#!/bin/bash # Make scripts runable chmod +x deploy-staging.sh chmod +x deploy-production.sh # This script runs the local development server in Docker. if [[ ! $(which docker) && ! $(docker --version) ]]; then echo -e "\033[91mPlease install Docker. https://docs.docker.com/install" exit fi if [[ ! -n $DOMAIN ]]; then export DOMAIN=oneuptime.com fi if [[ ! -n $DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY ]]; then # create private key and public key echo "Setup private and public key" openssl genrsa -out private 2048 chmod 0400 private openssl rsa -in private -out public -pubout # value of DKIM dns record echo "DKIM DNS TXT Record" echo "DNS Selector: oneuptime._domainkey" echo "DNS Value: v=DKIM1;p=$(grep -v '^-' public | tr -d '\n')" export DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat private | base64) fi if [[ ! -n $TLS_KEY ]] && [[ ! -n $TLS_CERT ]]; then # generate tls_cert.pem and tls_key.pem files with there keys echo "Setup tls_cert and tls_key" openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 2190 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls_key.pem -out tls_cert.pem -subj "/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Boston/O=Hackerbay/CN=$DOMAIN" # Encode your tls to base64 and export it export TLS_KEY=$(cat tls_key.pem | base64) export TLS_CERT=$(cat tls_cert.pem | base64) fi sudo chmod +x ./uninstall.sh sudo ./uninstall.sh # Sleep sleep 5s