import Dictionary from 'Common/Types/Dictionary'; import BadDataException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException'; import { JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONValue } from 'Common/Types/JSON'; import ObjectID from 'Common/Types/ObjectID'; import ComponentMetadata, { ComponentInputType, ComponentType, NodeDataProp, NodeType, Port, } from 'Common/Types/Workflow/Component'; import WorkflowService from 'CommonServer/Services/WorkflowService'; import ComponentCode, { RunReturnType, } from 'CommonServer/Types/Workflow/ComponentCode'; import { RunProps } from 'CommonServer/Types/Workflow/Workflow'; import WorkflowVariable from 'Model/Models/WorkflowVariable'; import WorkflowVariableService from 'CommonServer/Services/WorkflowVariableService'; import { LIMIT_PER_PROJECT } from 'Common/Types/Database/LimitMax'; import QueryHelper from 'CommonServer/Types/Database/QueryHelper'; import WorkflowLogService from 'CommonServer/Services/WorkflowLogService'; import WorkflowStatus from 'Common/Types/Workflow/WorkflowStatus'; import Components from 'CommonServer/Types/Workflow/Components/Index'; import OneUptimeDate from 'Common/Types/Date'; import { loadAllComponentMetadata } from '../Utils/ComponentMetadata'; import Workflow from 'Model/Models/Workflow'; import logger from 'CommonServer/Utils/Logger'; import TimeoutException from 'Common/Types/Exception/TimeoutException'; import Exception from 'Common/Types/Exception/Exception'; import WorkflowLog from 'Model/Models/WorkflowLog'; const AllComponents: Dictionary = loadAllComponentMetadata(); export interface StorageMap { local: { variables: Dictionary; components: { [x: string]: { returnValues: JSONObject; }; }; }; global: { variables: Dictionary; }; } export interface RunStackItem { node: NodeDataProp; outPorts: Dictionary>; // portId <-> [ComponentIds] } export interface RunStack { stack: Dictionary; startWithComponentId: string; } export default class RunWorkflow { private logs: Array = []; private workflowId: ObjectID | null = null; private projectId: ObjectID | null = null; private workflowLogId: ObjectID | null = null; public async runWorkflow(runProps: RunProps): Promise { // get nodes and edges. let variables: Array = []; try { this.workflowId = runProps.workflowId; this.workflowLogId = runProps.workflowLogId; let didWorkflowTimeOut: boolean = false; let didWorkflowErrorOut: boolean = false; setTimeout(() => { didWorkflowTimeOut = true; }, runProps.timeout); const workflow: Workflow | null = await WorkflowService.findOneById( { id: runProps.workflowId, select: { graph: true, projectId: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, } ); if (!workflow) { throw new BadDataException('Workflow not found'); } if (!workflow.graph) { throw new BadDataException('Workflow graph not found'); } this.projectId = workflow.projectId || null; if (!runProps.workflowLogId) { // create a new workflow log here. // if the workflow is to be run immediately. const runLog: WorkflowLog = new WorkflowLog(); runLog.workflowId = runProps.workflowId; runLog.projectId = workflow.projectId!; runLog.workflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.Scheduled; runLog.logs = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + `: Workflow ${runProps.workflowId.toString()} Scheduled.`; runProps.workflowLogId = ( await WorkflowLogService.create({ data: runLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }) ).id!; } // update workflow log. await WorkflowLogService.updateOneById({ id: runProps.workflowLogId, data: { workflowStatus: WorkflowStatus.Running, startedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); // form a run stack. const runStack: RunStack = await this.makeRunStack(workflow.graph); const getVariableResult: { storageMap: StorageMap; variables: Array; } = await this.getVariables(workflow.projectId!,!); // get storage map with variables. const storageMap: StorageMap = getVariableResult.storageMap; variables = getVariableResult.variables; // start execute different components. let executeComponentId: string = runStack.startWithComponentId; const fifoStackOfComponentsPendingExecution: Array = [ executeComponentId, ]; const componentsExecuted: Array = []; const setDidErrorOut: () => void = () => { didWorkflowErrorOut = true; }; // make variable map while (fifoStackOfComponentsPendingExecution.length > 0) { if (didWorkflowTimeOut) { throw new TimeoutException( 'Workflow execution time was more than ' + runProps.timeout + 'ms and workflow timed-out.' ); } // get component. // and remove that component from the stack. executeComponentId = fifoStackOfComponentsPendingExecution.shift()!; if (componentsExecuted.includes(executeComponentId)) { throw new BadDataException( 'Cyclic Workflow Detected. Cannot execute ' + executeComponentId + ' when it has already been