import { IsBillingEnabled, EncryptionSecret, } from 'CommonServer/EnvironmentConfig'; import { AccountsRoute } from 'Common/ServiceRoute'; import Express, { ExpressRequest, ExpressResponse, ExpressRouter, NextFunction, } from 'CommonServer/Utils/Express'; import BadRequestException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadRequestException'; import { JSONObject } from 'Common/Types/JSON'; import User from 'Model/Models/User'; import EmailVerificationTokenService from 'CommonServer/Services/EmailVerificationTokenService'; import UserService from 'CommonServer/Services/UserService'; import ObjectID from 'Common/Types/ObjectID'; import EmailVerificationToken from 'Model/Models/EmailVerificationToken'; import BadDataException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException'; import MailService from 'CommonServer/Services/MailService'; import EmailTemplateType from 'Common/Types/Email/EmailTemplateType'; import URL from 'Common/Types/API/URL'; import Response from 'CommonServer/Utils/Response'; import JSONWebToken from 'CommonServer/Utils/JsonWebToken'; import OneUptimeDate from 'Common/Types/Date'; import PositiveNumber from 'Common/Types/PositiveNumber'; import Route from 'Common/Types/API/Route'; import logger from 'CommonServer/Utils/Logger'; import PartialEntity from 'Common/Types/Database/PartialEntity'; import Email from 'Common/Types/Email'; import Name from 'Common/Types/Name'; import AuthenticationEmail from '../Utils/AuthenticationEmail'; import AccessTokenService from 'CommonServer/Services/AccessTokenService'; import Hostname from 'Common/Types/API/Hostname'; import Protocol from 'Common/Types/API/Protocol'; import DatabaseConfig from 'CommonServer/DatabaseConfig'; import CookieUtil from 'CommonServer/Utils/Cookie'; import BaseModel from 'Common/Models/BaseModel'; const router: ExpressRouter = Express.getRouter(); '/signup', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { if (await DatabaseConfig.shouldDisableSignup()) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadRequestException( 'Sign up is disabled on this OneUptime Server. Please contact your server admin to enable it.' ) ); } const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; /* Creating a type that is a partial of the TBaseModel type. */ const partialUser: PartialEntity = data; if (IsBillingEnabled) { //ALERT: Delete data.role so user don't accidently sign up as master-admin from the API. partialUser.isMasterAdmin = false; partialUser.isEmailVerified = false; } else { // IF its not a saas service then we will make the email verified. // check if there are more than one user and if there is then we will not make the user master admin. const userCount: PositiveNumber = await UserService.countBy({ props: { isRoot: true, }, query: {}, }); partialUser.isMasterAdmin = userCount.isZero(); // if the user count is 0 then make the first user master admin. partialUser.isEmailVerified = true; } const alreadySavedUser: User | null = await UserService.findOneBy({ query: { email: as Email }, select: { _id: true, password: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (alreadySavedUser && alreadySavedUser.password) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( `User with email ${} already exists.` ) ); } let savedUser: User | null = null; if (alreadySavedUser) { //@ts-ignore savedUser = await UserService.updateOneByIdAndFetch({ id:!, data: partialUser, select: { email: true, _id: true, name: true, isMasterAdmin: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } else { const user: User = BaseModel.fromJSON( partialUser as JSONObject, User ) as User; savedUser = await UserService.create({ data: user, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); } const generatedToken: ObjectID = ObjectID.generate(); const emailVerificationToken: EmailVerificationToken = new EmailVerificationToken(); emailVerificationToken.userId = savedUser?.id as ObjectID; = savedUser?.email as Email; emailVerificationToken.token = generatedToken; emailVerificationToken.expires = OneUptimeDate.getOneDayAfter(); await EmailVerificationTokenService.create({ data: emailVerificationToken, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail({ toEmail: as Email, subject: 'Welcome to OneUptime. Please verify your email.', templateType: EmailTemplateType.SignupWelcomeEmail, vars: { name: (! as Name).toString(), tokenVerifyUrl: new URL( httpProtocol, host, new Route(AccountsRoute.toString()).addRoute( '/verify-email/' + generatedToken.toString() ) ).toString(), homeUrl: new URL(httpProtocol, host).toString(), }, }).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); if (savedUser) { // Refresh Permissions for this user here. await AccessTokenService.refreshUserAllPermissions(! ); const token: string = JSONWebToken.sign( savedUser, OneUptimeDate.getSecondsInDays(new PositiveNumber(30)) ); // Set a cookie with token. CookieUtil.setCookie(res, CookieUtil.getUserTokenKey(), token, { maxAge: OneUptimeDate.getMillisecondsInDays( new PositiveNumber(30) ), httpOnly: true, }); return Response.sendEntityResponse(req, res, savedUser, User); } return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadRequestException('Failed to create a user') ); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/forgot-password', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; const user: User = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, User ) as User; const alreadySavedUser: User | null = await UserService.findOneBy({ query: { email:! }, select: { _id: true, password: true, name: true, email: true, isMasterAdmin: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (alreadySavedUser && alreadySavedUser.password) { const token: string = ObjectID.generate().toString(); await UserService.updateOneBy({ query: { _id: alreadySavedUser._id!, }, data: { resetPasswordToken: token, resetPasswordExpires: OneUptimeDate.getOneDayAfter(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail({ toEmail:!, subject: 'Password Reset Request for OneUptime', templateType: EmailTemplateType.ForgotPassword, vars: { homeURL: new URL(httpProtocol, host).toString(), tokenVerifyUrl: new URL( httpProtocol, host, new Route(AccountsRoute.toString()).addRoute( '/reset-password/' + token ) ).toString(), }, }).