import { InternalSmtpEmail, InternalSmtpFromName, InternalSmtpHost, InternalSmtpPassword, InternalSmtpPort, InternalSmtpSecure, SendGridConfig, getEmailServerType, getGlobalSMTPConfig, getSendgridConfig, } from "../Config"; import SendgridMail, { MailDataRequired } from "@sendgrid/mail"; import Hostname from "Common/Types/API/Hostname"; import OneUptimeDate from "Common/Types/Date"; import Dictionary from "Common/Types/Dictionary"; import Email from "Common/Types/Email"; import EmailMessage from "Common/Types/Email/EmailMessage"; import EmailServer from "Common/Types/Email/EmailServer"; import EmailTemplateType from "Common/Types/Email/EmailTemplateType"; import BadDataException from "Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException"; import { JSONObject } from "Common/Types/JSON"; import MailStatus from "Common/Types/Mail/MailStatus"; import ObjectID from "Common/Types/ObjectID"; import Port from "Common/Types/Port"; import UserNotificationStatus from "Common/Types/UserNotification/UserNotificationStatus"; import { IsDevelopment } from "Common/Server/EnvironmentConfig"; import LocalCache from "Common/Server/Infrastructure/LocalCache"; import EmailLogService from "Common/Server/Services/EmailLogService"; import UserOnCallLogTimelineService from "Common/Server/Services/UserOnCallLogTimelineService"; import logger from "Common/Server/Utils/Logger"; import EmailLog from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/EmailLog"; import { EmailServerType } from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/GlobalConfig"; import fsp from "fs/promises"; import Handlebars from "handlebars"; import nodemailer, { Transporter } from "nodemailer"; import Path from "path"; export default class MailService { public static isSMTPConfigValid(obj: JSONObject): boolean { if (!obj["SMTP_USERNAME"]) { logger.error("SMTP_USERNAME env var not found"); return false; } if (!obj["SMTP_EMAIL"]) { logger.error("SMTP_EMAIL env var not found"); return false; } if (!Email.isValid(obj["SMTP_EMAIL"].toString())) { logger.error( "SMTP_EMAIL env var " + obj["SMTP_EMAIL"] + " is not a valid email", ); return false; } if (!obj["SMTP_FROM_NAME"]) { logger.error("SMTP_FROM_NAME env var not found"); return false; } if (!obj["SMTP_PORT"]) { logger.error("SMTP_PORT env var not found"); return false; } if (!Port.isValid(obj["SMTP_PORT"].toString())) { logger.error("SMTP_PORT " + obj["SMTP_HOST"] + " env var not valid"); return false; } if (!obj["SMTP_HOST"]) { logger.error("SMTP_HOST env var not found"); return false; } if (!Hostname.isValid(obj["SMTP_HOST"].toString())) { logger.error("SMTP_HOST env var " + obj["SMTP_HOST"] + " not valid"); return false; } if (!obj["SMTP_PASSWORD"]) { logger.error("SMTP_PASSWORD env var not found"); return false; } return true; } public static getEmailServer(obj: JSONObject): EmailServer { if (!this.isSMTPConfigValid(obj)) { throw new BadDataException("SMTP Config is not valid"); } return { id: obj && obj["SMTP_ID"] ? new ObjectID(obj["SMTP_ID"].toString()) : undefined, username: obj["SMTP_USERNAME"]?.toString() || undefined, password: obj["SMTP_PASSWORD"]?.toString() || undefined, host: new Hostname(obj["SMTP_HOST"]?.toString() as string), port: new Port(obj["SMTP_PORT"]?.toString() as string), fromEmail: new Email(obj["SMTP_EMAIL"]?.toString() as string), fromName: obj["SMTP_FROM_NAME"]?.toString() as string, secure: obj["SMTP_IS_SECURE"] === "true" || obj["SMTP_IS_SECURE"] === true, }; } public static getInternalEmailServer(): EmailServer { return { id: undefined, username: InternalSmtpEmail.toString(), password: InternalSmtpPassword, host: InternalSmtpHost, port: InternalSmtpPort, fromEmail: InternalSmtpEmail, fromName: InternalSmtpFromName, secure: InternalSmtpSecure, }; } public static async getGlobalFromEmail(): Promise { const emailServer: EmailServer | null = await this.getGlobalSmtpSettings(); if (!emailServer) { throw new BadDataException("Global SMTP Config not found"); } return emailServer.fromEmail; } private static async getGlobalSmtpSettings(): Promise { return await getGlobalSMTPConfig(); } private static async updateUserNotificationLogTimelineAsSent( timelineId: ObjectID, ): Promise { if (timelineId) { await UserOnCallLogTimelineService.updateOneById({ data: { status: UserNotificationStatus.Sent, statusMessage: "Email sent successfully. This does not mean the email was delivered. We do not track email delivery. If the email was not delivered - it is likely due to the email address being invalid, user has blocked sending domain, or it could have landed in spam.", }, id: timelineId, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } } private static async compileEmailBody( emailTemplateType: EmailTemplateType, vars: Dictionary, ): Promise { // Localcache templates, so we don't read from disk all the time. let templateData: string; if ( LocalCache.hasValue("email-templates", emailTemplateType) && !IsDevelopment ) { templateData = LocalCache.getString("email-templates", emailTemplateType); } else { templateData = await fsp.readFile( Path.resolve( process.cwd(), "FeatureSet", "Notification", "Templates", `${emailTemplateType}`, ), { encoding: "utf8", flag: "r" }, ); LocalCache.setString( "email-templates", emailTemplateType, templateData as string, ); } const emailBody: Handlebars.TemplateDelegate = Handlebars.compile(templateData); return emailBody(vars).toString(); } private static compileText( subject: string, vars: Dictionary, ): string { const subjectHandlebars: Handlebars.TemplateDelegate = Handlebars.compile(subject); return subjectHandlebars(vars).toString(); } private static createMailer( emailServer: EmailServer, options: { timeout?: number | undefined; }, ): Transporter { const privateMailer: Transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ host:, port: emailServer.port.toNumber(), secure:, auth: emailServer.username && emailServer.password ? { user: emailServer.username, pass: emailServer.password, } : undefined, connectionTimeout: options.timeout || undefined, }); return privateMailer; } private static async transportMail( mail: