This refactor updates the TelemetryIngestor and Probe components to initialize telemetry with the correct service name. Previously, the service name was hardcoded or set to a default value, which could lead to inconsistencies and confusion. By using the APP_NAME constant defined in each component, the service name is now dynamically set, ensuring accurate telemetry tracking.
Files modified:
- TelemetryIngestor/Index.ts
- Probe/Index.ts
This commit updates the ServiceFileTypesUtil class to use the TechStack enum instead of the ServiceLanguage enum. It modifies the method names and parameters accordingly, ensuring consistency and clarity in the codebase. This refactoring improves the maintainability and extensibility of the application.
This commit updates the TechStack enum in the TechStack.ts file to include a comprehensive list of technology stacks. It also updates the import paths in various files to reflect the changes from using ServiceLanguage to TechStack. This refactoring improves the clarity and consistency of the codebase.
This commit fixes the formatting in the InitUtil code by removing unnecessary whitespace and aligning the code properly. The changes improve the readability and maintainability of the code.
This commit updates the Docker configuration in the `.vscode/launch.json` file to improve the debugging experience for Copilot. It modifies the `Debug: Copilot Locally` configuration by changing the `localRoot` to `${workspaceFolder}/TestServer` and updating the `name` to `Copilot: Debug with Docker`. Additionally, it sets the `port` to `9985`, `remoteRoot` to `/usr/src/app`, and enables `restart` and `autoAttachChildProcesses` for better debugging capabilities. These changes enhance the development workflow and make it easier to debug Copilot locally with Docker.
This commit updates the Docker configuration in the `.vscode/launch.json` file to improve the debugging experience for Copilot. It modifies the `Debug: Copilot Locally` configuration by changing the `localRoot` to `${workspaceFolder}/TestServer` and updating the `name` to `Copilot: Debug with Docker`. Additionally, it sets the `port` to `9985`, `remoteRoot` to `/usr/src/app`, and enables `restart` and `autoAttachChildProcesses` for better debugging capabilities. These changes enhance the development workflow and make it easier to debug Copilot locally with Docker.
This commit updates the react-syntax-highlighter package to the latest version and switches to the a11yDark style for syntax highlighting in the MarkdownViewer component. This update ensures compatibility with the latest features and improvements of react-syntax-highlighter and enhances the accessibility of the code snippets in the MarkdownViewer.
This commit adds the `serviceCatalogId` and `serviceRepositoryId` fields to the `CopilotPullRequestAPI` and `CopilotActionAPI` classes. These fields are included in the API response to provide additional information about the service catalog and service repository associated with a pull request or action. This change enhances the data returned by the APIs and improves the overall functionality of the application.
This commit adds a step to the GitHub workflows (`test-release.yaml` and `release.yml`) to setup Git LFS. Git LFS is necessary for handling large files in the repository. By installing Git LFS, we ensure that the repository can handle large files properly during the CI/CD process.
This commit removes the unused Copilot configuration variables from the `config.example.env` file. The `COPILOT_OPENAI_API_KEY` and `COPILOT_OPENAI_MODEL` variables are no longer needed and have been removed. This cleanup improves the clarity and maintainability of the codebase.
This commit adds the `isSetupPullRequest` flag to the `CopilotPullRequestAPI.ts` file. The flag is set to true when creating a pull request for setting up the repository with OneUptime Copilot. This flag will be used to identify setup pull requests in the application.
This commit adds a migration file (1720806196274-MigrationName.ts) that drops the NOT NULL constraint on the columns "serviceCatalogId" and "serviceRepositoryId" in the "CopilotPullRequest" table. This change allows these columns to have nullable values, providing flexibility in the data model.