/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #if !defined(ENABLE_OVERLAY) #include "ARMCM0.h" #endif #include "app/dtmf.h" #include "app/generic.h" #include "app/menu.h" #include "app/scanner.h" #include "audio.h" #include "board.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/gpio.h" #include "driver/backlight.h" #include "driver/bk4819.h" #include "driver/eeprom.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "driver/keyboard.h" #include "frequencies.h" #include "helper/battery.h" #include "misc.h" #include "settings.h" #if defined(ENABLE_OVERLAY) #include "sram-overlay.h" #endif #include "ui/inputbox.h" #include "ui/menu.h" #include "ui/menu.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU void writeXtalFreqCal(const int32_t value, const bool update_eeprom) { BK4819_WriteRegister(BK4819_REG_3B, 22656 + value); if (update_eeprom) { struct { int16_t BK4819_XtalFreqLow; uint16_t EEPROM_1F8A; uint16_t EEPROM_1F8C; uint8_t VOLUME_GAIN; uint8_t DAC_GAIN; } __attribute__((packed)) misc; gEeprom.BK4819_XTAL_FREQ_LOW = value; // radio 1 .. 04 00 46 00 50 00 2C 0E // radio 2 .. 05 00 46 00 50 00 2C 0E // EEPROM_ReadBuffer(0x1F88, &misc, 8); misc.BK4819_XtalFreqLow = value; EEPROM_WriteBuffer(0x1F88, &misc); } } #endif void MENU_StartCssScan(int8_t Direction) { gCssScanMode = CSS_SCAN_MODE_SCANNING; gUpdateStatus = true; gMenuScrollDirection = Direction; RADIO_SelectVfos(); MENU_SelectNextCode(); ScanPauseDelayIn_10ms = scan_pause_delay_in_2_10ms; gScheduleScanListen = false; } void MENU_StopCssScan(void) { gCssScanMode = CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF; gUpdateStatus = true; RADIO_SetupRegisters(true); } int MENU_GetLimits(uint8_t Cursor, int32_t *pMin, int32_t *pMax) { switch (Cursor) { case MENU_SQL: *pMin = 0; *pMax = 9; break; case MENU_STEP: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(StepFrequencyTable) - 1; break; case MENU_ABR: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_BACKLIGHT) - 1; break; case MENU_F_LOCK: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_F_LOCK) - 1; break; case MENU_MDF: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_MDF) - 1; break; case MENU_TXP: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_TXP) - 1; break; case MENU_SFT_D: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_SFT_D) - 1; break; case MENU_TDR: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_CHAN) - 1; break; case MENU_XB: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_XB) - 1; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE case MENU_VOICE: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_VOICE) - 1; break; #endif case MENU_SC_REV: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_SC_REV) - 1; break; case MENU_ROGER: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_ROGER) - 1; break; case MENU_PONMSG: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_PONMSG) - 1; break; case MENU_R_DCS: case MENU_T_DCS: *pMin = 0; *pMax = 208; //*pMax = (ARRAY_SIZE(DCS_Options) * 2); break; case MENU_R_CTCS: case MENU_T_CTCS: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(CTCSS_Options) - 1; break; case MENU_W_N: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_W_N) - 1; break; #ifdef ENABLE_ALARM case MENU_AL_MOD: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_AL_MOD) - 1; break; #endif case MENU_RESET: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_RESET) - 1; break; case MENU_COMPAND: case MENU_ABR_ON_TX_RX: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_RX_TX) - 1; break; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1 case MENU_AM_FIX_TEST1: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_AM_fix_test1) - 1; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX case MENU_AM_FIX: #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_BAR case MENU_MIC_BAR: #endif case MENU_BCL: case MENU_BEEP: case MENU_AUTOLK: case MENU_S_ADD1: case MENU_S_ADD2: case MENU_STE: case MENU_D_ST: case MENU_D_DCD: case MENU_D_LIVE_DEC: case MENU_AM: #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA case MENU_NOAA_S: #endif case MENU_350TX: case MENU_200TX: case MENU_500TX: case MENU_350EN: case MENU_SCREN: case MENU_TX_EN: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_OFF_ON) - 1; break; case MENU_SCR: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_SCRAMBLER) - 1; break; case MENU_TOT: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_TOT) - 1; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOX case MENU_VOX: #endif