# Images are pushed to both Docker Hub and Github Container Registry. If you're using Github Container Registry, you can change the image tag to use the Github Container Registry. # For example, if you want to use the image from Github Container Registry, you can change the image tag from oneuptime/dashboard:latest to ghcr.io/oneuptime/dashboard:latest version: '3.7' services: minio: extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: minio haraka: extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: haraka redis: extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: redis clickhouse: extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: clickhouse postgres: ports: - "5400:5432" # for access to postgres for backups. If you don't need backup, you can comment this line out to make it more secure. extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: postgres notification: image: oneuptime/notification:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: notification accounts: image: oneuptime/accounts:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: accounts dashboard: image: oneuptime/dashboard:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: dashboard admin-dashboard: image: oneuptime/admin-dashboard:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: admin-dashboard status-page: image: oneuptime/status-page:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: status-page dashboard-api: image: oneuptime/dashboard-api:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: dashboard-api link-shortener: image: oneuptime/link-shortener:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: link-shortener workflow: image: oneuptime/workflow:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: workflow workers: image: oneuptime/workers:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: workers probe-1: image: oneuptime/probe:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: probe-1 probe-2: image: oneuptime/probe:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: probe-2 identity: image: oneuptime/identity:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: identity probe-api: image: oneuptime/probe-api:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: probe-api file: image: oneuptime/file:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: file home: image: oneuptime/home:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: home api-reference: image: oneuptime/api-reference:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: api-reference ingress: image: oneuptime/nginx:${APP_TAG} extends: file: ./docker-compose.base.yml service: ingress volumes: postgres: clickhouse: minio: networks: oneuptime: driver: bridge