mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 08:57:21 +00:00
408 lines
9.8 KiB
408 lines
9.8 KiB
* zURL.ws JavaScript file
* (c) 2010 Daniel15 (http://dan.cx/)
* JS used on the URL listing page
var Listing =
* Initialise the page
init: function()
// Get all of the delete links
$$('img.delete').addEvent('click', Listing.del);
* Delete a URL
del: function()
var row = this.getParent().getParent()
var id = row.id.substring(4);
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this URL?'))
this.src = 'res/spinner.gif';
// Send the request
var myRequest = new Request({
method: 'post',
url: site_url + 'url/delete/' + id,
onSuccess: function(data_text)
var response = JSON.decode(data_text);
// Was there an error?
if (response.error)
alert('An error occurred while deleting that URL: ' + response.message);
row.highlight('#FFFFFF', '#FF0000').get('tween').chain(function() { row.dispose() });
$('url_count').set('html', $('url_count').get('html') - 1);
* JS used on the shorten page
var Shorten =
init: function()
if ($('type_custom'))
$$('#types input').addEvent('click', Shorten.change_type);
change_type: function()
if ($('type_custom').checked)
$('alias_p').setStyle('display', '');
$('prefix').set('html', 'c');
if ($('domain_p'))
$('domain_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
if ($('domain_custom_p'))
$('domain_custom_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
else if ($('type_user').checked)
$('alias_p').setStyle('display', '');
$('prefix').set('html', $('current_user').get('text'));
if ($('domain_p'))
$('domain_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
if ($('domain_custom_p'))
$('domain_custom_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
else if ($('type_domain') && $('type_domain').checked)
$('alias_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
$('domain_p').setStyle('display', '');
$('domain_custom_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
else if ($('type_domain_custom') && $('type_domain_custom').checked)
$('alias_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
$('domain_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
$('domain_custom_p').setStyle('display', '');
$('alias_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
if ($('domain_custom_p'))
$('domain_custom_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
if ($('domain_p'))
$('domain_p').setStyle('display', 'none');
* JS used after a URL is shortened
var Shortened =
clipboard: null,
* Initialise the page
init: function()
ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath(site_url + '/res/ZeroClipboard.swf');
this.clipboard = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
// Make the "Shorten Another" link work
$('shorten_another_show').addEvent('click', function()
var shorten = $('shorten_another');
shorten.setStyle('display', 'block');
return false;
* JS used on the registration page
var Register =
* Initialise the page
init: function()
$('username').addEvent('blur', Register.check_name);
check_name: function()
var check = $('username_check');
check.set('html', '<img src="res/spinner.gif" alt="Loading..." title="Loading..." />');
// We need a username, HURR DURR
if (this.value == '')
check.set('html', 'Please enter a username!');
// Check if there's any disallowed characters
else if (this.value.test('[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]'))
check.set('html', 'The username contains invalid characters');
var myRequest = new Request({
method: 'post',
url: base_url + 'account/check_username',
data: 'username=' + this.value,
onSuccess: function(data_text)
// JSON decode the data
var data = JSON.decode(data_text);
// Is it available?
if (data.available)
check.set('html', '<img src="res/icons/accept.png" alt="This username is available." title="This username is available." />');
$('submit').disabled = false;
check.set('html', '<img src="res/icons/cancel.png" /> This username is not available');
$('submit').disabled = true;
* Stuff used on every page
var Page =
* Initialise the page
init: function()
// Get the timezone for the login forms
var timezone = -new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
// Do we have a login link?
if ($('head_login_link'))
$('head_login_link').addEvent('click', function()
var form = $('head_login_form');
$('head_login_prompt').setStyle('display', 'none');
form.setStyle('display', 'block');
return false;
$('head_timezone').value = timezone;
// Do we have a login form?
var timezoneEl = $('timezone');
if (timezoneEl)
timezoneEl.value = timezone;
// Do we have any form fields that have to be filled out?
$$('input.no-value').addEvent('focus', Page.field_focus);
* Remove the default text from a field when it is focused
field_focus: function()
if (this.retrieve('default') == null)
this.store('default', this.value);
if (this.value == this.retrieve('default'))
this.value = '';
this.addEvent('blur', Page.field_blur);
* Add the default text back to the field if it's empty
field_blur: function()
// Only set this back if it's still empty
if (this.value == '')
this.value = this.retrieve('default');
this.addEvent('focus', Page.field_focus);
window.addEvent('domready', Page.init);
/*********** Begin statistics stuff **************/
var HitStats =
url_id: null,
type: 'hits',
timespan: 'month',
init: function()
// Attach the tab click handlers
$$('ul#types li').addEvent('click', HitStats.type_click);
$$('ul#timespans li').addEvent('click', HitStats.timespan_click);
lib_loaded: function()
// Do we have a type?
if (window.location.hash)
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1).split('_');
HitStats.type = hash[0];
HitStats.timespan = hash[1];
type_click: function()
HitStats.type = this.id.substring(5);
// Update the graph
timespan_click: function()
HitStats.timespan = this.id.substring(5);
// Update the graph
get_graph: function()
$('loading_chart').setStyle('display', 'block');
$('chart').set('html', '');
$('loading_text').set('html', 'Getting data...');
window.location.hash = HitStats.type + '_' + HitStats.timespan;
// Update the selected tabs
$$('ul#types li').removeClass('selected');
$$('ul#timespans li').removeClass('selected');
$('type_' + HitStats.type).addClass('selected');
$('time_' + HitStats.timespan).addClass('selected');
// Get the data table, hide it, and delete all rows
var data_table = $('chart_data');
data_table.setStyle('display', 'none');
for (var i = data_table.tBodies[0].rows.length; i; i--)
data_table.tBodies[0].deleteRow(i - 1);
var myRequest = new Request(
method: 'post',
url: base_url + 'url_stats/' + HitStats.type + '_' + HitStats.timespan + '/' + HitStats.url_id,
onSuccess: function(data_text)
var data_table = $('chart_data');
// JSON decode the data
var response = JSON.decode(data_text);
// Was there an error?
if (response.error)
alert('An error occurred while getting the graph data: ' + response.message);
// Add all the data to the graph
var data = $H(response.data);
var chartData = new google.visualization.DataTable();
chartData.addColumn('string', 'Date');
chartData.addColumn('number', 'Hits');
var i = -1;
data.each(function(val, label)
chartData.setValue(++i, 0, label);
var data_row = new Element('tr');
// If we just have a number, use that. Otherwise, it's an object with count and text.
if (typeof val != 'object')
chartData.setValue(i, 1, +val);
new Element('td', {'html': label}).inject(data_row);
new Element('td', {'html': val}).inject(data_row);
chartData.setValue(i, 1, +val.count);
new Element('td', {'html': val.text}).inject(data_row);
new Element('td', {'html': val.count}).inject(data_row);
$('loading_chart').setStyle('display', 'none');
type = response.type ? response.type : 'AreaChart'
//var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
// Make a graph based on the type we need
var chart = new google.visualization[type](document.getElementById('chart'));
var chartSettings =
width: '100%',
//height: '100%',
height: '400px',
//is3D: true,
legend: response.type == 'PieChart' ? 'right' : 'none',
title: response.title
if (type == 'LineChart')
chartSettings.colors = ['#199e99'];
chart.draw(chartData, chartSettings);
data_table.setStyle('display', 'table');
}; |