import { EncryptionSecret } from 'CommonServer/EnvironmentConfig'; import { FileRoute } from 'Common/ServiceRoute'; import Express, { ExpressRequest, ExpressResponse, ExpressRouter, NextFunction, } from 'CommonServer/Utils/Express'; import { JSONObject } from 'Common/Types/JSON'; import StatusPagePrivateUserService from 'CommonServer/Services/StatusPagePrivateUserService'; import ObjectID from 'Common/Types/ObjectID'; import BadDataException from 'Common/Types/Exception/BadDataException'; import MailService from 'CommonServer/Services/MailService'; import EmailTemplateType from 'Common/Types/Email/EmailTemplateType'; import URL from 'Common/Types/API/URL'; import Response from 'CommonServer/Utils/Response'; import JSONWebToken from 'CommonServer/Utils/JsonWebToken'; import OneUptimeDate from 'Common/Types/Date'; import PositiveNumber from 'Common/Types/PositiveNumber'; import logger from 'CommonServer/Utils/Logger'; import JSONFunctions from 'Common/Types/JSONFunctions'; import StatusPagePrivateUser from 'Model/Models/StatusPagePrivateUser'; import StatusPage from 'Model/Models/StatusPage'; import StatusPageService from 'CommonServer/Services/StatusPageService'; import Protocol from 'Common/Types/API/Protocol'; import Hostname from 'Common/Types/API/Hostname'; import DatabaseConfig from 'CommonServer/DatabaseConfig'; import CookieUtil from 'CommonServer/Utils/Cookie'; import BaseModel from 'Common/Models/BaseModel'; const router: ExpressRouter = Express.getRouter(); '/logout/:statuspageid', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { if (!req.params['statuspageid']) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page ID is required.'); } const statusPageId: ObjectID = new ObjectID( req.params['statuspageid'].toString() ); CookieUtil.removeCookie( res, CookieUtil.getUserTokenKey(statusPageId) ); // remove the cookie. return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/forgot-password', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; if (!data['email']) { throw new BadDataException('Email is required.'); } const user: StatusPagePrivateUser = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, StatusPagePrivateUser ) as StatusPagePrivateUser; if (!user.statusPageId) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page ID is required.'); } const statusPage: StatusPage | null = await StatusPageService.findOneById({ id: user.statusPageId!, props: { isRoot: true, ignoreHooks: true, }, select: { _id: true, name: true, pageTitle: true, logoFileId: true, requireSsoForLogin: true, projectId: true, }, }); if (!statusPage) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page not found'); } if (statusPage.requireSsoForLogin) { throw new BadDataException( 'Status Page supports authentication by SSO. You cannot use email and password for authentication.' ); } const statusPageName: string | undefined = statusPage.pageTitle ||; const statusPageURL: string = await StatusPageService.getStatusPageURL(!); const alreadySavedUser: StatusPagePrivateUser | null = await StatusPagePrivateUserService.findOneBy({ query: { email:!, statusPageId: user.statusPageId!, }, select: { _id: true, password: true, email: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (alreadySavedUser) { const token: string = ObjectID.generate().toString(); await StatusPagePrivateUserService.updateOneBy({ query: { _id: alreadySavedUser._id!, }, data: { resetPasswordToken: token, resetPasswordExpires: OneUptimeDate.getOneDayAfter(), }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail( { toEmail:!, subject: 'Password Reset Request for ' + statusPageName, templateType: EmailTemplateType.StatusPageForgotPassword, vars: { statusPageName: statusPageName!, logoUrl: statusPage.logoFileId ? new URL(httpProtocol, host) .addRoute(FileRoute) .addRoute( '/image/' + statusPage.logoFileId ) .toString() : '', homeURL: statusPageURL, tokenVerifyUrl: URL.fromString(statusPageURL) .addRoute('/reset-password/' + token) .toString(), }, }, { projectId: statusPage.projectId!, } ).