# Important helm commands. Please run these commands from `root` Make sure to use the right kubernetes context before making any changes ``` kubectl config get-contexts # replace NAME with the context name kubectl config use-context NAME ``` ### Lint chart ``` helm lint ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime ``` ### Install as an Enterprise Cluster with default values ``` helm install fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime --namespace default ``` ### Install on staging ``` helm install -f ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime/values.yaml -f ./kubernetes/values-saas-staging.yaml fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime --namespace default ``` ### Install on production ``` helm install -f ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime/values.yaml -f ./Kubernetes/values-saas-production.yaml fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime --namespace default ``` ### Update Cluster Staging: ``` kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:972164494713:cluster/oneuptime-staging helm upgrade -f ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime/values.yaml -f ./kubernetes/values-saas-staging.yaml fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime ``` Use default values first and then use staging values. Production: ``` kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:972164494713:cluster/oneuptime-production helm upgrade -f ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime/values.yaml -f ./Kubernetes/values-saas-production.yaml fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime ``` Use default values first and then use production values. If you introduce values, you can set ``` helm upgrade --reuse-values --set key=value fi ./HelmChart/public/oneuptime ``` ### Uninstall ``` helm uninstall fi --namespace=default ``` ### Docker build and push to docker repo with `:test` tag Build and deploy all (with master tag, you can use any other tag): ``` chmod +x ./ci/scripts/docker-build-all-and-push.sh sudo ./ci/scripts/docker-build-all-and-push.sh latest ``` Build and deploy one: ``` chmod +x ./ci/scripts/docker-build-and-push.sh sudo ./ci/scripts/docker-build-and-push.sh $repo $tag ``` ### Package and deploy helm chart ``` cd ./HelmChart/public helm repo index ./oneuptime helm package ./oneuptime helm repo index . cd .. cd .. ``` ### Update a chart dependency ``` cd ./HelmChart/public #IMPORTANT: change the version of the dependent chart at `/HelmChart/public/oneuptime/Chart.yaml`. This should be the version field (and NOT appVersion) in Chart.yaml of the dependency. # Run this command. helm dependency update oneuptime # Go back to root. cd .. cd.. ``` ### Docker Images Docker Images are hosted at: https://hub.docker.com/orgs/oneuptime/repositories and are public. ### More info Read readme at [./public/oneuptime/Readme.md](./public/oneuptime/Readme.md)