Max Peintner 2e684684de
feat(console): message and login texts, privacy policy (#2016)
* message texts wrapper components

* message-text sub, i18n, grid

* fix routing

* pack

* pack

* update material

* audit

* fix mgmt service for labelplcy

* map conv

* edit text from map

* request map

* fetch data, mgmt admin service

* warn box, i18n

* resetbtn

* login texts

* login text requests

* reset, default, i18n

* disabled, features, message text setter, service

* locale switcher

* policy grid

* password reset, domain claimed i18n

* lint files

* fix admin service, i18n, lang setter

* fix scss duplicate

* privacy policy, cleanup grid, fix message, login texts (#2031)

* policy grid everywhere 🦒

* cleanup home

* log login text request

* patch all data

* refresh toggle

* fix: add dialog for unsaved changes (#2057)

* logintexts dialog

* check for dialog on pairwise operation

* fix: patch value to local state after save

* fix: i18n and custom login texts (#2060)

* fix: i18n and custom login texts

* fix: tos and privacy texts

* fix frontend

* fix: tos and privacy texts and tests

* fix: i18n, tos and privacy texts and tests

* fix frontend maps

* i18n

* add ResetCustomLoginTextToDefault in admin api and fix template remove in handlers

* resetlogintexttodefault

Co-authored-by: Livio Amstutz <livio.a@gmail.com>
2021-07-26 12:44:45 +02:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

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