import { ContentPath, StaticPath, ViewsPath } from "./Utils/Config"; import DocsNav, { NavGroup, NavLink } from "./Utils/Nav"; import DocsRender from "./Utils/Render"; import FeatureSet from "Common/Server/Types/FeatureSet"; import Express, { ExpressApplication, ExpressRequest, ExpressResponse, ExpressStatic, } from "Common/Server/Utils/Express"; import Response from "Common/Server/Utils/Response"; import LocalFile from "Common/Server/Utils/LocalFile"; import logger from "Common/Server/Utils/Logger"; import "ejs"; const DocsFeatureSet: FeatureSet = { init: async (): Promise => { const app: ExpressApplication = Express.getExpressApp(); app.get("/docs", (_req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse) => { res.redirect("/docs/introduction/getting-started"); }); // Handle requests to specific documentation pages app.get( "/docs/as-markdown/:categorypath/:pagepath", async (req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse) => { try { const fullPath: string = `${req.params["categorypath"]}/${req.params["pagepath"]}`.toLowerCase(); // read file from Content folder. const contentInMarkdown: string = await `${ContentPath}/${fullPath}.md`, ); return Response.sendMarkdownResponse(req, res, contentInMarkdown); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); res.status(500); return res.send("Internal Server Error"); } }, ); app.get( "/docs/:categorypath/:pagepath", async (_req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse) => { try { const fullPath: string = `${_req.params["categorypath"]}/${_req.params["pagepath"]}`.toLowerCase(); // Read Markdown file from content folder let contentInMarkdown: string = await `${ContentPath}/${fullPath}.md`, ); // Remove first line (title) from content as it is already present in the navigation contentInMarkdown = contentInMarkdown.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); // Render Markdown content to HTML const renderedContent: string = await DocsRender.render(contentInMarkdown); // Find the current category and link from DocsNav const currentCategory: NavGroup | undefined = DocsNav.find( (category: NavGroup) => { return category.links.find((link: NavLink) => { return link.url.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(fullPath); }); }, ); const currrentNavLink: NavLink | undefined = currentCategory?.links.find((link: NavLink) => { return link.url.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(fullPath); }); // If no category or nav link matches the path, render 'not found' if (!currentCategory || !currrentNavLink) { // render not found. res.status(404); return res.render(`${ViewsPath}/NotFound`, { nav: DocsNav, }); } res.render(`${ViewsPath}/Index`, { nav: DocsNav, content: renderedContent, category: currentCategory, link: currrentNavLink, githubPath: fullPath, }); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); res.status(500); return res.render(`${ViewsPath}/ServerError`, { nav: DocsNav, }); } }, ); app.use("/docs/static", ExpressStatic(StaticPath)); }, }; export default DocsFeatureSet;