import DatabaseConfig from '../DatabaseConfig'; import NotificationMiddleware from '../Middleware/NotificationMiddleware'; import UserOnCallLogTimelineService, { Service as UserNotificationLogTimelineServiceType, } from '../Services/UserOnCallLogTimelineService'; import { ExpressRequest, ExpressResponse, OneUptimeRequest, } from '../Utils/Express'; import Response from '../Utils/Response'; import BaseAPI from './BaseAPI'; import { DashboardRoute } from 'Common/ServiceRoute'; import Hostname from 'Common/Types/API/Hostname'; import Protocol from 'Common/Types/API/Protocol'; import URL from 'Common/Types/API/URL'; import OneUptimeDate from 'Common/Types/Date'; import BadDataException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException'; import { JSONObject } from 'Common/Types/JSON'; import ObjectID from 'Common/Types/ObjectID'; import UserNotificationStatus from 'Common/Types/UserNotification/UserNotificationStatus'; import UserOnCallLogTimeline from 'Model/Models/UserOnCallLogTimeline'; export default class UserNotificationLogTimelineAPI extends BaseAPI< UserOnCallLogTimeline, UserNotificationLogTimelineServiceType > { public constructor() { super(UserOnCallLogTimeline, UserOnCallLogTimelineService); `${new this.entityType() .getCrudApiPath() ?.toString()}/call/gather-input/:itemId`, NotificationMiddleware.isValidCallNotificationRequest, async (req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse) => { req = req as OneUptimeRequest; if (!req.params['itemId']) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException('Invalid item ID') ); } const token: JSONObject = (req as any).callTokenData; const itemId: ObjectID = new ObjectID(req.params['itemId']); const timelineItem: UserOnCallLogTimeline | null = await this.service.findOneById({ id: itemId, select: { _id: true, projectId: true, triggeredByIncidentId: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!timelineItem) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException('Invalid item Id') ); } // check digits. if (req.body['Digits'] === '1') { // then ack incident await this.service.updateOneById({ id: itemId, data: { acknowledgedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), isAcknowledged: true, status: UserNotificationStatus.Acknowledged, statusMessage: 'Notification Acknowledged', }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } return NotificationMiddleware.sendResponse( req, res, token as any ); } ); this.router.get( `${new this.entityType() .getCrudApiPath() ?.toString()}/acknowledge/:itemId`, async (req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse) => { req = req as OneUptimeRequest; if (!req.params['itemId']) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException('Item ID is required') ); } const itemId: ObjectID = new ObjectID(req.params['itemId']); const timelineItem: UserOnCallLogTimeline | null = await this.service.findOneById({ id: itemId, select: { _id: true, projectId: true, triggeredByIncidentId: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!timelineItem) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException('Invalid item Id') ); } await this.service.updateOneById({ id: itemId, data: { acknowledgedAt: OneUptimeDate.getCurrentDate(), isAcknowledged: true, status: UserNotificationStatus.Acknowledged, statusMessage: 'Notification Acknowledged', }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); // redirect to dashboard to incidents page. const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); return Response.redirect( req, res, new URL( httpProtocol, host, DashboardRoute.addRoute( `/${timelineItem.projectId?.toString()}/incidents/${timelineItem.triggeredByIncidentId!.toString()}` ) ) ); } ); } }