import { CallDefaultCostInCentsPerMinute, CallHighRiskCostInCentsPerMinute, getTwilioConfig, } from "../Config"; import CallRequest, { GatherInput, Say, isHighRiskPhoneNumber, } from "Common/Types/Call/CallRequest"; import CallStatus from "Common/Types/Call/CallStatus"; import TwilioConfig from "Common/Types/CallAndSMS/TwilioConfig"; import OneUptimeDate from "Common/Types/Date"; import BadDataException from "Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException"; import JSONFunctions from "Common/Types/JSONFunctions"; import ObjectID from "Common/Types/ObjectID"; import UserNotificationStatus from "Common/Types/UserNotification/UserNotificationStatus"; import { IsBillingEnabled } from "Common/Server/EnvironmentConfig"; import CallLogService from "Common/Server/Services/CallLogService"; import NotificationService from "Common/Server/Services/NotificationService"; import ProjectService from "Common/Server/Services/ProjectService"; import UserOnCallLogTimelineService from "Common/Server/Services/UserOnCallLogTimelineService"; import JSONWebToken from "Common/Server/Utils/JsonWebToken"; import logger from "Common/Server/Utils/Logger"; import CallLog from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/CallLog"; import Project from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/Project"; import Twilio from "twilio"; import { CallInstance } from "twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call"; export default class CallService { public static async makeCall( callRequest: CallRequest, options: { projectId?: ObjectID | undefined; // project id for sms log isSensitive?: boolean; // if true, message will not be logged userOnCallLogTimelineId?: ObjectID | undefined; // user notification log timeline id customTwilioConfig?: TwilioConfig | undefined; }, ): Promise { let callError: Error | null = null; const callLog: CallLog = new CallLog(); try { logger.debug("Call Request received."); let callCost: number = 0; // is no custom twilio config is provided, use default twilio config and charge for call. const shouldChargeForCall: boolean = IsBillingEnabled && !options.customTwilioConfig; if (shouldChargeForCall) { callCost = CallDefaultCostInCentsPerMinute / 100; if (isHighRiskPhoneNumber( { callCost = CallHighRiskCostInCentsPerMinute / 100; } } logger.debug("Call Cost: " + callCost); const twilioConfig: TwilioConfig | null = options.customTwilioConfig || (await getTwilioConfig()); if (!twilioConfig) { throw new BadDataException("Twilio Config not found"); } const client: Twilio.Twilio = Twilio( twilioConfig.accountSid, twilioConfig.authToken, ); callLog.toNumber =; callLog.fromNumber = twilioConfig.phoneNumber; callLog.callData = options && options.isSensitive ? { message: "This call is sensitive and is not logged" } : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(callRequest)); callLog.callCostInUSDCents = 0; if (options.projectId) { callLog.projectId = options.projectId; } let project: Project | null = null; // make sure project has enough balance. if (options.projectId) { project = await ProjectService.findOneById({ id: options.projectId, select: { smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents: true, enableCallNotifications: true, lowCallAndSMSBalanceNotificationSentToOwners: true, name: true, notEnabledSmsOrCallNotificationSentToOwners: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); logger.debug("Project found."); if (!project) { callLog.status = CallStatus.Error; callLog.statusMessage = `Project ${options.projectId.toString()} not found.`; logger.error(callLog.statusMessage); await CallLogService.create({ data: callLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); return; } if (!project.enableCallNotifications) { callLog.status = CallStatus.Error; callLog.statusMessage = `Call notifications are not enabled for this project. Please enable Call notifications in Project Settings.`; logger.error(callLog.statusMessage); await CallLogService.create({ data: callLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!project.notEnabledSmsOrCallNotificationSentToOwners) { await ProjectService.updateOneById({ data: { notEnabledSmsOrCallNotificationSentToOwners: true, }, id:!, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); await ProjectService.sendEmailToProjectOwners(!, "Call notifications not enabled for " + ( || ""), `We tried to make a call to ${}.