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } throw new BadDataException( `No user is registered with ${}` ); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/reset-password', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = JSONFunctions.deserialize( req.body['data'] ); if (!data['statusPageId']) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page ID is required.'); } const user: StatusPagePrivateUser = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, StatusPagePrivateUser ) as StatusPagePrivateUser; await user.password?.hashValue(EncryptionSecret); const alreadySavedUser: StatusPagePrivateUser | null = await StatusPagePrivateUserService.findOneBy({ query: { statusPageId: new ObjectID( data['statusPageId'].toString() ), resetPasswordToken: (user.resetPasswordToken as string) || '', }, select: { _id: true, password: true, email: true, resetPasswordExpires: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (!alreadySavedUser) { throw new BadDataException( 'Invalid link. Please go to forgot password page again and request a new link.' ); } if ( alreadySavedUser && OneUptimeDate.hasExpired(alreadySavedUser.resetPasswordExpires!) ) { throw new BadDataException( 'Expired link. Please go to forgot password page again and request a new link.' ); } const statusPage: StatusPage | null = await StatusPageService.findOneById({ id: new ObjectID(data['statusPageId'].toString()), props: { isRoot: true, ignoreHooks: true, }, select: { _id: true, name: true, pageTitle: true, logoFileId: true, requireSsoForLogin: true, projectId: true, }, }); if (!statusPage) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page not found'); } if (statusPage.requireSsoForLogin) { throw new BadDataException( 'Status Page supports authentication by SSO. You cannot use email and password for authentication.' ); } const statusPageName: string | undefined = statusPage.pageTitle ||; const statusPageURL: string = await StatusPageService.getStatusPageURL(!); await StatusPagePrivateUserService.updateOneById({ id:!, data: { password: user.password!, resetPasswordToken: null!, resetPasswordExpires: null!, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); const host: Hostname = await DatabaseConfig.getHost(); const httpProtocol: Protocol = await DatabaseConfig.getHttpProtocol(); MailService.sendMail( { toEmail:!, subject: 'Password Changed.', templateType: EmailTemplateType.StatusPagePasswordChanged, vars: { homeURL: statusPageURL, statusPageName: statusPageName || '', logoUrl: statusPage.logoFileId ? new URL(httpProtocol, host) .addRoute(FileRoute) .addRoute('/image/' + statusPage.logoFileId) .toString() : '', }, }, { projectId: statusPage.projectId!, } ).catch((err: Error) => { logger.error(err); }); return Response.sendEmptyResponse(req, res); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); '/login', async ( req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction ): Promise => { try { const data: JSONObject = req.body['data']; const user: StatusPagePrivateUser = BaseModel.fromJSON( data as JSONObject, StatusPagePrivateUser ) as StatusPagePrivateUser; if (!user.statusPageId) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page ID not found'); } const statusPage: StatusPage | null = await StatusPageService.findOneById({ id: user.statusPageId, props: { isRoot: true, ignoreHooks: true, }, select: { requireSsoForLogin: true, }, }); if (!statusPage) { throw new BadDataException('Status Page not found'); } if (statusPage.requireSsoForLogin) { throw new BadDataException( 'Status Page supports authentication by SSO. You cannot use email and password for authentication.' ); } await user.password?.hashValue(EncryptionSecret); const alreadySavedUser: StatusPagePrivateUser | null = await StatusPagePrivateUserService.findOneBy({ query: { email:!, password: user.password!, statusPageId: user.statusPageId!, }, select: { _id: true, password: true, email: true, statusPageId: true, }, props: { isRoot: true, }, }); if (alreadySavedUser) { const token: string = JSONWebToken.sign( alreadySavedUser, OneUptimeDate.getSecondsInDays(new PositiveNumber(30)) ); CookieUtil.setCookie( res, CookieUtil.getUserTokenKey(alreadySavedUser.statusPageId!), token, { httpOnly: true, maxAge: OneUptimeDate.getMillisecondsInDays( new PositiveNumber(30) ), } ); return Response.sendEntityResponse( req, res, alreadySavedUser, StatusPagePrivateUser, { miscData: { token: token, }, } ); } throw new BadDataException( 'Invalid login: Email or password does not match.' ); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } ); export default router;