import CodeRepositoryUtil, { CodeRepositoryResult, RepoScriptType, ServiceToImproveResult, } from "./Utils/CodeRepository"; import InitUtil from "./Utils/Init"; import ServiceCopilotCodeRepositoryUtil from "./Utils/ServiceRepository"; import Dictionary from "Common/Types/Dictionary"; import { PromiseVoidFunction } from "Common/Types/FunctionTypes"; import CodeRepositoryFile from "CommonServer/Utils/CodeRepository/CodeRepositoryFile"; import logger from "CommonServer/Utils/Logger"; import CopilotActionUtil from "./Utils/CopilotAction"; import CopilotActionType from "Common/Types/Copilot/CopilotActionType"; import CopilotAction from "Model/Models/CopilotAction"; import { FixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun, GetIsCopilotDisabled, GetLlmType, } from "./Config"; import CopiotActionTypeOrder from "./Types/CopilotActionTypeOrder"; import CopilotActionService, { CopilotExecutionResult, } from "./Service/CopilotActions/Index"; import CopilotActionStatus from "Common/Types/Copilot/CopilotActionStatus"; import PullRequest from "Common/Types/CodeRepository/PullRequest"; import ServiceCopilotCodeRepository from "Model/Models/ServiceCopilotCodeRepository"; import CopilotActionProcessingException from "./Exceptions/CopilotActionProcessingException"; import CopilotPullRequest from "Model/Models/CopilotPullRequest"; import CopilotPullRequestService from "./Service/CopilotPullRequest"; import PullRequestState from "Common/Types/CodeRepository/PullRequestState"; // import ArrayUtil from "Common/Types/ArrayUtil"; let currentFixCount: number = 1; const init: PromiseVoidFunction = async (): Promise => { // check if copilot is disabled. if (GetIsCopilotDisabled()) {"Copilot is disabled. Exiting."); haltProcessWithSuccess(); }`Using ${GetLlmType()} as the AI model.`); await CodeRepositoryUtil.setAuthorIdentity({ email: "", name: "OneUptime Copilot", }); const codeRepositoryResult: CodeRepositoryResult = await InitUtil.init(); await cloneRepository({ codeRepositoryResult, }); const openPullRequests: Array = await getOpenPRs(); await setUpRepository(); const servicesToImproveResult: Array = await CodeRepositoryUtil.getServicesToImproveCode({ codeRepository: codeRepositoryResult.codeRepository, serviceRepositories: codeRepositoryResult.serviceRepositories, openPullRequests: openPullRequests, }); const servicesToImprove: Array = (serviceToImproveResult: ServiceToImproveResult) => { return serviceToImproveResult.serviceRepository; }, ); if (servicesToImprove.length === 0) {"No services to improve. Exiting."); haltProcessWithSuccess(); } for (const serviceRepository of servicesToImprove) { checkIfCurrentFixCountIsLessThanFixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun(); const filesInService: Dictionary = await ServiceCopilotCodeRepositoryUtil.getFilesInServiceDirectory({ serviceRepository, }); `Files found in ${serviceRepository.serviceCatalog?.name}: ${ Object.keys(filesInService).length }`, ); // const files: Array = ArrayUtil.shuffle( // Object.values(filesInService), // ); // shuffle the files to avoid fixing the same file in each run. const files: Array = Object.values(filesInService); for (const file of files) { checkIfCurrentFixCountIsLessThanFixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun(); // check copilot events for this file. const copilotActions: Array = await CopilotActionUtil.getCopilotActions({ serviceCatalogId: serviceRepository.serviceCatalog!.id!, filePath: file.filePath, }); // check if there's an open PR for this file. const openPullRequests: Array = copilotActions .filter((copilotAction: CopilotAction) => { return ( copilotAction.copilotPullRequest && copilotAction.copilotPullRequest.pullRequestId && copilotAction.copilotPullRequest.copilotPullRequestStatus === PullRequestState.Open ); }) .map((copilotAction: CopilotAction) => { return copilotAction.copilotPullRequest!; }); if (openPullRequests.length > 0) { const prNumbers: string = openPullRequests .map((pr: CopilotPullRequest) => { return `#${pr.pullRequestId?.toString()}`; }) .join(", "); // this file already has an open PR. Ignore this file and move to the next file. `File ${file.filePath} already has an open PR ${prNumbers}. Moving to next file.`, ); continue; } const eventsCompletedOnThisFile: Array = []; for (const copilotAction of copilotActions) { if ( copilotAction.copilotActionType && eventsCompletedOnThisFile.includes(copilotAction.copilotActionType) ) { continue; } // add to eventsCompletedOnThisFile eventsCompletedOnThisFile.push(copilotAction.copilotActionType!); } let nextEventToFix: CopilotActionType | undefined = undefined; for (const copilotActionType of CopiotActionTypeOrder) { if (!eventsCompletedOnThisFile.includes(copilotActionType)) { nextEventToFix = copilotActionType; break; } } if (!nextEventToFix) { `All fixes completed on ${file.filePath}. Moving to next file.