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2010-05-17 22:39:49 +00:00
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<!-- This is a (PRE) block. Make sure it's left aligned or your toc title will be off. -->
<b>RedisBigData: Contents</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF blocking fork() call">BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF blocking fork() call</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Using multiple cores">Using multiple cores</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Splitting data into multiple instances">Splitting data into multiple instances</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#BGSAVE / AOFSAVE memory usage, and copy on write">BGSAVE / AOFSAVE memory usage, and copy on write</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#BGSAVE / AOFSAVE time for big datasets">BGSAVE / AOFSAVE time for big datasets</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Non blocking hash table">Non blocking hash table</a>
<h1 class="wikiname">RedisBigData</h1>
<div class="summary">
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&iuml;&raquo;&iquest;=Redis Big Data: facts and guidelines=<h2><a name="BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF blocking fork() call">BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF blocking fork() call</a></h2>
<pre class="codeblock python" name="code">
fork.c &amp;&amp; ./a.out
allocated: 1 MB, fork() took 0.000
allocated: 10 MB, fork() took 0.001
allocated: 100 MB, fork() took 0.007
allocated: 1000 MB, fork() took 0.059
allocated: 10000 MB, fork() took 0.460
allocated: 20000 MB, fork() took 0.895
allocated: 30000 MB, fork() took 1.327
allocated: 40000 MB, fork() took 1.759
allocated: 50000 MB, fork() took 2.190
allocated: 60000 MB, fork() took 2.621
allocated: 70000 MB, fork() took 3.051
allocated: 80000 MB, fork() took 3.483
allocated: 90000 MB, fork() took 3.911
allocated: 100000 MB, fork() took 4.340
allocated: 110000 MB, fork() took 4.770
allocated: 120000 MB, fork() took 5.202
<h2><a name="Using multiple cores">Using multiple cores</a></h2>
<h2><a name="Splitting data into multiple instances">Splitting data into multiple instances</a></h2>
<h2><a name="BGSAVE / AOFSAVE memory usage, and copy on write">BGSAVE / AOFSAVE memory usage, and copy on write</a></h2>
<h2><a name="BGSAVE / AOFSAVE time for big datasets">BGSAVE / AOFSAVE time for big datasets</a></h2>
<h2><a name="Non blocking hash table">Non blocking hash table</a></h2>