executed.' ); } componentsExecuted.push(executeComponentId); this.log('Executing Component: ' + executeComponentId); const stackItem: RunStackItem | undefined = runStack.stack[executeComponentId]; if (!stackItem) { throw new BadDataException( 'Component with ID ' + executeComponentId + ' not found.' ); } // now actually run this component. let args: JSONObject = this.getComponentArguments( storageMap, stackItem.node ); if (stackItem.node.componentType === ComponentType.Trigger) { // If this is the trigger. Then pass workflow argument to this component as args to execute. args = { ...args, ...runProps.arguments, }; } this.log('Component Args:'); this.log(args); this.log('Component Logs: ' + executeComponentId); const result: RunReturnType = await this.runComponent( args, stackItem.node, setDidErrorOut ); if (didWorkflowErrorOut) { throw new BadDataException( 'Workflow stopped because of an error' ); } this.log( 'Completed Execution Component: ' + executeComponentId ); this.log('Data Returned'); this.log(result.returnValues); this.log( 'Executing Port: ' + result.executePort?.title || '' ); storageMap.local.components[] = { returnValues: result.returnValues, }; const portToBeExecuted: Port | undefined = result.executePort; if (!portToBeExecuted) { break; // stop the workflow, the process has ended. } const nodesToBeExecuted: Array | undefined = stackItem.outPorts[]; if (nodesToBeExecuted && nodesToBeExecuted.length > 0) { nodesToBeExecuted.forEach((item: string) => { // if its not in the stack, then add it to execution stack. if ( !fifoStackOfComponentsPendingExecution.includes( item ) ) { fifoStackOfComponentsPendingExecution.push(item); } }); } } // collect logs and update status. this.cleanLogs(variables); // update workflow log. await WorkflowLogService.updateOneById({ id: runProps.workflowLogId, data: { workflowStatus: WorkflowStatus.Success, logs: this.logs.join('\n'), completedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } catch (err: any) { logger.error(err); this.log(err.message || err.toString()); if (!runProps.workflowLogId) { return; } this.cleanLogs(variables); if (err instanceof TimeoutException) { this.log('Workflow Timed out.'); // update workflow log. await WorkflowLogService.updateOneById({ id: runProps.workflowLogId, data: { workflowStatus: WorkflowStatus.Timeout, logs: this.logs.join('\n'), completedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } else { // update workflow log. await WorkflowLogService.updateOneById({ id: runProps.workflowLogId, data: { workflowStatus: WorkflowStatus.Error, logs: this.logs.join('\n'), completedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } } } public cleanLogs(variables: Array): void { for (let i: number = 0; i < this.logs.length; i++) { if (!this.logs[i]) { continue; } for (const variable of variables) { if (variable.isSecret) { if (this.logs[i]!.includes(variable.content!)) { this.logs[i] = this.logs[i]!.replace( variable.content!, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ); } } } } } public getComponentArguments( storageMap: StorageMap, component: NodeDataProp ): JSONObject { // pick arguments from storage map. const argumentObj: JSONObject = {}; const serializeValueForJSON: Function = (value: string): string => { if (!value) { return value; } if (typeof value !== 'string') { value = JSON.stringify(value); } else { value = value .split('\t') .join('\\t') .split('\n') .join('\\n') .split('\r') .join('\\r') .split('\b') .join('\\b') .split('\f') .join('\\f') .split('"') .join('\\"'); } return value; }; const deepFind: Function = ( obj: JSONObject, path: string ): JSONValue => { const paths: Array = path.split('.'); let current: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); for (let i: number = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) { const key: string | undefined = paths[i]; if (!key) { return undefined; } const openBracketIndex: number = key.indexOf('['); const closeBracketIndex: number = key.indexOf(']'); if (openBracketIndex !== -1 && closeBracketIndex !== -1) { const arrayKey: string = key.slice(0, openBracketIndex); const indexString: string = key.slice( openBracketIndex + 1, closeBracketIndex ); let index: number = 0; if (indexString !== 'last') { index = parseInt(indexString); } else { index = current[arrayKey].length - 1; } if ( Array.isArray(current[arrayKey]) && current[arrayKey][index] ) { current = current[arrayKey][index]; } else { return undefined; } } else if (current && current[key] !== undefined) { current = current[key]; } else { return undefined; } } return current; }; for (const argument of component.metadata.arguments) { if (!component.arguments[]) { continue; } let argumentContent: JSONValue | undefined = component.arguments[]; if (!argumentContent) { continue; } if ( typeof argumentContent === 'string' && argumentContent.toString().includes('{{') && argumentContent.toString().includes('}}') ) { let argumentContentCopy: string = argumentContent.toString(); const variablesInArgument: Array = []; const regex: RegExp = /{{(.