`, ); continue; } let executionResult: CopilotExecutionResult | null = null; let currentRetryCount: number = 0; const maxRetryCount: number = 3; while (currentRetryCount < maxRetryCount) { try { executionResult = await executeAction({ serviceRepository, file, filesInService, nextEventToFix, }); break; } catch (e) { logger.error(e); currentRetryCount++; await CodeRepositoryUtil.discardAllChangesOnCurrentBranch(); } } if ( executionResult && executionResult.status === CopilotActionStatus.PR_CREATED ) { currentFixCount++; } } } }; interface ExecuteActionData { serviceRepository: ServiceCopilotCodeRepository; file: CodeRepositoryFile; filesInService: Dictionary; nextEventToFix: CopilotActionType; } type ExecutionActionFunction = ( data: ExecuteActionData, ) => Promise; const executeAction: ExecutionActionFunction = async ( data: ExecuteActionData, ): Promise => { const { serviceRepository, file, filesInService, nextEventToFix } = data; try { return await CopilotActionService.execute({ serviceRepository: serviceRepository, copilotActionType: nextEventToFix, input: { currentFilePath: file.filePath, // this is the file path where optimization is needed or should start from. files: filesInService, }, }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof CopilotActionProcessingException) { // This is not a serious exception, so we just move on to the next file.; return null; } throw e; } }; type CloneRepositoryFunction = (data: { codeRepositoryResult: CodeRepositoryResult; }) => Promise; const cloneRepository: CloneRepositoryFunction = async (data: { codeRepositoryResult: CodeRepositoryResult; }): Promise => { const { codeRepositoryResult } = data; `Cloning the repository ${} to a temporary directory.`, ); // now clone this repository to a temporary directory - /repository await CodeRepositoryUtil.cloneRepository({ codeRepository: codeRepositoryResult.codeRepository, }); // Check if OneUptime Copilot has setup properly. const onAfterCloneScript: string | null = await CodeRepositoryUtil.getRepoScript({ scriptType: RepoScriptType.OnAfterClone, }); if (!onAfterCloneScript) { logger.debug("No on-after-clone script found for this repository."); } if (onAfterCloneScript) {"Executing on-after-clone script."); await CodeRepositoryUtil.executeScript({ script: onAfterCloneScript, });"on-after-clone script executed successfully."); } `Repository ${} cloned successfully.`, ); }; const checkIfCurrentFixCountIsLessThanFixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun: VoidFunction = (): void => { if (currentFixCount <= FixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun) { return; } `Copilot has fixed ${FixNumberOfCodeEventsInEachRun} code events. Thank you for using Copilot. If you wish to fix more code events, please run Copilot again.`, ); haltProcessWithSuccess(); }; const haltProcessWithSuccess: VoidFunction = (): void => { process.exit(0); }; type GetOpenPRFunction = () => Promise>; const getOpenPRs: GetOpenPRFunction = async (): Promise< Array > => { const openPRs: Array = []; // get all open pull requests. const openPullRequests: Array = await CopilotPullRequestService.getOpenPullRequestsFromDatabase(); for (const openPullRequest of openPullRequests) { // refresh status of this PR. if (!openPullRequest.pullRequestId) { continue; } const pullRequestState: PullRequestState = await CopilotPullRequestService.refreshPullRequestStatus({ copilotPullRequest: openPullRequest, }); if (pullRequestState === PullRequestState.Open) { openPRs.push(openPullRequest); } } return openPRs; }; const setUpRepository: PromiseVoidFunction = async (): Promise => { const isSetupProperly: boolean = await CodeRepositoryUtil.isRepoSetupProperly(); if (isSetupProperly) { return; } // if the repo is not set up properly, then check if there's an outstanding setup Pr for this repo."Setting up the repository."); // check if there's an outstanding setup PR for this repo. const setupPullRequest: CopilotPullRequest | null = await CodeRepositoryUtil.getOpenSetupPullRequest(); if (setupPullRequest) { `There's an open setup PR for this repository: ${setupPullRequest.pullRequestId}. Please merge this PR to continue using Copilot. Exiting...`, ); haltProcessWithSuccess(); return; } // if there's no setup PR, then create a new setup PR. const pullRequest: PullRequest = await CodeRepositoryUtil.setUpRepo(); "Repository setup PR created - #" + pullRequest.pullRequestNumber + ". Please megre this PR to continue using Copilot. Exiting..", ); haltProcessWithSuccess(); }; export default init;