case MENU_RP_STE: *pMin = 0; *pMax = 10; break; case MENU_MEM_CH: case MENU_1_CALL: case MENU_DEL_CH: case MENU_MEM_NAME: *pMin = 0; *pMax = MR_CHANNEL_LAST; break; case MENU_SLIST1: case MENU_SLIST2: *pMin = -1; *pMax = MR_CHANNEL_LAST; break; case MENU_SAVE: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_SAVE) - 1; break; case MENU_MIC: *pMin = 0; *pMax = 4; break; case MENU_S_LIST: *pMin = 0; // *pMax = 1; *pMax = 2; break; case MENU_D_RSP: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_D_RSP) - 1; break; case MENU_PTT_ID: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_PTT_ID) - 1; break; case MENU_BAT_TXT: *pMin = 0; *pMax = ARRAY_SIZE(gSubMenu_BAT_TXT) - 1; break; case MENU_D_HOLD: *pMin = 5; *pMax = 60; break; case MENU_D_PRE: *pMin = 3; *pMax = 99; break; case MENU_D_LIST: *pMin = 1; *pMax = 16; break; #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU case MENU_F_CALI: *pMin = -50; *pMax = +50; break; #endif case MENU_BATCAL: *pMin = 1600; // 0 *pMax = 2200; // 2300 break; default: return -1; } return 0; } void MENU_AcceptSetting(void) { int32_t Min; int32_t Max; uint8_t Code; FREQ_Config_t *pConfig = &gTxVfo->freq_config_RX; if (!MENU_GetLimits(gMenuCursor, &Min, &Max)) { if (gSubMenuSelection < Min) gSubMenuSelection = Min; else if (gSubMenuSelection > Max) gSubMenuSelection = Max; } switch (gMenuCursor) { default: return; case MENU_SQL: gEeprom.SQUELCH_LEVEL = gSubMenuSelection; gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE; break; case MENU_STEP: gTxVfo->STEP_SETTING = gSubMenuSelection; if (IS_FREQ_CHANNEL(gTxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE)) { gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; } return; case MENU_TXP: gTxVfo->OUTPUT_POWER = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_T_DCS: pConfig = &gTxVfo->freq_config_TX; // Fallthrough case MENU_R_DCS: if (gSubMenuSelection == 0) { if (pConfig->CodeType != CODE_TYPE_DIGITAL && pConfig->CodeType != CODE_TYPE_REVERSE_DIGITAL) { gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; } Code = 0; pConfig->CodeType = CODE_TYPE_OFF; } else if (gSubMenuSelection < 105) { pConfig->CodeType = CODE_TYPE_DIGITAL; Code = gSubMenuSelection - 1; } else { pConfig->CodeType = CODE_TYPE_REVERSE_DIGITAL; Code = gSubMenuSelection - 105; } pConfig->Code = Code; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_T_CTCS: pConfig = &gTxVfo->freq_config_TX; case MENU_R_CTCS: if (gSubMenuSelection == 0) { if (pConfig->CodeType != CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE) { gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; } Code = 0; pConfig->Code = Code; pConfig->CodeType = CODE_TYPE_OFF; BK4819_ExitSubAu(); } else { pConfig->CodeType = CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE; Code = gSubMenuSelection - 1; pConfig->Code = Code; BK4819_SetCTCSSFrequency(CTCSS_Options[Code]); } gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_SFT_D: gTxVfo->TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY_DIRECTION = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_OFFSET: gTxVfo->TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_W_N: gTxVfo->CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_SCR: gTxVfo->SCRAMBLING_TYPE = gSubMenuSelection; #if 0 if (gSubMenuSelection > 0 && gSetting_ScrambleEnable) BK4819_EnableScramble(gSubMenuSelection - 1); else BK4819_DisableScramble(); #endif gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_BCL: gTxVfo->BUSY_CHANNEL_LOCK = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_MEM_CH: gTxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE = gSubMenuSelection; #if 0 gEeprom.MrChannel[0] = gSubMenuSelection; #else gEeprom.MrChannel[gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL] = gSubMenuSelection; #endif gRequestSaveChannel = 2; gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE_RELOAD; gFlagResetVfos = true; return; case MENU_MEM_NAME: { // trailing trim for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) { if (edit[i] != ' ' && edit[i] != '_' && edit[i] != 0x00 && edit[i] != 0xff) break; edit[i] = ' '; } } // save the channel name memset(gTxVfo->Name, 0, sizeof(gTxVfo->Name)); memmove(gTxVfo->Name, edit, 10); SETTINGS_SaveChannel(gSubMenuSelection, gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL, gTxVfo, 3); gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; return; case MENU_SAVE: gEeprom.BATTERY_SAVE = gSubMenuSelection; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOX case MENU_VOX: gEeprom.VOX_SWITCH = gSubMenuSelection != 0; if (gEeprom.VOX_SWITCH) gEeprom.VOX_LEVEL = gSubMenuSelection - 1; BOARD_EEPROM_LoadMoreSettings(); gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; gUpdateStatus = true; break; #endif case MENU_ABR: gEeprom.BACKLIGHT = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_ABR_ON_TX_RX: gSetting_backlight_on_tx_rx = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_TDR: gEeprom.DUAL_WATCH = gSubMenuSelection; gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; gUpdateStatus = true; break; case MENU_XB: #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA if (IS_NOAA_CHANNEL(gEeprom.ScreenChannel[0])) return; if (IS_NOAA_CHANNEL(gEeprom.ScreenChannel[1])) return; #endif gEeprom.CROSS_BAND_RX_TX = gSubMenuSelection; gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; gUpdateStatus = true; break; case MENU_BEEP: gEeprom.BEEP_CONTROL = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_TOT: gEeprom.TX_TIMEOUT_TIMER = gSubMenuSelection; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE case MENU_VOICE: gEeprom.VOICE_PROMPT = gSubMenuSelection; gUpdateStatus = true; break; #endif case MENU_SC_REV: gEeprom.SCAN_RESUME_MODE = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_MDF: gEeprom.CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MODE = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_AUTOLK: gEeprom.AUTO_KEYPAD_LOCK = gSubMenuSelection; gKeyLockCountdown = 30; break; case MENU_S_ADD1: gTxVfo->SCANLIST1_PARTICIPATION = gSubMenuSelection; SETTINGS_UpdateChannel(gTxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE, gTxVfo, true); gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE; gFlagResetVfos = true; return; case MENU_S_ADD2: gTxVfo->SCANLIST2_PARTICIPATION = gSubMenuSelection; SETTINGS_UpdateChannel(gTxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE, gTxVfo, true); gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE; gFlagResetVfos = true; return; case MENU_STE: gEeprom.TAIL_NOTE_ELIMINATION = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_RP_STE: gEeprom.REPEATER_TAIL_TONE_ELIMINATION = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_MIC: gEeprom.MIC_SENSITIVITY = gSubMenuSelection; BOARD_EEPROM_LoadMoreSettings(); gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; break; #ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_BAR case MENU_MIC_BAR: gSetting_mic_bar = gSubMenuSelection; break; #endif case MENU_COMPAND: gTxVfo->Compander = gSubMenuSelection; SETTINGS_UpdateChannel(gTxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE, gTxVfo, true); gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE; gFlagResetVfos = true; // gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_1_CALL: gEeprom.CHAN_1_CALL = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_S_LIST: gEeprom.SCAN_LIST_DEFAULT = gSubMenuSelection; break; #ifdef ENABLE_ALARM case MENU_AL_MOD: gEeprom.ALARM_MODE = gSubMenuSelection; break; #endif case MENU_D_ST: gEeprom.DTMF_SIDE_TONE = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_D_RSP: gEeprom.DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_D_HOLD: gEeprom.DTMF_auto_reset_time = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_D_PRE: gEeprom.DTMF_PRELOAD_TIME = gSubMenuSelection * 10; break; case MENU_PTT_ID: gTxVfo->DTMF_PTT_ID_TX_MODE = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_BAT_TXT: gSetting_battery_text = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_D_DCD: gTxVfo->DTMF_DECODING_ENABLE = gSubMenuSelection; DTMF_clear_RX(); gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; case MENU_D_LIVE_DEC: gSetting_live_DTMF_decoder = gSubMenuSelection; gDTMF_RX_live_timeout = 0; memset(gDTMF_RX_live, 0, sizeof(gDTMF_RX_live)); if (!gSetting_live_DTMF_decoder) BK4819_DisableDTMF(); gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; gUpdateStatus = true; break; case MENU_D_LIST: gDTMF_chosen_contact = gSubMenuSelection - 1; if (gIsDtmfContactValid) { GUI_SelectNextDisplay(DISPLAY_MAIN); gDTMF_InputMode = true; gDTMF_InputIndex = 3; memmove(gDTMF_InputBox, gDTMF_ID, 4); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_INVALID; } return; case MENU_PONMSG: gEeprom.POWER_ON_DISPLAY_MODE = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_ROGER: gEeprom.ROGER = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_AM: gTxVfo->AM_mode = gSubMenuSelection; gRequestSaveChannel = 1; return; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX case MENU_AM_FIX: gSetting_AM_fix = gSubMenuSelection; gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE_RELOAD; gFlagResetVfos = true; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1 case MENU_AM_FIX_TEST1: gSetting_AM_fix_test1 = gSubMenuSelection; gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE_RELOAD; gFlagResetVfos = true; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA case MENU_NOAA_S: gEeprom.NOAA_AUTO_SCAN = gSubMenuSelection; gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; break; #endif case MENU_DEL_CH: SETTINGS_UpdateChannel(gSubMenuSelection, NULL, false); gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE_RELOAD; gFlagResetVfos = true; return; case MENU_RESET: BOARD_FactoryReset(gSubMenuSelection); return; case MENU_350TX: gSetting_350TX = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_F_LOCK: gSetting_F_LOCK = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_200TX: gSetting_200TX = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_500TX: gSetting_500TX = gSubMenuSelection; break; case MENU_350EN: gSetting_350EN = gSubMenuSelection; gVfoConfigureMode = VFO_CONFIGURE_RELOAD; gFlagResetVfos = true; break; case MENU_SCREN: gSetting_ScrambleEnable = gSubMenuSelection; gFlagReconfigureVfos = true; break; case MENU_TX_EN: gSetting_TX_EN = gSubMenuSelection; break; #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU case MENU_F_CALI: writeXtalFreqCal(gSubMenuSelection, true); return; #endif case MENU_BATCAL: { uint16_t buf[4]; gBatteryCalibration[0] = (520ul * gSubMenuSelection) / 760; // 5.20V empty, blinking above this value, reduced functionality below gBatteryCalibration[1] = (700ul * gSubMenuSelection) / 760; // 7.00V, ~5%, 1 bars above this value gBatteryCalibration[2] = (745ul * gSubMenuSelection) / 760; // 7.45V, ~17%, 2 bars above this value gBatteryCalibration[3] = gSubMenuSelection; // 7.6V, ~29%, 3 bars above this value gBatteryCalibration[4] = (788ul * gSubMenuSelection) / 760; // 7.88V, ~65%, 4 bars above this value gBatteryCalibration[5] = 2300; EEPROM_WriteBuffer(0x1F40, gBatteryCalibration); EEPROM_ReadBuffer( 0x1F48, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[0] = gBatteryCalibration[4]; buf[1] = gBatteryCalibration[5]; EEPROM_WriteBuffer(0x1F48, buf); break; } } gRequestSaveSettings = true; } void MENU_SelectNextCode(void) { int32_t UpperLimit; if (gMenuCursor == MENU_R_DCS) UpperLimit = 208; //UpperLimit = ARRAY_SIZE(DCS_Options); else if (gMenuCursor == MENU_R_CTCS) UpperLimit = ARRAY_SIZE(CTCSS_Options) - 1; else return; gSubMenuSelection = NUMBER_AddWithWraparound(gSubMenuSelection, gMenuScrollDirection, 1, UpperLimit); if (gMenuCursor == MENU_R_DCS) { if (gSubMenuSelection > 104) { gSelectedCodeType = CODE_TYPE_REVERSE_DIGITAL; gSelectedCode = gSubMenuSelection - 105; } else { gSelectedCodeType = CODE_TYPE_DIGITAL; gSelectedCode = gSubMenuSelection - 1; } } else { gSelectedCodeType = CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE; gSelectedCode = gSubMenuSelection - 1; } RADIO_SetupRegisters(true); ScanPauseDelayIn_10ms = (gSelectedCodeType == CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE) ? scan_pause_delay_in_3_10ms : scan_pause_delay_in_4_10ms; gUpdateDisplay = true; } static void MENU_ClampSelection(int8_t Direction) { int32_t Min; int32_t Max; if (!MENU_GetLimits(gMenuCursor, &Min, &Max)) { int32_t Selection = gSubMenuSelection; if (Selection < Min) Selection = Min; else if (Selection > Max) Selection = Max; gSubMenuSelection = NUMBER_AddWithWraparound(Selection, Direction, Min, Max); } } void MENU_ShowCurrentSetting(void) { switch (gMenuCursor) { case MENU_SQL: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.SQUELCH_LEVEL; break; case MENU_STEP: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->STEP_SETTING; break; case MENU_TXP: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->OUTPUT_POWER; break; case MENU_R_DCS: switch (gTxVfo->freq_config_RX.CodeType) { case CODE_TYPE_DIGITAL: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->freq_config_RX.Code + 1; break; case CODE_TYPE_REVERSE_DIGITAL: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->freq_config_RX.Code + 105; break; default: gSubMenuSelection = 0; break; } break; case MENU_RESET: gSubMenuSelection = 0; break; case MENU_R_CTCS: gSubMenuSelection = (gTxVfo->freq_config_RX.CodeType == CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE) ? gTxVfo->freq_config_RX.Code + 1 : 0; break; case MENU_T_DCS: switch (gTxVfo->freq_config_TX.CodeType) { case CODE_TYPE_DIGITAL: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->freq_config_TX.Code + 1; break; case CODE_TYPE_REVERSE_DIGITAL: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->freq_config_TX.Code + 105; break; default: gSubMenuSelection = 0; break; } break; case MENU_T_CTCS: gSubMenuSelection = (gTxVfo->freq_config_TX.CodeType == CODE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS_TONE) ? gTxVfo->freq_config_TX.Code + 1 : 0; break; case MENU_SFT_D: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY_DIRECTION; break; case MENU_OFFSET: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY; break; case MENU_W_N: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH; break; case MENU_SCR: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->SCRAMBLING_TYPE; break; case MENU_BCL: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->BUSY_CHANNEL_LOCK; break; case MENU_MEM_CH: #if 0 gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.MrChannel[0]; #else gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.MrChannel[gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL]; #endif break; case MENU_MEM_NAME: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.MrChannel[gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL]; break; case MENU_SAVE: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.BATTERY_SAVE; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOX case MENU_VOX: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.VOX_SWITCH ? gEeprom.VOX_LEVEL + 1 : 0; break; #endif case MENU_ABR: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.BACKLIGHT; gBacklightCountdown = 0; GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOB->DATA, GPIOB_PIN_BACKLIGHT); // turn the backlight ON while in backlight menu break; case MENU_ABR_ON_TX_RX: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_backlight_on_tx_rx; break; case MENU_TDR: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.DUAL_WATCH; break; case MENU_XB: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.CROSS_BAND_RX_TX; break; case MENU_BEEP: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.BEEP_CONTROL; break; case MENU_TOT: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.TX_TIMEOUT_TIMER; break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE case MENU_VOICE: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.VOICE_PROMPT; break; #endif case MENU_SC_REV: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.SCAN_RESUME_MODE; break; case MENU_MDF: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MODE; break; case MENU_AUTOLK: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.AUTO_KEYPAD_LOCK; break; case MENU_S_ADD1: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->SCANLIST1_PARTICIPATION; break; case MENU_S_ADD2: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->SCANLIST2_PARTICIPATION; break; case MENU_STE: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.TAIL_NOTE_ELIMINATION; break; case MENU_RP_STE: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.REPEATER_TAIL_TONE_ELIMINATION; break; case MENU_MIC: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.MIC_SENSITIVITY; break; #ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_BAR case MENU_MIC_BAR: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_mic_bar; break; #endif case MENU_COMPAND: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->Compander; return; case MENU_1_CALL: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.CHAN_1_CALL; break; case MENU_S_LIST: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.SCAN_LIST_DEFAULT; break; case MENU_SLIST1: gSubMenuSelection = RADIO_FindNextChannel(0, 1, true, 0); break; case MENU_SLIST2: gSubMenuSelection = RADIO_FindNextChannel(0, 1, true, 1); break; #ifdef ENABLE_ALARM case MENU_AL_MOD: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.ALARM_MODE; break; #endif case MENU_D_ST: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.DTMF_SIDE_TONE; break; case MENU_D_RSP: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE; break; case MENU_D_HOLD: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.DTMF_auto_reset_time; break; case MENU_D_PRE: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.DTMF_PRELOAD_TIME / 10; break; case MENU_PTT_ID: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->DTMF_PTT_ID_TX_MODE; break; case MENU_BAT_TXT: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_battery_text; return; case MENU_D_DCD: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->DTMF_DECODING_ENABLE; break; case MENU_D_LIST: gSubMenuSelection = gDTMF_chosen_contact + 1; break; case MENU_D_LIVE_DEC: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_live_DTMF_decoder; break; case MENU_PONMSG: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.POWER_ON_DISPLAY_MODE; break; case MENU_ROGER: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.ROGER; break; case MENU_AM: gSubMenuSelection = gTxVfo->AM_mode; break; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX case MENU_AM_FIX: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_AM_fix; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1 case MENU_AM_FIX_TEST1: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_AM_fix_test1; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA case MENU_NOAA_S: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.NOAA_AUTO_SCAN; break; #endif case MENU_DEL_CH: #if 0 gSubMenuSelection = RADIO_FindNextChannel(gEeprom.MrChannel[0], 1, false, 1); #else gSubMenuSelection = RADIO_FindNextChannel(gEeprom.MrChannel[gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL], 1, false, 1); #endif break; case MENU_350TX: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_350TX; break; case MENU_F_LOCK: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_F_LOCK; break; case MENU_200TX: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_200TX; break; case MENU_500TX: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_500TX; break; case MENU_350EN: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_350EN; break; case MENU_SCREN: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_ScrambleEnable; break; case MENU_TX_EN: gSubMenuSelection = gSetting_TX_EN; break; #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU case MENU_F_CALI: gSubMenuSelection = gEeprom.BK4819_XTAL_FREQ_LOW; break; #endif case MENU_BATCAL: gSubMenuSelection = gBatteryCalibration[3]; break; default: return; } } static void MENU_Key_0_to_9(KEY_Code_t Key, bool bKeyPressed, bool bKeyHeld) { uint8_t Offset; int32_t Min; int32_t Max; uint16_t Value = 0; if (bKeyHeld || !bKeyPressed) return; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME && edit_index >= 0) { // currently editing the channel name if (edit_index < 10) { if (Key >= KEY_0 && Key <= KEY_9) { edit[edit_index] = '0' + Key - KEY_0; if (++edit_index >= 10) { // exit edit gFlagAcceptSetting = false; gAskForConfirmation = 1; } gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } } return; } INPUTBOX_Append(Key); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; if (!gIsInSubMenu) { switch (gInputBoxIndex) { case 2: gInputBoxIndex = 0; Value = (gInputBox[0] * 10) + gInputBox[1]; if (Value > 0 && Value <= gMenuListCount) { gMenuCursor = Value - 1; gFlagRefreshSetting = true; return; } if (Value <= gMenuListCount) break; gInputBox[0] = gInputBox[1]; gInputBoxIndex = 1; case 1: Value = gInputBox[0]; if (Value > 0 && Value <= gMenuListCount) { gMenuCursor = Value - 1; gFlagRefreshSetting = true; return; } break; } gInputBoxIndex = 0; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; return; } if (gMenuCursor == MENU_OFFSET) { uint32_t Frequency; if (gInputBoxIndex < 6) { // invalid frequency #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = (VOICE_ID_t)Key; #endif return; } #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = (VOICE_ID_t)Key; #endif NUMBER_Get(gInputBox, &Frequency); gSubMenuSelection = FREQUENCY_FloorToStep(Frequency + 75, gTxVfo->StepFrequency, 0); gInputBoxIndex = 0; return; } if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_CH || gMenuCursor == MENU_DEL_CH || gMenuCursor == MENU_1_CALL || gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME) { // enter 3-digit channel number if (gInputBoxIndex < 3) { #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = (VOICE_ID_t)Key; #endif gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; return; } gInputBoxIndex = 0; Value = ((gInputBox[0] * 100) + (gInputBox[1] * 10) + gInputBox[2]) - 1; if (IS_MR_CHANNEL(Value)) { #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = (VOICE_ID_t)Key; #endif gSubMenuSelection = Value; return; } gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; return; } if (MENU_GetLimits(gMenuCursor, &Min, &Max)) { gInputBoxIndex = 0; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; return; } Offset = (Max >= 100) ? 3 : (Max >= 10) ? 