# LocalVocal - AI assistant OBS Plugin
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## Introduction LocalVocal live-streaming AI assistant plugin allows you to transcribe, locally on your machine, audio speech into text and perform various language processing functions on the text using AI / LLMs (Large Language Models). ✅ No GPU required, ✅ no cloud costs, ✅ no network and ✅ no downtime! Privacy first - all data stays on your machine. If this free plugin has been valuable to you consider adding a ⭐ to this GH repo, rating it [on OBS](https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/localvocal-live-stream-ai-assistant.1769/), subscribing to [my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@royshilk) where I post updates, and supporting my work: https://github.com/sponsors/royshil

Current Features: - Transcribe audio to text in real time in 100 languages - Display captions on screen using text sources - Send captions to a file (which can be read by external sources) - Send captions on a RTMP stream to e.g. YouTube, Twitch Roadmap: - Remove unwanted words from the transcription - Translate captions in real time to 50 languages - Summarize the text and show "highlights" on screen - Detect key moments in the stream and allow triggering events (like replay) - Detect emotions/sentiment and allow triggering events (like changing the scene or colors etc.) Internally the plugin is running a neural network ([OpenAI Whisper](https://github.com/openai/whisper)) locally to predict in real time the speech and provide captions. It's using the [Whisper.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp) project from [ggerganov](https://github.com/ggerganov) to run the Whisper network in a very efficient way on CPUs and GPUs. Check out our other plugins: - [Background Removal](https://github.com/royshil/obs-backgroundremoval) removes background from webcam without a green screen. - 🚧 Experimental 🚧 [CleanStream](https://github.com/royshil/obs-cleanstream) for real-time filler word (uh,um) and profanity removal from live audio stream - [URL/API Source](https://github.com/royshil/obs-urlsource) that allows fetching live data from an API and displaying it in OBS. ## Download Check out the [latest releases](https://github.com/royshil/obs-localvocal/releases) for downloads and install instructions. ## Building The plugin was built and tested on Mac OSX (Intel & Apple silicon), Windows and Linux. Start by cloning this repo to a directory of your choice. ### Mac OSX Using the CI pipeline scripts, locally you would just call the zsh script. By default this builds a universal binary for both Intel and Apple Silicon. To build for a specific architecture please see `.github/scripts/.build.zsh` for the `-arch` options. ```sh $ ./.github/scripts/build-macos -c Release ``` #### Install The above script should succeed and the plugin files (e.g. `obs-urlsource.plugin`) will reside in the `./release/Release` folder off of the root. Copy the `.plugin` file to the OBS directory e.g. `~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins`. To get `.pkg` installer file, run for example ```sh $ ./.github/scripts/package-macos -c Release ``` (Note that maybe the outputs will be in the `Release` folder and not the `install` folder like `pakage-macos` expects, so you will need to rename the folder from `build_x86_64/Release` to `build_x86_64/install`) ### Linux (Ubuntu) Use the CI scripts again ```sh $ ./.github/scripts/build-linux.sh ``` Copy the results to the standard OBS folders on Ubuntu ```sh $ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/lib/* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ $ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/share/* /usr/share/ ``` Note: The official [OBS plugins guide](https://obsproject.com/kb/plugins-guide) recommends adding plugins to the `~/.config/obs-studio/plugins` folder. ### Windows Use the CI scripts again, for example: ```powershell > .github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1 -Target x64 -CMakeGenerator "Visual Studio 17 2022" ``` The build should exist in the `./release` folder off the root. You can manually install the files in the OBS directory. #### Building with CUDA support on Windows To build with CUDA support on Windows, you need to install the CUDA toolkit from NVIDIA. The CUDA toolkit is available for download from [here](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads). After installing the CUDA toolkit, you need to set variables to point CMake to the CUDA toolkit installation directory. For example, if you have installed the CUDA toolkit in `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.4`, you need to set `CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR` to `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.4` and `LOCALVOCAL_WITH_CUDA` to `ON` when running `.github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1`. For example ```powershell .github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1 -Target x64 -ExtraCmakeArgs '-D','LOCALVOCAL_WITH_CUDA=ON','-D',"CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR='C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.2'" ``` You will need to copy a few CUDA .dll files to the location of the plugin .dll for it to run. The required .dll files from CUDA (which are located in the `bin` folder of the CUDA toolkit installation directory) are: - `cudart64_NN.dll` - `cublas64_NN.dll` - `cublasLt64_NN.dll` where `NN` is the CUDA major version number. For example, if you have installed CUDA 12.2 as in example above, then `NN` is `12`.