mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 22:59:07 +00:00
remove deprecated docs
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@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
<th rowspan="2">
Running mode
<th rowspan="2">
Rules order
<th colspan="2">
OneUptime level configurations
<th colspan="2">
Project level configurations
<th rowspan="2">
Twilio credentials
Enabled SMS/Call
Twilio credentials + enable “send SMS with Twlio accounts”
Enabled SMS/Call alerts (Billing page)
<td rowspan="4">
Success (without checking daily limits)
Success (after checking daily limits)
<td rowspan="3">
<td rowspan="3">
Success (without checking daily limits)
Success (After checking the daily limits)
- In Enterprise Mode - We never charge for alerts.
- In SaaS mode - we only charge for alerts ONLY IF global config is used.
- Check limits for global config in both Enterprise and SaaS
- Ideally in Enterprise Mode - Enable Alerts in Project Billing Page should be hidden. So, you should NOT check if the alerts are enabled or disabled for the project. Just check if the alerts are enabled / disabled in admin dashboard (if using global config). If using local config (project config) - do not check if the alerts are enabled or disabled.
In general, under the SAAS mode, the SMS/Call alerts can fail for one of the following reasons:
1- The custom/global twilio settings are not configured.
2- SMS/Call alerts are disabled in the global configurations, and the custom twilio settings are not set.
3- SMS/Call alerts are disabled for a project (from billing page), and the custom twilio settings are not set.
4- The project's balance is not enough, and the custom twilio settings are not set.
5- The targeted phone number doesn't comply with the policy selected in the billing page (high risk countries not selected), and the custom twilio settings are not set.
6- the alert phone number is not set (in case of on-call team alerts).
7- If the API call fail for any reason (wrong credentials, service down etc...)
The same reasons, excepet for 3, 4 and 5 , can cause the failure of alerts under enterprise mode.
Return back to the [main README](../README.md)
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# Architecture
## General description
The main part of the project are:
- User interfaces,
- The probe server,
- The backend.
### User interfaces
OneUptime has four separated projects for the UI:
#### accounts
It's responsible for the registration operations, and the login process in the frontend side.
#### AdminDashboard
It's the UI used by the administrators.
#### dashboard
It's the UI used by the users.
#### StatusPage
It's a public page that renders the reports about the situation of the monitored resources.
### The probe server
The probe server is a service that fetches periodically from backend the list of the resources (IoT devices, websites, servers, etc...) that should be monitors. Then, it tries to ping them one by one to report their status to the backend.
### The backend
The backend is the heart of the project. In addition to collecting the data from the probe servers, it implements all the other features like managing users, projects, incidents, alerts, etc...
### The server monitor
In addition to the three main components, we have the server monitor. This is an agent that needs to be installed in all the servers that will be monitored. Its main task is to collect data, like remaining storage space and CPU load, and to provide them to the probe server when requested.
The following diagram describes the general architecture of the OneUptime project.
## Features
### Administrator accounts
Using the admin dashboard, the administrator will be able to :
- Manage users,
- Manage projects,
- Manage probe servers,
- Check the audit logs,
- Update the software license,
- Configure the SMTP server to enable OneUptime sending emails like alerts, invitation, verifications, etc...
- Configure Twilio account to enable OneUptime sending alerts SMS/calls,
- Configure single sign-on domains to allow users to authenticate using third-party identity providers.
### User accounts
The dashboard is dedicated to normal users to allow them to:
- Manage projects.
- Define components.
- Build status page.
- Check reports.
- Invite members.
#### Components
A component is one of the resources the user wants to monitor. It can be:
- A web server.
- A server
In this case, the user will need to install the server monitor agent in the targeted server. The agent can be found in the folder server-monitor of the project.
- An IoT device.
- A script.
For every component, the user can define the different criteria that allow the backend to decide whether this component is working properly, degraded, or down.
In addition to the name, type, and criteria, the user can choose the category to which the resource should belong. The categories can be managed through the same dashboard under Project Settings.
#### Status pages
The user can create many status pages. For each page, he can select the resources that should be represented. The status page will have a public link that anyone, even unauthenticated users, can use to view the situation of the resources.
#### Reports
OneUptime generates several reports related to the incidents, the average resolve time, and monitors.
