import { PostgresAppInstance } from 'CommonServer/Infrastructure/PostgresDatabase'; import Redis from 'CommonServer/Infrastructure/Redis'; import logger from 'CommonServer/Utils/Logger'; import App from 'CommonServer/Utils/StartServer'; import { QueueJob, QueueName } from 'CommonServer/Infrastructure/Queue'; import QueueWorker from 'CommonServer/Infrastructure/QueueWorker'; // Payments. import './Jobs/PaymentProvider/CheckSubscriptionStatus'; // Announcements. import './Jobs/Announcement/SendEmailToSubscribers'; // Incidents import './Jobs/Incident/SendEmailToSubscribers'; // Scheduled Event import './Jobs/ScheduledMaintenance/ChangeStateToOngoing'; import './Jobs/ScheduledMaintenance/SendEmailToSubscribers'; // Certs Routers import StausPageCerts from './Jobs/StatusPageCerts/StausPageCerts'; // Express import Express, { ExpressApplication } from 'CommonServer/Utils/Express'; import JobDictonary from './Utils/JobDictionary'; const APP_NAME: string = 'workers'; const app: ExpressApplication = Express.getExpressApp(); //cert routes. app.use(`/${APP_NAME.toLocaleLowerCase()}`, StausPageCerts); const init: Function = async (): Promise => { try { // init the app await App(APP_NAME); // connect to the database. await PostgresAppInstance.connect( PostgresAppInstance.getDatasourceOptions() ); // connect redis await Redis.connect(); // Job process. QueueWorker.getWorker( QueueName.Worker, async (job: QueueJob) => { const name: string =; const funcToRun: Function = JobDictonary.getJobFunction(name); await funcToRun(); }, { concurrency: 10 } ); } catch (err) { logger.error('App Init Failed:'); logger.error(err); } }; init();