EmailMessage, options: { emailServer: EmailServer; projectId?: ObjectID | undefined; timeout?: number | undefined; }, ): Promise { const mailer: Transporter = this.createMailer(options.emailServer, { timeout: options.timeout, }); await mailer.sendMail({ from: `${options.emailServer.fromName.toString()} <${options.emailServer.fromEmail.toString()}>`, to: mail.toEmail.toString(), subject: mail.subject, html: mail.body, }); } public static async send( mail: EmailMessage, options?: | { projectId?: ObjectID | undefined; emailServer?: EmailServer | undefined; userOnCallLogTimelineId?: ObjectID | undefined; timeout?: number | undefined; } | undefined, ): Promise { let emailLog: EmailLog | undefined = undefined; if (options && options.projectId) { emailLog = new EmailLog(); emailLog.projectId = options.projectId; emailLog.toEmail = mail.toEmail; emailLog.subject = mail.subject; if (options.emailServer?.id) { emailLog.projectSmtpConfigId = options.emailServer?.id; } } // default vars. if (!mail.vars) { mail.vars = {}; } if (!mail.vars["year"]) { mail.vars["year"] = OneUptimeDate.getCurrentYear().toString(); } try { const emailServerType: EmailServerType = await getEmailServerType(); mail.body = mail.templateType ? await this.compileEmailBody(mail.templateType, mail.vars) : this.compileText(mail.body || "", mail.vars); mail.subject = this.compileText(mail.subject, mail.vars); if ( (!options || !options.emailServer) && emailServerType === EmailServerType.Sendgrid ) { const sendgridConfig: SendGridConfig | null = await getSendgridConfig(); if (!sendgridConfig) { if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email is configured to use Sendgrid, but Sendgrid Settings is not configured."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw new BadDataException("Sendgrid Config not found"); } if (!sendgridConfig.apiKey) { if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email is configured to use Sendgrid, but Sendgrid API key is not configured."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw new BadDataException("Sendgrid API key not configured"); } if (!sendgridConfig.fromEmail) { if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email is configured to use Sendgrid, but Sendgrid From Email is not configured."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw new BadDataException("Sendgrid From Email not configured"); } if (!sendgridConfig.fromName) { if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email is configured to use Sendgrid, but Sendgrid From Name is not configured."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw new BadDataException("Sendgrid From Name not configured"); } SendgridMail.setApiKey(sendgridConfig.apiKey); const msg: MailDataRequired = { to: mail.toEmail.toString(), from: `${ sendgridConfig.fromName || "OneUptime" } <${sendgridConfig.fromEmail.toString()}>`, subject: mail.subject, html: mail.body, }; if (emailLog) { emailLog.fromEmail = sendgridConfig.fromEmail; } await SendgridMail.send(msg); if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Success; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email sent successfully. This does not mean the email was delivered. We do not track email delivery. If the email was not delivered - it is likely due to the email address being invalid, user has blocked sending domain, or it could have landed in spam."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } if (options?.userOnCallLogTimelineId) { await this.updateUserNotificationLogTimelineAsSent( options?.userOnCallLogTimelineId, ); } return; } if ( (!options || !options.emailServer) && emailServerType === EmailServerType.CustomSMTP ) { if (!options) { options = {}; } const globalEmailServer: EmailServer | null = await this.getGlobalSmtpSettings(); if (!globalEmailServer) { if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email is configured to use SMTP, but SMTP settings are not configured."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw new BadDataException("Global SMTP Config not found"); } options.emailServer = globalEmailServer; } if ( emailServerType === EmailServerType.Internal && (!options || !options.emailServer) ) { if (!options) { options = {}; } options.emailServer = this.getInternalEmailServer(); } if (options && options.emailServer && emailLog) { emailLog.fromEmail = options.emailServer.fromEmail; } if (!options || !options.emailServer) { throw new BadDataException("Email server not found"); } await this.transportMail(mail, { emailServer: options.emailServer, projectId: options.projectId, timeout: options.timeout, }); if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Success; emailLog.statusMessage = "Email sent successfully. This does not mean the email was delivered. We do not track email delivery. If the email was not delivered - it is likely due to the email address being invalid, user has blocked sending domain, or it could have landed in spam."; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } if (options?.userOnCallLogTimelineId) { await this.updateUserNotificationLogTimelineAsSent( options?.userOnCallLogTimelineId, ); } } catch (err: any) { let message: string | undefined = err.message; if (message === "Unexpected socket close") { message = "Email failed to send. Unexpected socket close. This could mean various things, such as your SMTP server is unreachble, username and password is incorrect, your SMTP server is not configured to accept connections from this IP address, or TLS/SSL is not configured correctly, or ports are not configured correctly."; } if (!message) { message = "Email failed to send. Unknown error."; } logger.error(err); if (options?.userOnCallLogTimelineId) { await UserOnCallLogTimelineService.updateOneById({ data: { status: UserNotificationStatus.Error, statusMessage: message, }, id: options.userOnCallLogTimelineId, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } if (emailLog) { emailLog.status = MailStatus.Error; emailLog.statusMessage = message; await EmailLogService.create({ data: emailLog, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } throw err; } } }