#### Inviting members
The user can invite by the email other users to join the team.
## OneUptime in production
OneUptime can be deployed in one of two modes: SAAS mode and enterprise mode. SAAS is the mode used by Hackerbay to run OneUptime. The clients can create accounts without being administrators or having access to the admin dashboard.
In enterprise mode, the client will have the oneuptime code deployed on his personal servers.
The running mode needs to be configured on the following subprojects, by updating the .env file in each of them, as the behavior of some of their features may change depending on the mode.
- accounts
- backend
- dashboard
### Some of the differences between SAAS and Enterprise mode
#### user registration
In SAAS, when a user submits the first form with his details: name, email, password, etc... to signup, a second form will show up to collect the credit card details. After submitting that form, the user will receive an email that contains the details to activate his account.
In enterprise mode, Only the first account in the database can be created using the signup form. Once created, the signup form will not be accessible. The initial account will be assigned the role of master administrator, and it'll have the privileges to create other new accounts.
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Concept.
Please read OneUptime public website (https://oneuptime.com).
You can also run oneuptime website locally by running
- `npm install` and
- `npm start`
inside of the `home` folder of this project.
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Here are all the active DNS we use in prodiction:
- oneuptime.com / www.oneuptime.com: For helm production service.
- staging.oneuptime.com: For staging service.
- charts.oneuptime.com: Linked to oneuptime.com | www.oneuptime.com but used specifically for helm charts.
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<mxfile host="app.diagrams.net" modified="2020-12-11T08:59:50.389Z" agent="5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36" etag="pGpaML1Jgff4x4CsnkXM" version="14.0.1" type="google"><diagram id="C5RBs43oDa-KdzZeNtuy" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>
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# How OneUptime Works
## The overview of how OneUptime works
One of the main purpose of OneUptime is to monitor resources. The flow of how this is done is depicted in the flowchart below.
## Description
1. The probe server has a cron job running that pings all available monitors at a time interval.
2. After the probe server pings a monitor, it calls the backend API along with the response from the monitor.
3. A monitor contains criteria for an UP, Down, and Degraded statuses. The backend checks if the response from the probe matches any of these criteria.
4. If there is a match, an incident is created.
5. External subscribers added to the monitor are alerted via SMS, Webhook or Email alerts.
6. All On-call schedules that are associated with the monitor are then identified.
7. Each schedule contains an escalation policy which defines which team will be alerted for the incident.
8. The members in the team will be alerted via SMS, Call and/or Email.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Introduction
OneUptime is one complete Observability platform.
OneUptime lets you do:
**Monitoring:** Monitors your website, web apps, APIs, servers and more and give you detailed metrics of things that might be wrong with your infrastructure.
**Status Page:** OneUptime gives you a beautiful and customizable status page for your online business which helps improve transparency with your customers and cuts support costs.
**Tests:** Write automated tests for your website, API's and more and know instantly when they start failing.
**On-Call and Incident Management:** On-Call Management lets you alert the right team at the right time saving you critical time during downtime.
**Performance Monitoring:** Monitor the performance of your apps, servers, APIs, and more and alert your team when any of your performance metrics degrades.
**Website:** https://oneuptime.com
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<mxfile host="app.diagrams.net" modified="2020-06-05T17:09:47.701Z" agent="5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36" etag="hbal5e5wRNsxc2uXYzzf" version="13.1.14" type="device"><diagram id="P0tG3eMJVzySH8hgiAyU" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>
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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Description of the subprojects in this repo.
- `accounts` - A React project used for Authentication (Log in, Sign up, Forgot Password, etc.)
- `dashboard` - A React project for OneUptime user where user can interact with the OneUptime platform.
- `admin-dashobard` - React Project where admin can block users, delete projects and more.
- `ApiReference` - HTML/CSS project. A public reference of OneUptime documentation.
- `backend` - NodeJS Service. It's OneUptime API's.
- `home` - HTML/CSS. Home Page / Marketing page of OneUptime.
- `HttpTestServer` - A test server used to test website monitors for OneUptime.
- `ci` - DevOps/CI/CD scripts.
- `marketing` - This is where you'll find logos, brief description of OneUptime, etc.
- `certifications` - SOC/ISO/PCI certifications and more.
