2024-03-17 12:14:26 +00:00

24 lines
997 B

# This file takes last 30 days backup. Make sure you run this file at least once/day.
# The backup will be in the format of db-(date of the month).backup
# Before the backup, please make sure DATABASE_RESTORE_* ENV vars in config.env is set properly.
# IMPORTANT: Before restore, all database containers should be stopped.
# Restoring to a new database,
# Delete existing db.
# Create a new db.
# Make sure you have created the database and user before running this script.
export $(grep -v '^#' config.env | xargs)
echo "Starting restore...."
git pull
sudo docker run --net=host --rm \
--env-file config.env \
--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
--volume=$(pwd)$DATABASE_RESTORE_DIRECTORY:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
echo "Restore Completed"