import SocketIO from ''; import http from 'http'; import Express from '../Utils/Express'; import { createAdapter } from ''; import Redis, { ClientType } from './Redis'; import DatabaseNotConnectedException from 'Common/Types/Exception/DatabaseNotConnectedException'; import { RealtimeRoute } from 'Common/ServiceRoute'; export type Socket = SocketIO.Socket; export type SocketServer = SocketIO.Server; export default abstract class IO { private static socketServer: SocketIO.Server | null = null; public static init(): void { const server: http.Server = Express.getHttpServer(); this.socketServer = new SocketIO.Server(server, { path: RealtimeRoute.toString(), }); if (!Redis.getClient()) { throw new DatabaseNotConnectedException( 'Redis is not connected. Please connect to Redis before connecting to SocketIO.' ); } const pubClient: ClientType = Redis.getClient()!.duplicate(); const subClient: ClientType = Redis.getClient()!.duplicate(); this.socketServer.adapter(createAdapter(pubClient, subClient)); } public static getSocketServer(): SocketIO.Server | null { if (!this.socketServer) { this.init(); } return this.socketServer; } }