feat: protos refactoring
* start with user
* user first try done in all services
* user, org, idp for discussion
* remove unused stuff
* bla
* dockerbuild
* rename search, get multiple to list...
* add annotation
* update proto dependencies
* update proto dependencies
* change proto imports
* replace all old imports
* fix go out
* remove unused lines
* correct protoc flags
* grpc and openapi flags
* go out source path relative
* -p
* remove dead code
* sourcepath relative
* ls
* is onenapi the problem?
* hobla
* authoption output
* wrong field name
* gopf
* correct option, add correct flags
* small improvments
* relative path
* gopf bin ich en tubel
* correct path
* default policies in admin
* grpc generation in one file
* remove non ascii
* metadata on manipulations
* correct auth_option import
* fixes
* larry
* idp provider to idp
* fix generate
* admin and auth nearly done
* admin and auth nearly done
* gen
* healthz
* imports
* deleted too much imports
* fix org
* add import
* imports
* import
* naming
* auth_opt
* gopf
* management
* imports
* improts
* auth opts
* management policies
* imports
* passwordlessType to MFAType
* auth_opt
* add user grant calls
* add missing messages
* result
* fix option
* improvements
* ids
* fix http
* imports
* fixes
* fields
* body
* add fields
* remove wrong member query
* fix request response
* fixes
* add copy files
* variable versions
* generate all files
* improvements
* add dependencies
* factors
* user session
* oidc information, iam
* remove unused file
* changes
* enums
* dockerfile
* fix build
* remove unused folder
* update readme for build
* move old server impl
* add event type to change
* some changes
* start admin
* remove wrong field
* admin only list calls missing
* fix proto numbers
* surprisingly it compiles
* service ts changes
* admin mgmt
* mgmt
* auth manipulation and gets done, lists missing
* validations and some field changes
* validations
* enum validations
* remove todo
* move proto files to proto/zitadel
* change proto path in dockerfile
* it compiles!
* add validate import
* remove duplicate import
* fix protos
* fix import
* tests
* cleanup
* remove unimplemented methods
* iam member multiple queries
* all auth and admin calls
* add initial password on crate human
* message names
* management user server
* machine done
* fix: todos (#1346 )
* fix: pub sub in new eventstore
* fix: todos
* fix: todos
* fix: todos
* fix: todos
* fix: todos
* fix tests
* fix: search method domain
* admin service, user import type typescript
* admin changes
* admin changes
* fix: search method domain
* more user grpc and begin org, fix configs
* fix: return object details
* org grpc
* remove creation date add details
* app
* fix: return object details
* fix: return object details
* mgmt service, project members
* app
* fix: convert policies
* project, members, granted projects, searches
* fix: convert usergrants
* fix: convert usergrants
* auth user detail, user detail, mfa, second factor, auth
* fix: convert usergrants
* mfa, memberships, password, owned proj detail
* fix: convert usergrants
* project grant
* missing details
* changes, userview
* idp table, keys
* org list and user table filter
* unify rest paths (#1381 )
* unify rest paths
* post for all searches,
mfa to multi_factor,
secondfactor to second_factor
* remove v1
* fix tests
* rename api client key to app key
* machine keys, age policy
* user list, machine keys, changes
* fix: org states
* add default flag to policy
* second factor to type
* idp id
* app type
* unify ListQuery, ListDetails, ObjectDetails field names
* user grants, apps, memberships
* fix type params
* metadata to detail, linke idps
* api create, membership, app detail, create
* idp, app, policy
* queries, multi -> auth factors and missing fields
* update converters
* provider to user, remove old mgmt refs
* temp remove authfactor dialog, build finish
Co-authored-by: Max Peintner <>
Co-authored-by: Fabi <>
Co-authored-by: Livio Amstutz <>
Co-authored-by: Fabiennne <>
2021-03-09 10:30:11 +01:00