- Update LlmType enum values to match the new naming convention.
- Update references to Llama to LLM in various files.
- Update CopilotActionsBase.ts to set the llmType to LLM in the constructor.
- Update Init.ts to use the llmServerUrl instead of llamaServerUrl.
- Update LLM.ts to use LLMServer class instead of Llama class.
- Add OpenAI class and update LLM.ts to handle OpenAI LLM type.
- Update Config.ts to handle OpenAI API key and model.
- Add OpenAI.ts file to handle OpenAI LLM responses.
This code change updates the CodeRepositoryAPI endpoint in the CodeRepositoryAPI.ts file to use the POST method instead of the GET method for getting the code repository. The route has also been modified to "/get-code-repository/:secretkey" to align with the API design. This change ensures that the code repository is retrieved securely and follows the recommended RESTful API practices.
This code change updates the logger class to use the configured log level from the environment configuration. The getLogLevel method is added to retrieve the log level, and the info, error, warn, and debug methods are updated to check the log level before logging the message. This change ensures that the logger behaves according to the configured log level, improving the consistency and control of log output.