*?)}}/g; // Find all matches of the regular expression and capture the word between the braces {{x}} => x let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null; while ((match = regex.exec(argumentContentCopy)) !== null) { if (match[1]) { variablesInArgument.push(match[1]); } } for (const variable of variablesInArgument) { const value: string = deepFind( storageMap as any, variable as any ); if (argumentContentCopy.trim() === '{{' + variable + '}}') { argumentContentCopy = value; } else { argumentContentCopy = argumentContentCopy.replace( '{{' + variable + '}}', argument.type === ComponentInputType.JSON ? serializeValueForJSON(value) : `${value}` ); } } argumentContent = argumentContentCopy; } if ( typeof argumentContent === 'string' && (argument.type === ComponentInputType.JSON || argument.type === ComponentInputType.Query || argument.type === ComponentInputType.Select) ) { try { argumentContent = JSON.parse(argumentContent); } catch (err: any) { throw new BadDataException( 'Invalid JSON provided for argument ' + + '. JSON parse error: ' + err.message + '. JSON: ' + argumentContent ); } } argumentObj[] = argumentContent; } return argumentObj; } public async runComponent( args: JSONObject, node: NodeDataProp, onError: Function ): Promise { // takes in args and returns values. const ComponentCode: ComponentCode | undefined = Components[]; if (ComponentCode) { const instance: ComponentCode = ComponentCode; return await, { log: (data: string | JSONObject | JSONArray) => { this.log(data); }, workflowId: this.workflowId!, workflowLogId: this.workflowLogId!, projectId: this.projectId!, onError: (exception: Exception) => { this.log(exception); onError(); return exception; }, }); } throw new BadDataException( 'Component ' + + ' not found' ); } public async getVariables( projectId: ObjectID, workflowId: ObjectID ): Promise<{ storageMap: StorageMap; variables: Array }> { /// get local and global variables. const localVariables: Array = await WorkflowVariableService.findBy({ query: { workflowId: workflowId, }, select: { name: true, content: true, isSecret: true, }, skip: 0, limit: LIMIT_PER_PROJECT, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const globalVariables: Array = await WorkflowVariableService.findBy({ query: { workflowId: QueryHelper.isNull(), projectId: projectId, }, select: { name: true, content: true, isSecret: true, }, skip: 0, limit: LIMIT_PER_PROJECT, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const newStorageMap: StorageMap = { local: { variables: {}, components: {}, }, global: { variables: {}, }, }; for (const variable of localVariables) { newStorageMap.local.variables[ as string] = variable.content as string; } for (const variable of globalVariables) {[ as string] = variable.content as string; } return { storageMap: newStorageMap, variables: [...localVariables, ...globalVariables], }; } public log(data: string | JSONObject | JSONArray | Exception): void { if (!this.logs) { this.logs = []; } if (data instanceof Exception) { data = data.getMessage(); } if (typeof data === 'string') { this.logs.push( OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + ': ' + data ); } else { this.logs.push( OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDateAsFormattedString() + ': ' + JSON.stringify(data) ); } } public async makeRunStack(graph: JSONObject): Promise { const nodes: Array = graph['nodes'] as Array; const edges: Array = graph['edges'] as Array; if (nodes.length === 0) { return { startWithComponentId: '', stack: {}, }; } const runStackItems: Dictionary = {}; for (const node of nodes) { if ( ( as NodeDataProp).nodeType === NodeType.PlaceholderNode ) { continue; } const item: RunStackItem = { outPorts: {}, node: as NodeDataProp, }; if (!AllComponents[item.node.metadataId]) { // metadata not found. throw new BadDataException( 'Metadata not found for ' + item.node.metadataId ); } item.node.metadata = AllComponents[ item.node.metadataId ] as ComponentMetadata; // check other components connected to this component. const thisComponentId: string =; for (const edge of edges) { if (edge.source !== thisComponentId) { // this edge does not connect to this component. continue; } if (!item.outPorts[edge['sourceHandle']]) { item.outPorts[edge['sourceHandle']] = []; } const connectedNode: any = nodes.find((n: any) => { return ===; }); if (connectedNode) { item.outPorts[edge['sourceHandle']]?.push( ( as NodeDataProp).id ); } } runStackItems[] = item; } const trigger: any | undefined = nodes.find((n: any) => { return ( ( as NodeDataProp).componentType === ComponentType.Trigger && ( as NodeDataProp).nodeType === NodeType.Node ); }); return { stack: runStackItems, startWithComponentId: trigger ? ( as NodeDataProp).id : '', }; } }