This Call was not sent because call notifications are not enabled for this project. Please enable call notifications in Project Settings.`, ); } return; } if (shouldChargeForCall) { // check if auto recharge is enabled and current balance is low. let updatedBalance: number = project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents!; try { updatedBalance = await NotificationService.rechargeIfBalanceIsLow(!, ); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents = updatedBalance; if (!project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents) { callLog.status = CallStatus.LowBalance; callLog.statusMessage = `Project ${options.projectId.toString()} does not have enough Call balance.`; logger.error(callLog.statusMessage); await CallLogService.create({ data: callLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!project.lowCallAndSMSBalanceNotificationSentToOwners) { await ProjectService.updateOneById({ data: { lowCallAndSMSBalanceNotificationSentToOwners: true, }, id:!, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); await ProjectService.sendEmailToProjectOwners(!, "Low SMS and Call Balance for " + ( || ""), `We tried to make a call to ${}. This call was not made because project does not have enough balance to make calls. Current balance is ${ (project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents || 0) / 100 } USD. Required balance to send this SMS should is ${callCost} USD. Please enable auto recharge or recharge manually.`, ); } return; } if (project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents < callCost * 100) { callLog.status = CallStatus.LowBalance; callLog.statusMessage = `Project does not have enough balance to make this call. Current balance is ${ project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents / 100 } USD. Required balance is ${callCost} USD to make this call.`; logger.error(callLog.statusMessage); await CallLogService.create({ data: callLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!project.lowCallAndSMSBalanceNotificationSentToOwners) { await ProjectService.updateOneById({ data: { lowCallAndSMSBalanceNotificationSentToOwners: true, }, id:!, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); await ProjectService.sendEmailToProjectOwners(!, "Low SMS and Call Balance for " + ( || ""), `We tried to make a call to ${}. This call was not made because project does not have enough balance to make a call. Current balance is ${ project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents / 100 } USD. Required balance is ${callCost} USD to make this call. Please enable auto recharge or recharge manually.`, ); } return; } } } logger.debug("Sending Call Request."); const twillioCall: CallInstance = await client.calls.create({ twiml: this.generateTwimlForCall(callRequest), to:, from: twilioConfig.phoneNumber.toString(), // From a valid Twilio number }); logger.debug("Call Request sent successfully."); callLog.status = CallStatus.Success; callLog.statusMessage = "Call ID: " + twillioCall.sid; logger.debug("Call ID: " + twillioCall.sid); logger.debug(callLog.statusMessage); if (shouldChargeForCall && project) { logger.debug("Updating Project Balance."); callLog.callCostInUSDCents = callCost * 100; if (twillioCall && parseInt(twillioCall.duration) > 60) { callLog.callCostInUSDCents = Math.ceil( Math.ceil(parseInt(twillioCall.duration) / 60) * (callCost * 100), ); } logger.debug("Call Cost: " + callLog.callCostInUSDCents); project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents = Math.floor( project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents! - callCost * 100, ); await ProjectService.updateOneById({ data: { smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents: project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents, notEnabledSmsOrCallNotificationSentToOwners: false, // reset this flag }, id:!, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); logger.debug("Project's current balance updated."); logger.debug( "Current Balance: " + project.smsOrCallCurrentBalanceInUSDCents, ); } } catch (e: any) { callLog.callCostInUSDCents = 0; callLog.status = CallStatus.Error; callLog.statusMessage = e && e.message ? e.message.toString() : e.toString(); logger.error("Call Request failed."); logger.error(callLog.statusMessage); callError = e; } logger.debug("Saving Call Log if project id is provided."); if (options.projectId) { logger.debug("Saving Call Log."); await CallLogService.create({ data: callLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); logger.debug("Call Log saved."); } else { logger.debug("Project Id is not provided. Call Log not saved."); } if (options.userOnCallLogTimelineId) { await UserOnCallLogTimelineService.updateOneById({ data: { status: callLog.status === CallStatus.Success ? UserNotificationStatus.Sent : UserNotificationStatus.Error, statusMessage: callLog.statusMessage!, }, id: options.userOnCallLogTimelineId, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } if (callError) { throw callError; } } public static generateTwimlForCall(callRequest: CallRequest): string { const response: Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); for (const item of { if ((item as Say).sayMessage) { response.say((item as Say).sayMessage); } if ((item as GatherInput) && (item as GatherInput).numDigits > 0) { response.say((item as GatherInput).introMessage); response.gather({ numDigits: (item as GatherInput).numDigits, timeout: (item as GatherInput).timeoutInSeconds || 5, action: (item as GatherInput).responseUrl .addQueryParam( "token", JSONWebToken.signJsonPayload( JSONFunctions.serialize( (item as GatherInput).onInputCallRequest as any, ), OneUptimeDate.getDayInSeconds(), ), ) .toString(), method: "POST", }); response.say((item as GatherInput).noInputMessage); } } response.hangup(); return response.toString(); } }