import { IsBillingEnabled } from "../EnvironmentConfig"; import UserMiddleware from "../Middleware/UserAuthorization"; import ProjectService, { ProjectService as ProjectServiceType, } from "../Services/ProjectService"; import ResellerService from "../Services/ResellerService"; import TeamMemberService from "../Services/TeamMemberService"; import Select from "../Types/Database/Select"; import { ExpressRequest, ExpressResponse, NextFunction, OneUptimeRequest, } from "../Utils/Express"; import Response from "../Utils/Response"; import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; import { LIMIT_PER_PROJECT } from "Common/Types/Database/LimitMax"; import NotAuthenticatedException from "Common/Types/Exception/NotAuthenticatedException"; import PositiveNumber from "Common/Types/PositiveNumber"; import Project from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/Project"; import Reseller from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/Reseller"; import TeamMember from "Common/Models/DatabaseModels/TeamMember"; export default class ProjectAPI extends BaseAPI { public constructor() { super(Project, ProjectService); /// This API lists all the projects where user is its team member. /// This API is usually used to show project selector dropdown in the UI `${new this.entityType() .getCrudApiPath() ?.toString()}/list-user-projects`, UserMiddleware.getUserMiddleware, async (req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction) => { try { if (!(req as OneUptimeRequest).userAuthorization?.userId) { throw new NotAuthenticatedException( "User should be logged in to access this API", ); } const projectSelect: Select = { _id: true, name: true, trialEndsAt: true, paymentProviderPlanId: true, resellerId: true, isFeatureFlagMonitorGroupsEnabled: true, paymentProviderMeteredSubscriptionStatus: true, paymentProviderSubscriptionStatus: true, }; const teamMembers: Array = await TeamMemberService.findBy( { query: { userId: (req as OneUptimeRequest).userAuthorization!.userId!, hasAcceptedInvitation: true, }, select: { project: projectSelect, }, limit: LIMIT_PER_PROJECT, skip: 0, props: { isRoot: true, }, }, ); const projects: Array = []; // if billing enabled and is master admin then get all the projects with customer support enabled. if ( IsBillingEnabled && (req as OneUptimeRequest).userAuthorization?.isMasterAdmin ) { const customerSupportProjects: Array = await ProjectService.findBy({ query: { letCustomerSupportAccessProject: true, }, select: projectSelect, limit: LIMIT_PER_PROJECT, skip: 0, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); for (const customerSupportProject of customerSupportProjects) { if (!customerSupportProject) { continue; } if (!customerSupportProject._id) { continue; } if ( projects.findIndex((project: Project) => { return ( project._id?.toString() === customerSupportProject!._id?.toString() ); }) === -1 ) { projects.push(customerSupportProject); } } } for (const teamMember of teamMembers) { if (!teamMember.project) { continue; } if ( projects.findIndex((project: Project) => { return ( project._id?.toString() === teamMember.project!._id?.toString() ); }) === -1 ) { projects.push(teamMember.project!); } } // get reseller for each project. for (const project of projects) { if (project.resellerId) { const reseller: Reseller | null = await ResellerService.findOneById({ id: project.resellerId, select: { enableTelemetryFeatures: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!reseller) { continue; } project.reseller = reseller; } } return Response.sendEntityArrayResponse( req, res, projects, new PositiveNumber(projects.length), Project, ); } catch (err) { next(err); } }, ); } }