import OneUptimeDate from 'Common/Types/Date'; import BadDataException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException'; import WorkflowStatus from 'Common/Types/Workflow/WorkflowStatus'; import Queue, { QueueName } from 'CommonServer/Infrastructure/Queue'; import WorkflowLogService from 'CommonServer/Services/WorkflowLogService'; import WorkflowService from 'CommonServer/Services/WorkflowService'; import { ExecuteWorkflowType } from 'CommonServer/Types/Workflow/TriggerCode'; import Workflow from 'Model/Models/Workflow'; import WorkflowLog from 'Model/Models/WorkflowLog'; import ObjectID from 'Common/Types/ObjectID'; import ProjectService from 'CommonServer/Services/ProjectService'; import QueryHelper from 'CommonServer/Types/Database/QueryHelper'; import WorkflowPlan from 'Common/Types/Workflow/WorkflowPlan'; import PositiveNumber from 'Common/Types/PositiveNumber'; import { PlanSelect } from 'Common/Types/Billing/SubscriptionPlan'; export default class QueueWorkflow { public static async removeWorkflow(workflowId: ObjectID): Promise { // get workflow to see if its enabled. const workflow: Workflow | null = await WorkflowService.findOneById({ id: workflowId, select: { projectId: true, repeatableJobKey: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!workflow) { throw new BadDataException('Workflow not found'); } if (!workflow.projectId) { throw new BadDataException( 'This workflow does not belong to a project and cannot be run' ); } await Queue.removeJob(QueueName.Workflow, workflow.repeatableJobKey!); // update workflow. await WorkflowService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { repeatableJobKey: null!, }, props: { isRoot: true, ignoreHooks: true, }, }); } public static async addWorkflowToQueue( executeWorkflow: ExecuteWorkflowType, scheduleAt?: string ): Promise { const workflowId: ObjectID = executeWorkflow.workflowId; // get workflow to see if its enabled. const workflow: Workflow | null = await WorkflowService.findOneById({ id: workflowId, select: { isEnabled: true, projectId: true, repeatableJobKey: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!workflow) { throw new BadDataException('Workflow not found'); } if (!workflow.isEnabled) { throw new BadDataException('This workflow is not enabled'); } if (!workflow.projectId) { throw new BadDataException( 'This workflow does not belong to a project and cannot be run' ); } //check project and plan const projectPlan: { plan: PlanSelect | null; isSubscriptionUnpaid: boolean; } = await ProjectService.getCurrentPlan(workflow.projectId); if (projectPlan.isSubscriptionUnpaid) { // Add Workflow Run Log. const runLog: WorkflowLog = new WorkflowLog(); runLog.workflowId = workflowId; runLog.projectId = workflow.projectId; runLog.workflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.WorkflowCountExceeded; runLog.logs = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + ': Workflow cannot run because subscription is unpaid.'; await WorkflowLogService.create({ data: runLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); return; } if (projectPlan.plan) { const startDate: Date = OneUptimeDate.getSomeDaysAgo(30); const endDate: Date = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(); const workflowCount: PositiveNumber = await WorkflowLogService.countBy({ query: { projectId: workflow.projectId, createdAt: QueryHelper.inBetween(startDate, endDate), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (workflowCount.toNumber() > WorkflowPlan[projectPlan.plan]) { // Add Workflow Run Log. const runLog: WorkflowLog = new WorkflowLog(); runLog.workflowId = workflowId; runLog.projectId = workflow.projectId; runLog.workflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.WorkflowCountExceeded; runLog.logs = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + `: Workflow cannot run because it already ran ${workflowCount.toNumber()} in the last 30 days. Your current plan limit is ${ WorkflowPlan[projectPlan.plan] }`; await WorkflowLogService.create({ data: runLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); return; } } // Add Workflow Run Log. let workflowLog: WorkflowLog | null = null; if (!scheduleAt) { // if the workflow is to be run immediately. const runLog: WorkflowLog = new WorkflowLog(); runLog.workflowId = workflowId; runLog.projectId = workflow.projectId; runLog.workflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.Scheduled; runLog.logs = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + `: Workflow ${workflowId.toString()} Scheduled.`; workflowLog = await WorkflowLogService.create({ data: runLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } const job: any = await Queue.addJob( QueueName.Workflow, workflowLog ? workflowLog._id?.toString()! : workflow._id?.toString()!, workflowLog ? workflowLog._id?.toString()! : workflow._id?.toString()!, { data: executeWorkflow.returnValues, workflowLogId: workflowLog?._id || null, workflowId: workflow._id, }, { scheduleAt: scheduleAt, repeatableKey: workflow.repeatableJobKey || undefined, } ); // update workflow with repeatable key. if (job.repeatJobKey) { // update workflow. await WorkflowService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { repeatableJobKey: job.repeatJobKey, }, props: { isRoot: true, ignoreHooks: true, }, }); } } }