¿Coming from SQLand? ¿Who doesn't? Redis is simple,
primitive when comapred to the world you are used to in the world of Relational Database Managers (RDBMS) and Structure Query Language (SQL), here you will find insight to build bridges between both worlds to model real life problems.
When I was young, happy and single ;) I studied
Data Structures at the university, actually I learnt Data Structures and Algorithms
before learning anything about Databases, and particularly RDBMS and SQL. This is natural because you need to know about Data Structures and Algorithms to understand a Database.
Redis can be seen as a
Data Structures Server, a very simple interface to a extremly fast and efficient
In SQL there is no such thing as a "natural" order, a SELECT statement without a ORDER BY clause will return data in a undefined order. In Redis
LISTs address the problem of natural ordering, ...
So you have a bunch of unordered data,
But sometimes we
need to actually sort a LIST in a order different from its natural or take a SET and have it ordered, there is where the
fast SORT commands comes handy...
Just SORTing keys would be kind of boring, sometimes useless right? Well, you can SORT...
Umm, sorry you will have to wait for a
upcoming version of Redis to have Hashes, but here are Idioms you should house to manage Dictionary like data...