: '100' }, storage_id: 1, }; // 上传正常返回 expect(response.body).toMatchObject(matcher); // 由于初始没有外键,无法获取 // await user.getAvatar() const updatedUser = await User.findByPk(, { include: ['avatar'] }); // 外键更新正常 expect(updatedUser.get('avatar').id).toBe(; }); // TODO(bug): 没有 associatedKey 时路径解析资源名称不对,无法进入 action it.skip('upload without associatedKey', async () => { const response = await api.resource('users.avatar').upload({ filePath: './files/image.png', values: { width: 100, height: 100 } }); const matcher = { title: 'image', extname: '.png', path: '', size: 255, mimetype: 'image/png', // TODO(optimize): 可以考虑使用 qs 的 decoder 来进行类型解析 // see: // 或考虑使用 query-string 库的 parseNumbers 等配置项 meta: { width: '100', height: '100' }, storage_id: 1, }; // 上传返回正常 expect(response.body).toMatchObject(matcher); }); }); });