import RunCron from "../../Utils/Cron"; import BaseModel from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/DatabaseBaseModel/DatabaseBaseModel"; import { CallRequestMessage } from "Common/Types/Call/CallRequest"; import LIMIT_MAX from "Common/Types/Database/LimitMax"; import Dictionary from "Common/Types/Dictionary"; import { EmailEnvelope } from "Common/Types/Email/EmailMessage"; import EmailTemplateType from "Common/Types/Email/EmailTemplateType"; import NotificationSettingEventType from "Common/Types/NotificationSetting/NotificationSettingEventType"; import ObjectID from "Common/Types/ObjectID"; import { SMSMessage } from "Common/Types/SMS/SMS"; import { EVERY_MINUTE } from "Common/Utils/CronTime"; import ProjectService from "Common/Server/Services/ProjectService"; import ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNoteService from "Common/Server/Services/ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNoteService"; import ScheduledMaintenancePublicNoteService from "Common/Server/Services/ScheduledMaintenancePublicNoteService"; import ScheduledMaintenanceService from "Common/Server/Services/ScheduledMaintenanceService"; import UserNotificationSettingService from "Common/Server/Services/UserNotificationSettingService"; import Markdown, { MarkdownContentType } from "Common/Server/Types/Markdown"; import ScheduledMaintenance from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/ScheduledMaintenance"; import ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNote from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNote"; import ScheduledMaintenancePublicNote from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/ScheduledMaintenancePublicNote"; import User from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/User"; RunCron( "ScheduledMaintenanceOwner:SendsNotePostedEmail", { schedule: EVERY_MINUTE, runOnStartup: false }, async () => { const publicNotes: Array = await ScheduledMaintenancePublicNoteService.findBy({ query: { isOwnerNotified: false, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, limit: LIMIT_MAX, skip: 0, select: { _id: true, note: true, scheduledMaintenanceId: true, projectId: true, }, }); const privateNotes: Array = await ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNoteService.findBy({ query: { isOwnerNotified: false, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, limit: LIMIT_MAX, skip: 0, select: { _id: true, note: true, scheduledMaintenanceId: true, projectId: true, }, }); const privateNoteIds: Array = (note: ScheduledMaintenancePublicNote) => { return note._id!; }, ); for (const note of publicNotes) { await ScheduledMaintenancePublicNoteService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { isOwnerNotified: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } for (const note of privateNotes) { await ScheduledMaintenanceInternalNoteService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { isOwnerNotified: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } const notes: Array = [...publicNotes, ...privateNotes]; for (const noteObject of notes) { const note: BaseModel = noteObject as BaseModel; // get all scheduled events of all the projects. const scheduledMaintenance: ScheduledMaintenance | null = await ScheduledMaintenanceService.findOneById({ id: note.getColumnValue("scheduledMaintenanceId")! as ObjectID, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { _id: true, title: true, description: true, projectId: true, project: { name: true, }, currentScheduledMaintenanceState: { name: true, }, }, }); if (!scheduledMaintenance) { continue; } // now find owners. let doesResourceHasOwners: boolean = true; let owners: Array = await ScheduledMaintenanceService.findOwners( note.getColumnValue("scheduledMaintenanceId")! as ObjectID, ); if (owners.length === 0) { doesResourceHasOwners = false; // find project owners. owners = await ProjectService.getOwners( note.getColumnValue("projectId") as ObjectID, ); } if (owners.length === 0) { continue; } const vars: Dictionary = { scheduledMaintenanceTitle: scheduledMaintenance.title!, projectName: scheduledMaintenance.project!.name!, currentState: scheduledMaintenance.currentScheduledMaintenanceState!.name!, note: await Markdown.convertToHTML( (note.getColumnValue("note")! as string) || "", MarkdownContentType.Email, ), scheduledMaintenanceViewLink: ( await ScheduledMaintenanceService.getScheduledMaintenanceLinkInDashboard( scheduledMaintenance.projectId!,!, ) ).toString(), }; if (doesResourceHasOwners === true) { vars["isOwner"] = "true"; } if (privateNoteIds.includes(note._id!)) { vars["isPrivateNote"] = "true"; } for (const user of owners) { const emailMessage: EmailEnvelope = { templateType: EmailTemplateType.ScheduledMaintenanceOwnerNotePosted, vars: vars, subject: "[Scheduled Maintenance Update] " + scheduledMaintenance.title, }; const sms: SMSMessage = { message: `This is a message from OneUptime. New note posted on scheduled maintenance event - ${scheduledMaintenance.title}. To view this note, go to OneUptime Dashboard. To unsubscribe from this notification go to User Settings in OneUptime Dashboard.`, }; const callMessage: CallRequestMessage = { data: [ { sayMessage: `This is a message from OneUptime. New note posted on scheduled maintenance event ${scheduledMaintenance.title}. To view this note, go to OneUptime Dashboard. To unsubscribe from this notification go to User Settings in OneUptime Dashboard. Good bye.`, }, ], }; await UserNotificationSettingService.sendUserNotification({ userId:!, projectId: scheduledMaintenance.projectId!, emailEnvelope: emailMessage, smsMessage: sms, callRequestMessage: callMessage, eventType: NotificationSettingEventType.SEND_SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE_NOTE_POSTED_OWNER_NOTIFICATION, }); } } }, );