Specifically, the key passed to the module aof_rewrite callback is a stack allocated robj. When passing it to RedisModule_EmitAOF (with appropriate "s" fmt string) redis used to panic when trying to inc the ref count of the stack allocated robj. Now support such robjs by coying them to a new heap robj. This doesn't affect performance because using the alternative "c" or "b" format strings also copies the input to a new heap robj.
in case the rdb child failed, crashed or terminated unexpectedly redis
would have marked the replica clients with repl_put_online_on_ack and
then kill them only after a minute when no ack was received.
it would not stream anything to these connections, so the only effect of
this bug is a delay of 1 minute in the replicas attempt to re-connect.
Before this commit, the output of "./runtest-cluster --help" is incorrect.
After this commit, the format of the following 3 output is consistent:
./runtest --help
./runtest-cluster --help
./runtest-sentinel --help
interestingly the latency monitor test fails because valgrind is slow
enough so that the time inside PEXPIREAT command from the moment of
the first mstime() call to get the basetime until checkAlreadyExpired
calls mstime() again is more than 1ms, and that test was too sensitive.
using this opportunity to speed up the test (unrelated to the failure)
the fix is just the longer time passed to PEXPIRE.
in the majority of the cases (on this rarely used feature) we want to
stop and be able to connect to the shard with redis-cli.
since these are two different processes interracting with the tty we
need to stop both, and we'll have to hit enter twice, but it's not that
bad considering it is rarely used.
* update daily CI to include cluster and sentinel tests
* update daily CI to run when creating a new release
* update release scripts to work on the new redis.io hosts
* fix description about ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN(the code is ok), it's similar to
* fix description about ziplist entry encoding field (the code is ok),
the max length should be 2^32 - 1 when encoding is 5 bytes
* Tests: fix and reintroduce redis-cli tests.
These tests have been broken and disabled for 10 years now!
* TLS: add remaining redis-cli support.
This adds support for the redis-cli --pipe, --rdb and --replica options
previously unsupported in --tls mode.
* Fix writeConn().
Similarly to EXPIREAT with TTL in the past, which implicitly deletes the
key and return success, RESTORE should not store key that are already
expired into the db.
When used together with REPLACE it should emit a DEL to keyspace
notification and replication stream.
On some platforms strtold("+inf") with valgrind returns a non-inf result
[err]: INCRBYFLOAT does not allow NaN or Infinity in tests/unit/type/incr.tcl
Expected 'ERR*would produce*' to equal or match '1189731495357231765085759.....'
tests were sensitive to additional log lines appearing in the log
causing the search to come empty handed.
instead of just looking for the n last log lines, capture the log lines
before performing the action, and then search from that offset.
* tests/valgrind: don't use debug restart
DEBUG REATART causes two issues:
1. it uses execve which replaces the original process and valgrind doesn't
have a chance to check for errors, so leaks go unreported.
2. valgrind report invalid calls to close() which we're unable to resolve.
So now the tests use restart_server mechanism in the tests, that terminates
the old server and starts a new one, new PID, but same stdout, stderr.
since the stderr can contain two or more valgrind report, it is not enough
to just check for the absence of leaks, we also need to check for some known
errors, we do both, and fail if we either find an error, or can't find a
report saying there are no leaks.
other changes:
- when killing a server that was already terminated we check for leaks too.
- adding DEBUG LEAK which was used to test it.
- adding --trace-children to valgrind, although no longer needed.
- since the stdout contains two or more runs, we need slightly different way
of checking if the new process is up (explicitly looking for the new PID)
- move the code that handles --wait-server to happen earlier (before
watching the startup message in the log), and serve the restarted server too.
* squashme - CR fixes
For example:
BITOP not targetkey sourcekey
If targetkey and sourcekey doesn't exist, BITOP has no effect,
we do not propagate it, thus can save aof and replica flow.
In order to support the use of multi-exec in pipeline, it is important that
MULTI and EXEC are never rejected and it is easy for the client to know if the
connection is still in multi state.
It was easy to make sure MULTI and DISCARD never fail (done by previous
commits) since these only change the client state and don't do any actual
change in the server, but EXEC is a different story.
Since in the past, it was possible for clients to handle some EXEC errors and
retry the EXEC, we now can't affort to return any error on EXEC other than
EXECABORT, which now carries with it the real reason for the abort too.
Other fixes in this commit:
- Some checks that where performed at the time of queuing need to be re-
validated when EXEC runs, for instance if the transaction contains writes
commands, it needs to be aborted. there was one check that was already done
in execCommand (-READONLY), but other checks where missing: -OOM, -MISCONF,
- When a command is rejected by processCommand it was rejected with addReply,
which was not recognized as an error in case the bad command came from the
master. this will enable to count or MONITOR these errors in the future.
- make it easier for tests to create additional (non deferred) clients.
- add tests for the fixes of this commit.