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( `No user is registered with ${}. Please sign up for a new account.` ) ); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/verify-email', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; const token: EmailVerificationToken = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, EmailVerificationToken ) as EmailVerificationToken; const alreadySavedToken: EmailVerificationToken | null = await EmailVerificationTokenService.findOneBy({ query: { token: token.token! }, select: { _id: true, userId: true, email: true, expires: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!alreadySavedToken) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Invalid link. Please try to log in and we will resend you another link which you should be able to verify email with.' ) ); } if (OneUptimeDate.hasExpired(alreadySavedToken.expires!)) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Link expired. Please try to log in and we will resend you another link which you should be able to verify email with.' ) ); } const user: User | null = await UserService.findOneBy({ query: { email:!, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, select: { _id: true, email: true, }, }); if (!user) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Invalid link. Please try to log in and we will resend you another link which you should be able to verify email with.' ) ); } await UserService.updateOneBy({ query: { _id: user._id!, }, data: { isEmailVerified: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail({ toEmail:!, subject: 'Email Verified.', templateType: EmailTemplateType.EmailVerified, vars: { homeURL: new URL(httpProtocol, host).toString(), }, }).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/reset-password', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; const user: User = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, User ) as User; await user.password?.hashValue(EncryptionSecret); const alreadySavedUser: User | null = await UserService.findOneBy({ query: { resetPasswordToken: (user.resetPasswordToken as string) || '', }, select: { _id: true, password: true, name: true, email: true, isMasterAdmin: true, resetPasswordExpires: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!alreadySavedUser) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Invalid link. Please go to forgot password page again and request a new link.' ) ); } if ( alreadySavedUser && OneUptimeDate.hasExpired(alreadySavedUser.resetPasswordExpires!) ) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Expired link. Please go to forgot password page again and request a new link.' ) ); } await UserService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { password: user.password!, resetPasswordToken: null!, resetPasswordExpires: null!, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail({ toEmail:!, subject: 'Password Changed.', templateType: EmailTemplateType.PasswordChanged, vars: { homeURL: new URL(httpProtocol, host).toString(), }, }).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/logout', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { CookieUtil.removeAllCookies(req, res); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/login', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; const user: User = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, User ) as User; await user.password?.hashValue(EncryptionSecret); const alreadySavedUser: User | null = await UserService.findOneBy({ query: { email:! }, select: { _id: true, password: true, name: true, email: true, isMasterAdmin: true, isEmailVerified: true, profilePictureId: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (alreadySavedUser) { if (!alreadySavedUser.password) { return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'You have not signed up so far. Please go to the registration page to sign up.' ) ); } if (!alreadySavedUser.isEmailVerified) { await AuthenticationEmail.sendVerificationEmail( alreadySavedUser ); return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Email is not verified. We have sent you an email with the verification link. Please do not forget to check spam.' ) ); } // Refresh Permissions for this user here. await AccessTokenService.refreshUserAllPermissions(! ); if ( alreadySavedUser.password.toString() === user.password!.toString() ) { const token: string = JSONWebToken.sign( alreadySavedUser, OneUptimeDate.getSecondsInDays(new PositiveNumber(30)) ); // Set a cookie with token. CookieUtil.setCookie( res, CookieUtil.getUserTokenKey(), token, { maxAge: OneUptimeDate.getMillisecondsInDays( new PositiveNumber(30) ), httpOnly: true, } ); return Response.sendEntityResponse( req, res, alreadySavedUser, User ); } } return Response.sendErrorResponse( req, res, new BadDataException( 'Invalid login: Email or password does not match.' ) ); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); export default router;