- `postman-collection` - Postman collection for OneUptime API.
- `probe` - Probe is an agent that gets installed on a third party server on a thir party datacenter and it monitors users websites, services, from that data center. You can deploy multiple probes to monitor users resources - A probe in a datacenter in EU, in US, etc.
- `server-monitor` - A probe that gets installed on a server and that monitors that particular server.
- `tests` - Smoke test that is executed after OneUptime is deployed to staging or production. If smoke test fails, the staging / production deployment will automatically be rolled back.
- `StatusPage` - React project - Status page project of OneUptime.
- `zapier` - OneUptime integrates with zapier. This is where integration code is. This gets deployed to zapier directly.
- `InitScript` - a container that runs schema migration script.
- `HelmChart` - Helm Chart Scripts for installation of OneUptime into Kubernetes.
- `kubernetes` - Values of Kubenrets env
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# Running OneUptime
## Running this project for local environment
- Make sure Docker and Docker Compose is installed.
- Make sure Node and NPM are installed.
- Run: `npm run dev`
- Docker will build and run containers. This will take some time.
- You should see OneUptime Home Page on `http://localhost`
- The containers are hot reloadable, so any changes you do in local development, it should auto-restart.
- However, containers don't auto-restart for changes made to `package.json` / `webpack.config.js` files. If you've made a change to those files, you should build the container again by running:
npm run force-build-dev <application_name>
npm run force-build-dev accounts
- After force build completes, you can run it again by running `npm run dev`
### Logs
- To check the logs of the application, you should:
npm run logs-dev <application_name>
npm run logs-dev accounts
### Debugging
- Debugging with breakpoints are supported.
- You should use VSCode for the best debugging experience.
- Select the Debug item on the left menu of VS Code and then you should see list of various apps that you can debug. You can pick any and press the green button in VS Code which attaches the debugger.
- If you make any change to the file, container automatically restarts and the debugger connection is broken. so, you need to press that green button again to debug.
### Clear cache and Prune
- Sometimes you need a clean system for various reasons with a clean docker images and clean cache.
- In those cases, you can prune docker by running `npm run prune`. Please note this will also delete images that are not related to OneUptime project.
## Running on: on-prem, staging, or production.
### Running with Docker Compose:
- Run `docker compose up`
### Running with Kubernetes and Helm
- Please check `README.md` in the `HelmChart` folder.
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# Running Tests
## Introduction
Tests are in the `/tests` folder.
There are two types of tests,
- SaaS
- Enterprise
### SaaS tests
This runs the application in SaaS mode. What is SaaS mode? SaaS mode enables plans and pricing with stripe. It runs the test as if its a hosted OneUptime service on oneuptime.com.
#### Running tests in SaaS mode
npm run docker-saas-test
This spins up a new local OneUptime cluster on Docker Compose and runs a test on it.
### Enterprise tests
This runs the application in Enterprise mode. What is Enterprise mode? Enterprise mode DISABLES plans and pricing. It runs the test as if its a hosted on an on-premise datacenter with an enterprise.
#### Running tests in Enterprise mode
npm run docker-enterprise-test
This spins up a new local OneUptime cluster on Docker Compose and runs a test on it.
### Debugging tests
To debug tests you first need to run the cluster and then run the tests seperately.
npm run docker-saas # Running a cluster in SaaS mode, or...
npm run docker-enterprise # Run a cluster in enterprise mode.
Once the cluster is running, you can run tests like:
export SLOMO=20
export HEADLESS=false
jest ./saas-tests/StatusPage/StatusPage.test.js # or any file.
There's also a .vscode/launch.json in test folder which will help you to debug tests with vscode.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ If you need advanced features, such as API Access, Advances Workflows, or Advanc
- Install on Kubernetes with Helm (recommended for production) (coming soon)
- [Install with Docker Compose](https://github.com/OneUptime/oneuptime/blob/master/Docs/Installation/DockerCompose.md) (hobby install, not recommended for production use)
- [Install OneUptime for local development](https://github.com/OneUptime/oneuptime/blob/master/Docs/Installation/Development.md)
- [Install for local development](https://github.com/OneUptime/oneuptime/blob/master/Docs/Installation/Development.md)
## Philosophy
Reference in New Issue
Block a user