2 : 1; switch (gInputBoxIndex) { case 1: Value = gInputBox[0]; break; case 2: Value = (gInputBox[0] * 10) + gInputBox[1]; break; case 3: Value = (gInputBox[0] * 100) + (gInputBox[1] * 10) + gInputBox[2]; break; } if (Offset == gInputBoxIndex) gInputBoxIndex = 0; if (Value <= Max) { gSubMenuSelection = Value; return; } gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; } static void MENU_Key_EXIT(bool bKeyPressed, bool bKeyHeld) { if (bKeyHeld || !bKeyPressed) return; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; if (gCssScanMode == CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF) { if (gIsInSubMenu) { if (gInputBoxIndex == 0 || gMenuCursor != MENU_OFFSET) { gAskForConfirmation = 0; gIsInSubMenu = false; gInputBoxIndex = 0; gFlagRefreshSetting = true; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = VOICE_ID_CANCEL; #endif } else gInputBox[--gInputBoxIndex] = 10; // *********************** gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; return; } #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = VOICE_ID_CANCEL; #endif gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MAIN; if (gEeprom.BACKLIGHT == 0) { gBacklightCountdown = 0; GPIO_ClearBit(&GPIOB->DATA, GPIOB_PIN_BACKLIGHT); // turn the backlight OFF } } else { MENU_StopCssScan(); #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = VOICE_ID_SCANNING_STOP; #endif gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } gPttWasReleased = true; } static void MENU_Key_MENU(const bool bKeyPressed, const bool bKeyHeld) { if (bKeyHeld || !bKeyPressed) return; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; if (!gIsInSubMenu) { #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE if (gMenuCursor != MENU_SCR) gAnotherVoiceID = MenuList[gMenuCursor].voice_id; #endif #if 1 if (gMenuCursor == MENU_DEL_CH || gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME) if (!RADIO_CheckValidChannel(gSubMenuSelection, false, 0)) return; // invalid channel #endif gAskForConfirmation = 0; gIsInSubMenu = true; // if (gMenuCursor != MENU_D_LIST) { gInputBoxIndex = 0; edit_index = -1; } return; } if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME) { if (edit_index < 0) { // enter channel name edit mode if (!RADIO_CheckValidChannel(gSubMenuSelection, false, 0)) return; BOARD_fetchChannelName(edit, gSubMenuSelection); // pad the channel name out with '_' edit_index = strlen(edit); while (edit_index < 10) edit[edit_index++] = '_'; edit[edit_index] = 0; edit_index = 0; // 'edit_index' is going to be used as the cursor position // make a copy so we can test for change when exiting the menu item memmove(edit_original, edit, sizeof(edit_original)); return; } else if (edit_index >= 0 && edit_index < 10) { // editing the channel name characters if (++edit_index < 10) return; // next char // exit if (memcmp(edit_original, edit, sizeof(edit_original)) == 0) { // no change - drop it gFlagAcceptSetting = false; gIsInSubMenu = false; gAskForConfirmation = 0; } else { gFlagAcceptSetting = false; gAskForConfirmation = 0; } } } // exiting the sub menu if (gIsInSubMenu) { if (gMenuCursor == MENU_RESET || gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_CH || gMenuCursor == MENU_DEL_CH || gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME) { switch (gAskForConfirmation) { case 0: gAskForConfirmation = 1; break; case 1: gAskForConfirmation = 2; UI_DisplayMenu(); if (gMenuCursor == MENU_RESET) { #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE AUDIO_SetVoiceID(0, VOICE_ID_CONFIRM); AUDIO_PlaySingleVoice(true); #endif MENU_AcceptSetting(); #if defined(ENABLE_OVERLAY) overlay_FLASH_RebootToBootloader(); #else NVIC_SystemReset(); #endif } gFlagAcceptSetting = true; gIsInSubMenu = false; gAskForConfirmation = 0; } } else { gFlagAcceptSetting = true; gIsInSubMenu = false; } } if (gCssScanMode != CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF) { gCssScanMode = CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF; gUpdateStatus = true; } #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE if (gMenuCursor == MENU_SCR) gAnotherVoiceID = (gSubMenuSelection == 0) ? VOICE_ID_SCRAMBLER_OFF : VOICE_ID_SCRAMBLER_ON; else gAnotherVoiceID = VOICE_ID_CONFIRM; #endif gInputBoxIndex = 0; } static void MENU_Key_STAR(const bool bKeyPressed, const bool bKeyHeld) { if (bKeyHeld || !bKeyPressed) return; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME && edit_index >= 0) { // currently editing the channel name if (edit_index < 10) { edit[edit_index] = '-'; if (++edit_index >= 10) { // exit edit gFlagAcceptSetting = false; gAskForConfirmation = 1; } gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } return; } RADIO_SelectVfos(); #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA