const { AdvancedBase } = require("@heyputer/puter-js-common"); const CoreModule = require("../src/CoreModule"); const { Context } = require("../src/util/context"); class TestKernel extends AdvancedBase { constructor () { super(); this.modules = []; this.logfn_ = (...a) => a; } add_module (module) { this.modules.push(module); } boot () { const { consoleLogManager } = require('../src/util/consolelog'); consoleLogManager.initialize_proxy_methods(); consoleLogManager.decorate_all(({ manager, replace }, ...a) => { replace(...this.logfn_(...a)); }); const { Container } = require('../src/services/Container'); const services = new Container(); = services; // app.set('services', services); const root_context = Context.create({ services, }, 'app'); globalThis.root_context = root_context; root_context.arun(async () => { await this._install_modules(); // await this._boot_services(); }); // Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; Error.stackTraceLimit = 200; } async _install_modules () { const { services } = this; for ( const module of this.modules ) { await module.install(Context.get()); } // Real kernel initializes services here, but in this test kernel // we don't initialize any services. // Real kernel adds legacy services here but these will break // the test kernel. services.ready.resolve(); // provide services to helpers // const { tmp_provide_services } = require('../src/helpers'); // tmp_provide_services(services); } } const k = new TestKernel(); k.add_module(new CoreModule()); k.boot(); const do_after_tests_ = []; // const do_after_tests = (fn) => { // do_after_tests_.push(fn); // }; const repeat_after = (fn) => { fn(); do_after_tests_.push(fn); }; let total_passed = 0; let total_failed = 0; for ( const name in ) { console.log('name', name) const ins =[name]; ins.construct(); if ( ! ins._test || typeof ins._test !== 'function' ) { continue; } let passed = 0; let failed = 0; repeat_after(() => { console.log(`\x1B[33;1m=== [ Service :: ${name} ] ===\x1B[0m`); }); const testapi = { assert: (condition, name) => { name = name || condition.toString(); if ( condition() ) { passed++; repeat_after(() => console.log(`\x1B[32;1m ✔ ${name}\x1B[0m`)); } else { failed++; repeat_after(() => console.log(`\x1B[31;1m ✘ ${name}\x1B[0m`)); } } }; ins._test(testapi); total_passed += passed; total_failed += failed; } console.log(`\x1B[36;1m<===\x1B[0m ` + 'ASSERTION OUTPUTS ARE REPEATED BELOW' + ` \x1B[36;1m===>\x1B[0m`); for ( const fn of do_after_tests_ ) { fn(); } console.log(`\x1B[36;1m=== [ Summary ] ===\x1B[0m`); console.log(`Passed: ${total_passed}`); console.log(`Failed: ${total_failed}`);