import Hostname from "Common/Types/API/Hostname"; import TwilioConfig from "Common/Types/CallAndSMS/TwilioConfig"; import Email from "Common/Types/Email"; import EmailServer from "Common/Types/Email/EmailServer"; import BadDataException from "Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException"; import ObjectID from "Common/Types/ObjectID"; import Port from "Common/Types/Port"; import { AdminDashboardClientURL } from "Common/Server/EnvironmentConfig"; import GlobalConfigService from "Common/Server/Services/GlobalConfigService"; import GlobalConfig, { EmailServerType, } from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/GlobalConfig"; export const InternalSmtpPassword: string = process.env["INTERNAL_SMTP_PASSWORD"] || ""; export const InternalSmtpHost: Hostname = new Hostname( process.env["INTERNAL_SMTP_HOST"] || "haraka", ); export const InternalSmtpPort: Port = new Port(2525); export const InternalSmtpSecure: boolean = false; export const InternalSmtpEmail: Email = new Email( process.env["INTERNAL_SMTP_EMAIL"] || "", ); export const InternalSmtpFromName: string = process.env["INTERNAL_SMTP_FROM_NAME"] || "OneUptime"; type GetGlobalSMTPConfig = () => Promise; export const getGlobalSMTPConfig: GetGlobalSMTPConfig = async (): Promise => { const globalConfig: GlobalConfig | null = await GlobalConfigService.findOneBy({ query: { _id: ObjectID.getZeroObjectID().toString(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { smtpFromEmail: true, smtpHost: true, smtpPort: true, smtpUsername: true, smtpPassword: true, isSMTPSecure: true, smtpFromName: true, }, }); if (!globalConfig) { throw new BadDataException("Global Config not found"); } if ( !globalConfig.smtpFromEmail && !globalConfig.smtpHost && !globalConfig.smtpPort && !globalConfig.smtpUsername && !globalConfig.smtpPassword && !globalConfig.smtpFromName ) { return null; } if (!globalConfig.smtpFromEmail) { throw new BadDataException( "Global SMTP From Email not found. Please set this in the Admin Dashboard: " + AdminDashboardClientURL.toString(), ); } if (!globalConfig.smtpHost) { throw new BadDataException( "SMTP Host not found. Please set this in the Admin Dashboard: " + AdminDashboardClientURL.toString(), ); } if (!globalConfig.smtpPort) { throw new BadDataException( "SMTP Port not found. Please set this in the Admin Dashboard: " + AdminDashboardClientURL.toString(), ); } if (!globalConfig.smtpFromName) { throw new BadDataException( "SMTP From Name not found. Please set this in the Admin Dashboard: " + AdminDashboardClientURL.toString(), ); } if (!globalConfig.smtpFromEmail) { throw new BadDataException( "SMTP From Email not found. Please set this in the Admin Dashboard: " + AdminDashboardClientURL.toString(), ); } return { host: globalConfig.smtpHost, port: globalConfig.smtpPort, username: globalConfig.smtpUsername || undefined, // these can be optional. If not set, they will be undefined password: globalConfig.smtpPassword || undefined, // these can be optional. If not set, they will be undefined secure: globalConfig.isSMTPSecure || false, fromEmail: globalConfig.smtpFromEmail, fromName: globalConfig.smtpFromName || "OneUptime", }; }; type GetEmailServerTypeFunction = () => Promise; export const getEmailServerType: GetEmailServerTypeFunction = async (): Promise => { const globalConfig: GlobalConfig | null = await GlobalConfigService.findOneBy({ query: { _id: ObjectID.getZeroObjectID().toString(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { emailServerType: true, }, }); if (!globalConfig) { return EmailServerType.Internal; } return globalConfig.emailServerType || EmailServerType.Internal; }; export interface SendGridConfig { apiKey: string; fromName: string; fromEmail: Email; } type GetSendgridConfigFunction = () => Promise; export const getSendgridConfig: GetSendgridConfigFunction = async (): Promise => { const globalConfig: GlobalConfig | null = await GlobalConfigService.findOneBy({ query: { _id: ObjectID.getZeroObjectID().toString(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { sendgridApiKey: true, sendgridFromEmail: true, sendgridFromName: true, }, }); if (!globalConfig) { return null; } if ( globalConfig.sendgridApiKey && globalConfig.sendgridFromEmail && globalConfig.sendgridFromName ) { return { apiKey: globalConfig.sendgridApiKey, fromName: globalConfig.sendgridFromName, fromEmail: globalConfig.sendgridFromEmail, }; } return null; }; type GetTwilioConfigFunction = () => Promise; export const getTwilioConfig: GetTwilioConfigFunction = async (): Promise => { const globalConfig: GlobalConfig | null = await GlobalConfigService.findOneBy({ query: { _id: ObjectID.getZeroObjectID().toString(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { twilioAccountSID: true, twilioAuthToken: true, twilioPhoneNumber: true, }, }); if (!globalConfig) { throw new BadDataException("Global Config not found"); } if ( !globalConfig.twilioAccountSID || !globalConfig.twilioAuthToken || !globalConfig.twilioPhoneNumber ) { return null; } return { accountSid: globalConfig.twilioAccountSID, authToken: globalConfig.twilioAuthToken, phoneNumber: globalConfig.twilioPhoneNumber, }; }; export const SMSDefaultCostInCents: number = process.env[ "SMS_DEFAULT_COST_IN_CENTS" ] ? parseInt(process.env["SMS_DEFAULT_COST_IN_CENTS"]) : 0; export const SMSHighRiskCostInCents: number = process.env[ "SMS_HIGH_RISK_COST_IN_CENTS" ] ? parseInt(process.env["SMS_HIGH_RISK_COST_IN_CENTS"]) : 0; export const CallHighRiskCostInCentsPerMinute: number = process.env[ "CALL_HIGH_RISK_COST_IN_CENTS_PER_MINUTE" ] ? parseInt(process.env["CALL_HIGH_RISK_COST_IN_CENTS_PER_MINUTE"]) : 0; export const CallDefaultCostInCentsPerMinute: number = process.env[ "CALL_DEFAULT_COST_IN_CENTS_PER_MINUTE" ] ? parseInt(process.env["CALL_DEFAULT_COST_IN_CENTS_PER_MINUTE"]) : 0;