if (IS_NOT_NOAA_CHANNEL(gRxVfo->CHANNEL_SAVE) && gRxVfo->AM_mode == 0) #else if (gRxVfo->AM_mode == 0) #endif { if (gMenuCursor == MENU_R_CTCS || gMenuCursor == MENU_R_DCS) { // scan CTCSS or DCS to find the tone/code of the incoming signal if (gCssScanMode == CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF) { MENU_StartCssScan(1); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE AUDIO_SetVoiceID(0, VOICE_ID_SCANNING_BEGIN); AUDIO_PlaySingleVoice(1); #endif } else { MENU_StopCssScan(); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE gAnotherVoiceID = VOICE_ID_SCANNING_STOP; #endif } } gPttWasReleased = true; return; } gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; } static void MENU_Key_UP_DOWN(bool bKeyPressed, bool bKeyHeld, int8_t Direction) { uint8_t VFO; uint8_t Channel; bool bCheckScanList; if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME && gIsInSubMenu && edit_index >= 0) { // change the character if (bKeyPressed && edit_index < 10 && Direction != 0) { const char unwanted[] = "$%&!\"':;?^`|{}"; char c = edit[edit_index] + Direction; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < sizeof(unwanted) && c >= 32 && c <= 126) { if (c == unwanted[i++]) { // choose next character c += Direction; i = 0; } } edit[edit_index] = (c < 32) ? 126 : (c > 126) ? 32 : c; gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } return; } if (!bKeyHeld) { if (!bKeyPressed) return; gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; gInputBoxIndex = 0; } else if (!bKeyPressed) return; if (gCssScanMode != CSS_SCAN_MODE_OFF) { MENU_StartCssScan(Direction); gPttWasReleased = true; gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; return; } if (!gIsInSubMenu) { gMenuCursor = NUMBER_AddWithWraparound(gMenuCursor, -Direction, 0, gMenuListCount - 1); gFlagRefreshSetting = true; gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; if (gMenuCursor != MENU_ABR && gEeprom.BACKLIGHT == 0) { gBacklightCountdown = 0; GPIO_ClearBit(&GPIOB->DATA, GPIOB_PIN_BACKLIGHT); // turn the backlight OFF } return; } if (gMenuCursor == MENU_OFFSET) { int32_t Offset = (Direction * gTxVfo->StepFrequency) + gSubMenuSelection; if (Offset < 99999990) { if (Offset < 0) Offset = 99999990; } else Offset = 0; gSubMenuSelection = FREQUENCY_FloorToStep(Offset, gTxVfo->StepFrequency, 0); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; return; } VFO = 0; switch (gMenuCursor) { case MENU_DEL_CH: case MENU_1_CALL: case MENU_MEM_NAME: bCheckScanList = false; break; case MENU_SLIST2: VFO = 1; case MENU_SLIST1: bCheckScanList = true; break; default: MENU_ClampSelection(Direction); gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; return; } Channel = RADIO_FindNextChannel(gSubMenuSelection + Direction, Direction, bCheckScanList, VFO); if (Channel != 0xFF) gSubMenuSelection = Channel; gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } void MENU_ProcessKeys(KEY_Code_t Key, bool bKeyPressed, bool bKeyHeld) { switch (Key) { case KEY_0: case KEY_1: case KEY_2: case KEY_3: case KEY_4: case KEY_5: case KEY_6: case KEY_7: case KEY_8: case KEY_9: MENU_Key_0_to_9(Key, bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld); break; case KEY_MENU: MENU_Key_MENU(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld); break; case KEY_UP: MENU_Key_UP_DOWN(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld, 1); break; case KEY_DOWN: MENU_Key_UP_DOWN(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld, -1); break; case KEY_EXIT: MENU_Key_EXIT(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld); break; case KEY_STAR: MENU_Key_STAR(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld); break; case KEY_F: if (gMenuCursor == MENU_MEM_NAME && edit_index >= 0) { // currently editing the channel name if (!bKeyHeld && bKeyPressed) { gBeepToPlay = BEEP_1KHZ_60MS_OPTIONAL; if (edit_index < 10) { edit[edit_index] = ' '; if (++edit_index >= 10) { // exit edit gFlagAcceptSetting = false; gAskForConfirmation = 1; } gRequestDisplayScreen = DISPLAY_MENU; } } break; } GENERIC_Key_F(bKeyPressed, bKeyHeld); break; case KEY_PTT: GENERIC_Key_PTT(bKeyPressed); break; default: if (!bKeyHeld && bKeyPressed) gBeepToPlay = BEEP_500HZ_60MS_DOUBLE_BEEP_OPTIONAL; break; } if (gScreenToDisplay == DISPLAY_MENU) { if (gMenuCursor == MENU_VOL || #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU gMenuCursor == MENU_F_CALI || #endif gMenuCursor == MENU_BATCAL) { gMenuCountdown = menu_timeout_long_500ms; } else { gMenuCountdown = menu_timeout_500ms; } } }